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Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG

Teflon said:
I may have missed it being posted already but has anyone posted a copy of one of these letters yet?

Here you go...


John  W
"We are writing this letter to offer you a dissenting point-of-view about your deployment that we hope will prompt you to reconsider your participation"

There we go,  call the police. I'm sure they can pay a fine, say 1 dollar.  (for each letter they sent)

As for the rest of the letter,  I can understand why a clear thinking logical person could believe what is written there.  I disagree with it though and I'm clear headed and logical.  The difference is that my opinion is not largely coloured by the issues surrounding Iraq. 

Actually, having now read the letter (in decent translation), I can see that they make some good points (the fact that I disagree with those points notwithstanding).

I would also venture to say that they are preaching to the wrong audience.  The soldiers of R22eR, like all Canadian soldiers, have already considered these points - and rejected them.

Let them continue to waste their time and energy (and money) in targeting an unresponsive audience - I'm sure that the "Van Deux" in receipt of this letter have already chucked it into the waste bin - where it belongs.

Yeah, upon mentioning this discussion to my workmates.. "oh, is that what that was??" was heard...
Lets just hope that some of the younger impressionable youg kids, who tend to beleive everything on the internet... letters written by strangers...etc... don't decide to ruin their career by not showing up for their flights.
By the way buzz, that was you behind me on the "Bison Bus" in Wainwright... right, sitting beside the unknowing songstress.
Oh I know.. I even made a reference to "ratcatcher"... not sure if you caught it...
Several people on this forum have asked to see the letters that were sent to the soldiers at Valcartier.

The letters, in English and French, are available at: http://www.valcartier2007.ca ...

The mailout to the soldiers included:

- "An Open Letter to the Soldiers of Valcartier": http://www.valcartier2007.ca/openletter.htm
- "Soldiers in their own words": http://www.valcartier2007.ca/soldiers.htm
- A Message from Hadi Qaderi: http://www.valcartier2007.ca/qaderi_eng.htm
- For more information: http://www.valcartier2007.ca/info_eng.htm

As well, since the mailout, a media section has been added and is frequently updated:

Your constructive comments and feedback are always welcome.
Valcartier 2007 said:
Your constructive comments and feedback are always welcome.

Perhaps we would believe you if you put links to Ruxted Editorials, and some other Blogs, letters, and editorials that offer other views.  Perhaps some of the latest from the Senlis Group on CIDA?  We know you won't, but if you were truly sincere, perhaps you will.......Yes!  That would prove that you are unbiased.  Please do provide some opposing views for your readership.
More info at http://www.valcartier2007.ca

As well, check out "Soldiers in their own words": http://www.valcartier2007.ca/soldiers.htm


For several months you’ve been preparing for your mission to Afghanistan, and you will be leaving shortly for Kandahar. During your training, you’ve been told again and again that your mission is to stabilize Afghanistan, to win the hearts and minds of Afghans, to liberate women, and to establish democracy. We are writing this letter to offer you a dissenting point-of-view about your deployment that we hope will prompt you to reconsider your participation.

The Afghan people have never attacked Canada or Québec, and had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11, 2001. Still, Defence Minister Gordon O’Connor -- who used to work as a lobbyist for corporations and public relations firms who profit from war – recently stated that your presence in Afghanistan is “retribution” for 9-11. [Edmonton Journal, January 21, 2007]

The Canadian government defends its involvement in Afghanistan in the name of women’s liberation. However, the Afghani government that you are defending is comprised of warlords who are just as brutal in their treatment of women as the former Taliban regime. In the words of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA):

“The corrupt and mafia government of Mr. Karzai and its international guardians, are playing shamelessly with the intolerable suffering of Afghan women and misuse it as their propaganda tool for deceiving the people of the world. They have placed some women into official posts in the government who are favored by the warlords and then proclaim it as symbol of "women's liberation" in the country.” [RAWA Statement on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2007, www.rawa.org]

Your deployment in Afghanistan means complicity with the civilian deaths and other activities – like the transfer of prisoners to potential torture and death – that are tantamount to war crimes; here are some examples:

- this past April, US airstrikes killed at least 57 civilians in Herat Province, more than half of who were women and children [International Herald Tribune, May 12 2007];
- earlier, in Nangarhar Province, another 19 civilians, including an infant, were killed indiscriminately by US troops, who forced journalists to erase their videotapes of the incident [CBC News, March 4, 2007].

Canadian troops too have been involved in civilian deaths:

- in March 2006, soldiers shot dead a taxi driver riding near a patrol [CBC News, March 15, 2006];
- in August 2006, a 10 year-old boy was shot and killed [National Post, August 23, 2006];
- in December 2006, an elderly Afghan man was shot and killed [CTV News, December 13, 2006];
- in February 2007, there were two separate incidents involving the killing of Afghan civilians by Canadian troops, including a homeless beggar [Canadian Press, February 17, 2007, CBC News, February 17, 2007 and CTV News, February 19, 2007].

The Afghan mission is based on lies. Canada’s military role in Afghanistan – which began in 2002 – is directly linked to George Bush’s “War on Terror”. 2500 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan means 2500 more US soldiers in Iraq, despite widespread opposition to that war. The “War on Terror” has been a failure, and has meant less safety and security in the world, particularly for the civilian populations of the Middle East. According to your commander in Afghanistan, Major-General Andrew Leslie: "Every time you kill an angry young man overseas, you're creating 15 more who will come after you." [CBC News, August 8, 2005]

The “Taliban” was declared defeated back in 2002 by George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, but more than five years later, they’re inexplicably back and stronger than ever. It’s clear that as long as there are foreign forces in Afghanistan, there will be thousands of average Afghans motivated to actively resist those forces. In North America, the mass media brands all opposition to foreign occupation as "Taliban", that dangerously serves to marginalize all Afghani resistance.

Canada’s role in Afghanistan is a trap. It means on-the-ground Canadian soldiers become “cannon-fodder” for the illogical and unjust policies of generals and politicians.

As armed forces soldiers, you know better than anyone the potential consequences of resisting orders to participate in this mission. But you can refuse to participate in this war. Already, one Canadian reservist has refused to serve in Afghanistan. Daily, US soldiers resist orders to serve in the Middle East, and many have come to Canada to seek refuge.

We write this letter in the spirit of dialogue and debate. We write also to offer our concrete support, in confidence, if you do decide to consider resisting deployment to Afghanistan. Our contact information is below; don’t hesitate to get in touch.

-- Coalition Guerre à la Guerre (Quebec City)
-- Coalition Québec pour la paix (Quebec City)
-- Block the Empire (Montreal)
-- Rassemblement Outaouais contre la guerre

leave, and don't come back.

"Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad. "
Well I have received my answer.

As this person has posted this 'letter', perhaps we can oblige by dissecting it and pointing out its' errors.  :)
George Wallace said:
Well I have received my answer.

As this person has posted this 'letter', perhaps we can oblige by dissecting it and pointing out its' errors.  :)

Perfectly proposed, Mr. Mod.
Ok, perhaps I was hasty , I'll open it up then,

Your little poster boy is a failure, not only did he wash out of the regular force, he washed out of the reserves.
far from being the noble hero you make him out to be,
He failed his phase training and instead of owning up to it he went to the media and cried
"omgz lolz they was going to send me, an untrained wash-out officer cadet to Afghanistan"
He was reservist, and as a reservist he had the choice to decline the opportunity to deploy without anyone else so much as batting an eye.
for those not in the know

"Canadian Army reservist Francisco Juarez on why he refused to be deployed to Afghanistan. Juarez decided to leave the armed forces in 2006, because he disagreed with Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. Although he was repeatedly threatened with jailtime and other punishment, he was eventually fined $500 and “dishonorably” discharged.

[Source: CTV News, September 9, 2006]"
Future Unknown said:
for those not in the know

"Canadian Army reservist Francisco Juarez on why he refused to be deployed to Afghanistan. Juarez decided to leave the armed forces in 2006, because he disagreed with Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. Although he was repeatedly threatened with jailtime and other punishment, he was eventually fined $500 and “dishonorably” discharged.

[Source: CTV News, September 9, 2006]"

Do we have to go into this coward's miserable failure as an Officer Cadet and his whining excuses in his attempts to cover up his weaknesses?  We have a whole topic on this snivelling attempt to make a name for himself. 
WARNING to Valcartier 2007

SPAM is not permitted on this site.  If you insist on spamming this site you and your posts will be BANNED and all traces of you deleted.
Sorry. We didn't think posting the "Open Letter" to this thread once would be considered spam.

We hope we're not banned, as it seems several people on the forum would like to engage in a constructive debate and dialogue about the points raised in our letter. We certainly hope basic discussion on this topic won't be banned, and that we can contribute to the discussion.

Again, looking forward to your constructive criticisms and comments.
