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Ontario Election: New riding and choices.

Baden Guy said:
Ford, what can I say, he will never get my vote.

If he doesn't get in at Queen's Park, there will be nothing stopping him from campaigning ( again ) for City Hall.

Now you Ontarians know what it was like to be an American voter in 2016.... :not-again:
mariomike said:
If he doesn't get in at Queen's Park, there will be nothing stopping him from campaigning ( again ) for City Hall.

Long as he doesn't run against Bonnie Crombie !  :nod:
Baden Guy said:
Long as he doesn't run against Bonnie Crombie !  :nod:

The good news for Mississauga is,

Statement: Mayor Crombie Welcomes Kathleen Wynne and Doug Ford’s Commitment to Fund Hurontario LRT

“I am pleased that both the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne and the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, Doug Ford have committed, if elected as Premier, to fully fund and build the Hurontario Rapid Light Transit (LRT) system."

From what I have read, Hurontario is the busiest bus route in the GTA.

Hopefully, if there is a change in government, the Hurontario LRT won't suffer the same fate the Eglinton subway did as a result of the 1995 Ontario election.

There was a subway already under construction under Eglinton Avenue in Toronto. But, after Premier Mike Harris got in, he proceeded to rebury the project (literally, the fill that was dug out for the subway tunnel was dumped back in to refill it). And only now is there transit construction underneath Eglinton again.

Mayor Rob Ford announced the cancellation of Transit City the day he got in: "No more war on the car."

Doug voted to cut TTC funding by 10 per cent.

Hopefully, if he gets in, he will keep his word and not cancel the Hurontario LRT.


Fact-checking Doug Ford’s transit promises

Remius said:
My take on the debate is:

Wynne was irrelevant.  She’s a good speaker but irrelevant.  The only thing she succeeded in doing was maybe scare more middle of the road voters into voting NDP.

Horvath was annoying.  She kept cutting people off and interrupting.

Ford was all catchphrases and no substance.

I’m voting early.  Without an actual party plan it likely will not be PC and I really wanted to vote PC again this time.  I was think of a declined vote but NOTA may get it instead. 

None of the big three deserves my vote. I’ll get my wish to see the Liberals go but it’s sad that we have no real alternative and echo some of the posters’ above.

I'm new to Ontario. None of the 3 impress me so I voted for NOTA at the advance poll.
Several posters have bemoaned the fact that this party or that lack qualified candidates to run the province. Does this mean that you accept the fact that being a politician is a profession in and of itself? I know it is naïve,  but I have always thought the purpose of a democracy was to have individuals from the community stand for office so they can attempt to affect change at the various levels (municipal, provincial, and federal). If you believe only those with experience running the province can be trusted to hold the mantles of power, then the incumbent gov't should always win, and why have more than one party then?

Let's be honest, the bureaucrats run the province. The politicians are only meant to provide the direction based on the wants of the people they serve. So, if your only reason not to vote NDP is their lack of experience, then vote NDP and hope they learn along the way. If you want to vote PC, but are scared of the leader, vote PC anyway and see what happens. If you think Wynne deserves 5 more years to try and unscrew the mess they have made in the last 13 or so, then well, maybe you should stay home  ;D At the end of the day, the decision we make now we will only have to live with for 5 years, and then change will come again. 
I would have almost considered the NDP even with their inexperience and candidates who don't seem military friendly but after hearing about their Sanctuary-Province idea they'd be worse than Wynne and the Liberals.
captloadie said:
If you want to vote PC, but are scared of the leader, vote PC anyway and see what happens.

I voted Ford Nation in 2010 and saw what happened.  :)

But, everyone deserves a fresh start now and then, so,

mariomike said:
Oh, my wife and I will be voting PC.  :)

Jarnhamar said:
I would have almost considered the NDP even with their inexperience and candidates who don't seem military friendly but after hearing about their Sanctuary-Province idea they'd be worse than Wynne and the Liberals.


Toronto has asked the province, which does have authority over these services, to designate itself as Santuary Ontario.

PC Leader Doug Ford voted in favour of these actions while on Toronto council, so Hussan expects he would not oppose doing so at the provincial level.


Jarnhamar said:
I would have almost considered the NDP even with their inexperience and candidates who don't seem military friendly but after hearing about their Sanctuary-Province idea they'd be worse than Wynne and the Liberals.

Hmn.  That would conflict with Ford’s voting history with the city where he supported something similar...

That might explain why he hasn’t had much to say on the sanctuary province issue.
Ford voted in support of making Ontario a sanctuary province? Where police would refuse federal immigration enforcement?

Guess I'll have to find someone else too.
It's a stupid ideological idea,  I doubt any sober provincial solicitor general who takes their job seriously would go to the bother of issuing directives and guidelines respecting policy matters like sanctuary cities for only one municipality when that could clearly violate the Constitution anyway.

"...any Law of the Legislature of a Province relative to Agriculture or to Immigration shall have effect in and for the Province as long and as far only as it is not repugnant to any Act of the Parliament of Canada.
"Inexperience" just might be the laziest cop-out there is.  The charge was leveled against the federal Liberals and Trudeau; it was leveled against the Conservatives and Harper.  An inexperienced or agenda-free government could do almost nothing at all for its first few months in office and the day-to-day operations of running the political entity will continue.

A fresh government at least has the promise of offering some new ideas at some point, and will be subject to the usual reality checks.  I don't recall any historical examples of flailing, stale, self-absorbed, clinging-to-power governments that, when re-elected, suddenly were full of awesome new ideas and fiscal responsibility.
Brad Sallows said:
A fresh government at least has the promise of offering some new ideas at some point, and will be subject to the usual reality checks.  I don't recall any historical examples of flailing, stale, self-absorbed, clinging-to-power governments that, when re-elected, suddenly were full of awesome new ideas and fiscal responsibility.

Well said.  The last two elections in Ontario proved your point.
Gonna leave this here.....


Thursday7 June will tell the story ;)


Larry Strong said:
Gonna leave this here.....


Thursday7 June will tell the story ;)


I wouldn’t be surprised if it drops more.  Her performance at the debate wasn’t very good.
Remius said:
I wouldn’t be surprised if it drops more.  Her performance at the debate wasn’t very good.
This poll is showing something quite odd.

The PCs are up one point, margin of error territory.

The liberals are at the same level of support.

The NDP are down 3 points.

But if the PCs and Liberals didn't budge, where did that support go?

The Ontario green party up from 4 percent to 7. Ah, there we go. NDP bled support to the greens. Interesting. I would like to see if this lasts.

The poll, conducted between May 25 and 27, so we shall see in the next week how that changes things, and if this green surge is a real thing.

This poll, taken around the same time, showing something a little different

The poll represents the last two days of Mainstreet’s Ontario Daily Tracker and was fielded on May 26th and May 27th – entirely before the Ontario Leaders’ Debate. The poll surveyed 1682 Ontarians and has a margin of error of +/- 2.39% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

Among decided and leaning voters, the NDP currently enjoy 39.3% support (+10% from Mainstreet’s May 18th poll), while the PCs are currently at 37.9% (-4%). The Ontario Liberal Party led by Kathleen Wynne are at 16% (-6.3%). While the Greens led by Mike Schreiner are at 4.5% (-0.5%).
To Mainstreet has the PCs around the same, at 37, liberal vote collapsing further, much lower than IPSOS at 16, and the greens around their average of 4 percent as opposed to 7 in IPSOS.

Taken together, I don't see the NDP being as high as Mainstreet, or as low as IPSOS, probably around 37 percent, tied with the PCs, who both say are around 37 percent. I don't think the liberals are as low as Mainstreet or as high as IPSOS, 20 percent maybe? I do think mainstreet has the Greens accurately, I think IPSOS will be the outlier here, greens at 7? I would want to see other polls confirm this near doubling of support for the 4th party before I buy that one.
I was quite surprised at the polled level of support for the PC party in Northern Ontario- 39%. 


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"star" NDP candidate  :nod:


I know some police officers who feel the same way about the NDP, but have class, wisdom and maturity to hold their tongue.