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Ontario Election: New riding and choices.

recceguy said:
Now the NDP has another lunatic. This one wants to kill American gun owners with drones during a civil war.


This is another issue the NDP will need to deal with.  They probably didn’t think they had a chance.  I doubt that most candidates were properly vetted.  Now that they have the lead they will face more scrutiny.  The NDP candidate in my riding looks like a token candidate.  A sociology student from Toronto or something that was placed on the last day they could.  Not very inspiring...
Altair said:

Poll tracker starting to shift.

NDP now winning popular vote,  PCs most seats but continuing to fall.

Lets see how the next few weeks go. This is one of the more interesting elections I've seen in a while.

And sunday’s debate may actually have an impact.
recceguy said:
Now the NDP has another lunatic. This one wants to kill American gun owners with drones during a civil war.


Seems typical.

"Right wingers are a bunch of violent rednecks and we don't need that kind of violence in Canada .  People who want to own assault weapons should be shot with heir own guns to prove a point".

On one hand I find it kind of annoying how people are brought to task over innocuous comments or jobs they made  years ago. That said some people say some pretty psychotic stuff and probably should be turfed over it.

What's REALLY messed up is these  candidates that drop in out of no where with zero experience, may have applied for a joke and all of a sudden win and now have to represent us.

WhomI think (correct me if I'm wrong) will get a bigger pension after two short terms should they get re-elected than the majority of us get after 20+ years of hard service.

Edit: just reading a out the NDP and their idea to make Ontario a sanctuary province. How lovely lol
The people who think Ford will initiate the end-of-days just need to remember what they were saying when they were defending Trudeau against the flip side end-of-days breast-beaters: he will not be the only person in the assembly, and there will be some experienced old hands present.
Brad Sallows said:
The people who think Ford will initiate the end-of-days just need to remember what they were saying when they were defending Trudeau against the flip side end-of-days breast-beaters: he will not be the only person in the assembly, and there will be some experienced old hands present.

I’m not sure people are worried about the end of days.  To be honest I’m seeing more of that fear in the eyes of those terrified of an NDP government.

I think they fear incompetence mixed with a goat rodeo.  The PCs have been such a mess internally that some like myself fear what they would do when in power.  People I think are tired of corrupt politics and other far Dough Ford despite being very disciplined hasn’t quelled that fear.  Real or not.

I’m looking forward to the debate tonight.  My guess is that Horvath will be on the hot seat and it will be testy.  Ford can do well here if he stays on a message of the economy and doesnt fall for any baiting.
Remius said:
People I think are tired of corrupt politics and other far Dough Ford despite being very disciplined hasn’t quelled that fear. 

I voted Ford Nation in 2010. But, decided not to in 2014. Prior to 2018, was he well known outside of Toronto?
Whatever people think about Ford should be immaterial. The grits are for big ongoing social plans and their magical funding. They appear as NDP lite. The NDP on the other hand are hell bent on showing us how they can out greek the Greeks and turn us into an African third world province.

Doug Ford however, is the only candidate fighting to lower our deficit. A moritorium on green energy products and a reviewing of the deal. Costs can be reduced by attrition and retirments.

There is nothing to look forward to from either the grits or dippers. Unless, you are on welfare, an illegal immigrant, recent refugee from the middle east. If you work and pay taxes, the grits and dippers are your enemy.


I knew of the Ford brothers prior to Rob becoming mayor. I knew little of either though. When Doug announced, I checked him, as I did the others like Elliot and Mulroney. Based on who and what, I made my decision.
This piece here sums up a lot for some of us.  Gave me a chuckle.

recceguy said:

I knew of the Ford brothers prior to Rob becoming mayor. I knew little of either though. When Doug announced, I checked him, as I did the others like Elliot and Mulroney. Based on who and what, I made my decision.

Oh, my wife and I will be voting PC.  :)
Remius said:
This piece here sums up a lot for some of us.  Gave me a chuckle.


Too often are we stuck voting for "who's going to screw us the least". The way the Canadian politics is going, we're unlikely to see a change to that paradigm in our lifetimes.
I was pretty well set on voting PC, but after a lot discussion and thought, the debate tonight probably sealed the deal; I'm probably voting Liberal.

As much as I initially hoped the PCs would be the ones who could actually make a difference in the province, and possibly bring back the Mike Harris days, I don't Beleive that either Doug Ford or the PC party (under any leader know how to do that.

I don't think the Liberals can either, because I don't think ANYONE can. No matter your political ideology, any government elected will be forced to tax and spend the province to death or face political suicide. I think that's the socio-economics of today's society, spurred on by social media and or demand for instant  gratification. We're not willing to sacrifice for anything.

So why the liberals? Plain and simple: experience. Like them or hate them, the liberals have been doing this for a long time now; they actually know how to do their jobs. Some you might hate, but other are real honest politicians who've fought for their constituents for years, like the liberal incumbent in St. Catharines. The PCs I think have the second best cadre of "component" legislators, but under the leadership of Doug Ford, who is inexperienced and doesn't even have a platform yet, they still fall second to the Liberals. Don't even get me started on the NDP. Andrea Horwath actually comes off, to me, as the most "stomachable" leader of the big three, but her party is so full of inexperience wack jobs... Nuff said.

So, if you don't believe that any platform is capable of actually "fixing" the province, regardless of how much you might agree with their platform, then I think the smarter choice is to stick with the devil you know, and those with the most actual experience.

My 2c.
A population always gets the government it deserves.
The Liberals sure do have experience. Experience in wasting billions to keep themselves in power, and experience absolutely screwing over the middle class with hydro rates doubling in under 10 years. The devil we know is the one that's turned Ontario into a have-not province and torpedoed any ability to rebuild the manufacturing sector. Not to mention the ill-advice skyrocketting of the minimum wage which has led to 35K part time jobs lost (https://economics.td.com/provincial-economic-forecast) in the first 3 months of the year and boosted the Consumer Price Index (basically taxing the middle class to pay for the minimum wage earners).
PuckChaser said:
The Liberals sure do have experience. Experience in wasting billions to keep themselves in power, and experience absolutely screwing over the middle class with hydro rates doubling in under 10 years. The devil we know is the one that's turned Ontario into a have-not province and torpedoed any ability to rebuild the manufacturing sector. Not to mention the ill-advice skyrocketting of the minimum wage which has led to 35K part time jobs lost (https://economics.td.com/provincial-economic-forecast) in the first 3 months of the year and boosted the Consumer Price Index (basically taxing the middle class to pay for the minimum wage earners).

And I'm saying, any one of the three parties will either continue or exacerbate these issues.
Lumber said:
And I'm saying, any one of the three parties will either continue or exacerbate these issues.
yeah, none of these people or their parties will help ontario.

NDP and Liberals would tax and spend, PCs will hack and slash.

As for the debate,  Doug ford didn't have any concrete answers for the questions he was asked about, simply saying that the NDP are scary.

Andrea didn't find a problem that she couldn't tax the rich for the solution.

Kathleen pretty much said nothing to see here folks,  everything is fine.

No knockout blow,  hard to say how this will effect things on the ground.
I do feel for everyone in Ontario with this election.  I think no matter wins, you'll all lose.  It will just be a matter of how much pain will come with the win.
Altair said:
yeah, none of these people or their parties will help ontario.

NDP and Liberals would tax and spend, PCs will hack and slash.

As for the debate,  Doug ford didn't have any concrete answers for the questions he was asked about, simply saying that the NDP are scary.

Andrea didn't find a problem that she couldn't tax the rich for the solution.

Kathleen pretty much said nothing to see here folks,  everything is fine.

No knockout blow,  hard to say how this will effect things on the ground.

My take on the debate is:

Wynne was irrelevant.  She’s a good speaker but irrelevant.  The only thing she succeeded in doing was maybe scare more middle of the road voters into voting NDP.

Horvath was annoying.  She kept cutting people off and interrupting.

Ford was all catchphrases and no substance.

I’m voting early.  Without an actual party plan it likely will not be PC and I really wanted to vote PC again this time.  I was think of a declined vote but NOTA may get it instead. 

None of the big three deserves my vote. I’ll get my wish to see the Liberals go but it’s sad that we have no real alternative and echo some of the posters’ above.
I thought Wynne won the debate and I agree with previous comments that she has the party with the most experience to run the government.
Ford, what can I say, he will never get my vote. That leaves Horvath and her party with no experience in governing.
Like many here I am in a quandary between Liberal and NDP. :(