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Ontario Election: New riding and choices.

Good2Golf said:
Indeed!  Can you imagine?  A political party given a majority mandate from the electorate despite receiving approximately 40  per cent of the popular vote?

I guess the article had something to do with this discussion,

Electoral Reform
42 pages.
Been a long time since I took Sex-Ed in school. But, whatever it is now, he is repealing it.

"One of the first moves, however, will be scrapping the modernized sex education curriculum opposed by social conservatives, he noted."
“We’re repealing it.”

After winning a Liberal majority, Premier Kathleen Wynne reintroduced a very similar radical Sex Ed Curriculum from the one she developed as Education Minister, and which outraged parents back in 2010. In spite of multiple protests, student strikes, and petitions, the Ontario government disregarded the concerns of parents and began to implement the controversial curriculum in the summer of 2016. According to many reports, schools only began teaching the new curriculum during the last 2 weeks in June, after report cards were finished and when there was nothing left to grade. Effectively, 2016/2017 is the first school year in which it was implemented. 

In 2010, parents and religious leaders came out angrily against Liberal plans to teach early grades about age-inappropriate topics like masturbation, anal intercourse, oral sex, vaginal lubrication, and the idea that being male or female is merely a “social construct”. So strong was the backlash that McGuinty “shelved” the curriculum after only 3 days of public outcry.
The Premier-elect's entire experience in government was in Ward 2.

Rob Ford was the Ward 2 councillor prior to Doug.

Nephew Michael Ford became the Ward 2 councillor after Doug.

Other than his late brother Rob, Ward 23 Councillor Filion likely knew Doug Ford about as well as anyone at City Hall.

Councillor Filion offered these ten points,


1. Doug Ford will move very quickly. Doug is an action figure who'll want to demonstrate that there’s a new alpha male running Ontario. No time – and no need - for careful analysis before acting.

2. Doug Ford will be persistently combative. Doug is a brawler who won the fight. The other side can try to swing back – and he'll be delighted if they do, so he has a reason to flatten them again.

3. Doug Ford will be deliberately divisive: he’ll want to keep his supporters cheering and the other side booing. That’s all part of the show.

4. For Doug Ford, politics is a continuous battle. The next campaign will start the first day in office.

5. Doug Ford wants attention. If things get too quiet or are going too smoothly, he’ll create controversy so that the media will be forced to pay attention.

6. Expect Doug Ford's Trump-like attacks on mainstream media. He'll use friendly media, his own media, and rallies “for the people.” The Star, Globe and CBC will be characterized as elite establishment who will do anything to stop him from helping people.

7. Doug Ford will totally control the PC party, demanding total loyalty. Any PCs who don't follow him anywhere he wants to go will be sidelined.

8. Doug Ford will expect a partisan bureaucracy, likely causing a big turnover in its ranks. If bureaucrats attempt to provide independent advice that contradicts what he wants, they will be replaced.

9. Expect outrageous statements by Doug Ford. Also ethical lapses by him and other Conservative MPPs who will be so partisan in their approach that they'll see helping political and personal friends as part of the normal role of government.

10. Expect from Doug Ford a Trump-like propensity for untruths, the distortion of reality and extreme exaggeration – especially when describing his accomplishments and public support for his actions.

I think Ontario will be better off with Ford than they'd be with Horvath and her party in power.
Outstanding results....one down....two more to go next year...... Woot Woot  :cheers:

mariomike said:
How many politicians have had to write a formal apology to the Chief of Police?

Not him.  Singh the lesser.
This thread has required too many interventions by the DS due to violations of the rules that Mike laid down with regard to political discourse.

If you are unsure as to what they are, please take a moment and reacquaint yourself:  How to engage in political discourse on Army.ca

- Staff
In Ontario, there's a riding of under 70K voters, and another with over 170K.

Oh, democracy...

With the conclusion of the election, this topic has run it's course.

After action comments related to the election are open until June 14th, before this topic is locked.

Milnet Staff
So, Doug Ford said all the right things, and ticked off many of his fans for not bashing Justin. Crazy comments on this tweet.


We will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Prime Minister and the people of Canada. My number one goal is to protect jobs in Ontario, starting with my unwavering support for our steel and aluminum workers.

Here's a sample response

Replying to @fordnation
Shit, how do I retract my vote?! I voted PC to get away from all the Liberal mindsets altogether. Now you're buddying up with he who is rapidly destroying the Canada I love.
Altair said:
Here's a sample response

Replying to @fordnation
Shit, how do I retract my vote?! I voted PC to get away from all the Liberal mindsets altogether. Now you're buddying up with he who is rapidly destroying the Canada I love.

I hear lots of grits that say the same about Trudeau. Chattering classes. No consequence.
Altair said:

We will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Prime Minister and the people of Canada. My number one goal is to protect jobs in Ontario, starting with my unwavering support for our steel and aluminum workers.

Doug Ford also declared his "unwavering" support for Donald Trump.

To understand the roots of Ford Nation, it might help to understand Ward 2. ( For those unfamiliar with the ward. )

There are 47 wards in the city.

Rob was the Ward 2 councillor from 2000-10, Doug from 2010-14, nephew Michael Ford from 2014 - present.

Until last week, Doug never held elected office beyond the confines of Ward 2.

You can also read their book, "Ford Nation: two brothers, one vision".

Then get out to a Ford Fest or FN rally. Enjoy the People’s Festival!

There was a Ford Fest in 3D on Youtube, but it was removed.

However, this will give you a taste of an indoor FN rally.

The pic is from an outdoor Ford Fest.



  • fordfest1.jpg
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recceguy said:
I hear lots of grits that say the same about Trudeau. Chattering classes. No consequence.
I actually question how many of those are russian bots.
Altair said:
I actually question how many of those are russian bots.

For reference to the discussion,


WASHINGTON—The same Russian online troll farm that meddled in the American presidential election has also taken swipes at Canadian targets, including oil infrastructure and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

With inhuman frequency, army of bots shares news about Doug Ford on Twitter and Facebook

Altair said:
...Here's a sample response

Replying to @fordnation
crap, how do I retract my vote?! I voted PC to get away from all the Liberal mindsets altogether. Now you're buddying up with he who is rapidly destroying the Canada I love.

IMHO Canadians need to put down their party politics and realize that we are all in this together. Even the Trump-lovers among us might want to remember what country they belong to (if only for a minute...). Trump and his base really couldn't care less about Canada, nor about any other weird foreigners. No votes to be had there!

We are now learning the hard way that countries (especially big powerful countries) don't have friends-they have interests.  And, almost always, those interests are beholden to domestic politics. Like Truman once said: "Foreign policy is domestic politics with its hat on"  Trump has that tattooed over his heart.

While I don't put a lot of stock in the PM, I do have great faith in our Foreign Minister: I think she is every bit as tough as anybody on Trump's gang. I want her and the team to succeed: the alternative will be bad for us all.

Maybe Doug Ford, as a businessman with interests in the US, realizes something that some of his base don't seem to understand: Ontario depends on open access to US markets. US protectionism (a dragon that never really dies: it just dozes for a few years) is very bad for Ontario.

Ford got into office as a representative of The Common Man: many of those common men (and women) may have no jobs if the US doesn't start acting like a mature and reasonable trading partner and not a petulant, unpredictable adversary. Since provinces don't negotiate national trade deals like NAFTA, Ford really has little choice but to support the Govt.

And, don't forget that the Canadian trade team is not just a Liberal effort: it's also closely advised by Tories like Rona Ambrose and Brian Mulroney.