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Ontario Election: New riding and choices.

whiskey601 said:
I know some police officers who feel the same way about the NDP, but have class, wisdom and maturity to hold their tongue.

I recall the Ontario police and fire union ad campaigns in the last election.

Ontario Provincial Police Association ( OPPA )

Ontario Provincial Firefighters Association ( OPFFA )

whiskey601 said:
I know some police officers who feel the same way about the NDP, but have class, wisdom and maturity to hold their tongue.

Some more examples of NDP candidate thoughts on that link.

Droning gun owners.
Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan are murdering men women and children.
Wearing the poppy is glorifying war (or words to the effect).

Guess Im back to Mr Ford and hope he changes he actually doesn't support  the sanctuary province non-sense.

Lowering gas prices would be great too.
Jarnhamar said:
Guess Im back to Mr Ford and hope he changes he actually doesn't support  the sanctuary province non-sense.

Considering some have already voted, I'm hoping it won't be long before he releases the cost of his political platform,
mariomike said:
Oh, my wife and I will be voting PC.  :)

Jarnhamar said:
Why? Because doing so might make you vote for him?

Because everybody deserves a fresh start now and then. I'm only familiar with his record as a city councillor.

I support provincial and municipal politicians who support our emergency services. Sometimes, their support seems a mile wide and an inch deep.

On Rob and Doug's watch, Toronto fire stations were shut-down.

Including one only a 1 km. walk from my home. ( Attached photo. ) It had been in operation since 1927. The sign on the door reads, "Closed by Rob Ford."

"Stop the gravy train" was the Ford Nation slogan back then.


“This is not about politics. It’s about public safety. They (Ford brothers) are misleading the public. The citizens aren’t aware of this, we’re making them aware because we’re concerned,” Kennedy added, noting firefighters are working on their off-time to notify residents in the four affected communities about the reduction in service.

Ed Kennedy, president of the Toronto Professional Firefighters Association ( TPFFA )




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.........I'm hoping it won't be long before he (Ford) releases the cost of his political platform ....

Why, what Party keeps election promises, intent, red books, etc?
I had been considering Trillium Party as a protest vote, but seeing the NDP polling close to the PC has changed my mind. I don't particularly trust or like most politicians, but I really dislike the idea that continued deficit spending is the key to prosperity... seems far too much like Greece, Portugal, Spain, etc..

I think the voter turnout will decide this election, and traditionally the more conservative minded voters turn out in greater numbers.
Not everything that is shut down is a loss.  Very common example: schools are closed every year owing to demographic shifts, just as new ones are opened or existing ones are expanded.  Keeping surplus capacity operating costs money.  Maintaining unused real estate costs money.  There are too many calls on public purses for any one service to be operating above minimum requirement - more of X means less of Y, but Y is often one of those "unseen" things that is never included in the measurements.

It's impossible to judge any assertion about public services without knowing the whole (area coverage) picture.
Doug released his, "Plan For The People",


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jollyjacktar said:

Damn! Didn't realize Zod was running. I voted in the advance poll and voted for my local NOTA candidate.
FSTO said:
Damn! Didn't realize Zod was running. I voted in the advance poll and voted for my local NOTA candidate.

Same.  He would have had my vote.
FSTO said:
Damn! Didn't realize Zod was running. I voted in the advance poll and voted for my local NOTA candidate.

Did you drive there or walk?
Wynn acknowledges she's going down in flames and is trying to get some damage control.

Wynne acknowledges election is lost, urges voters to ensure NDP or PC minority
Some polls suggest the Liberals could lose official party status with fewer than 8 seats

Doesn't matter if you're behind in the polls or not, if you get in an election race you run it to the end.  Quitting now frankly disgraceful IMO  She shouldn't have run at all. She didn't care about her supporters, her caucus members no one but herself. Sounds cliché but the only poll that counts is election night
A Liberal vote is truly a wasted vote in this election, and she saw to that

One guess, and that's all it is, is that the Liberal's polling says that the NDP's momentum has stalled, even slipped away and the Conservatives are headed towards a comfortable majority ... that will spell trouble for the Liberals because the PCPO will, very likely, want to open two or three judicial inquiries into various things that were done by both the McGuinty and Wynne administrations ... a Horwath government that depends upon LPO support might be willing to overlook the past 15 years.

Maybe she's making a 'Hail Mary' play to try to stave off something worse than just losing the election.
E.R. Campbell said:
... a Horwath government that depends upon LPO support...

Will be just as bad as it is now, because the liberals will hold the balance of power.
Jarnhamar said:
I don't think Wynne is even voting liberal anymore.

I wonder what her announcement does to her own, personal chances of winning her own riding (Don Vally West). My suspicion is that most of the soft left voters in Don Valley West will, now, take her statement as a signal to vote NDP and some (many?) Liberals might do the same ~ sauve qui peut and all that ~ just to try and keep the seat in the progressive camp. Equally I wonder if some right wing Liberals will not abandon Wynne because she's, in effect, given up and throw their support behind Team Ford.

Wynne won Don Valley West with 57% of the vote in 2014 ~ that's in landslide territory except for the fact that the PCPO candidate took 30% of the vote. I don't think the riding is terribly progressive and a lot of the people who voted for Wynne may be more inclined to swing right than left ...

... just my  :2c:
E.R. Campbell said:
I wonder what her announcement does to her own, personal chances of winning her own riding (Don Vally West). My suspicion is that most of the soft left voters in Don Valley West will, now, take her statement as a signal to vote NDP and some (many?) Liberals might do the same ~ sauve qui peut and all that ~ just to try and keep the seat in the progressive camp. Equally I wonder if some right wing Liberals will not abandon Wynne because she's, in effect, given up and throw their support behind Team Ford.

Wynne won Don Valley West with 57% of the vote in 2014 ~ that's in landslide territory except for the fact that the PCPO candidate took 30% of the vote. I don't think the riding is terribly progressive and a lot of the people who voted for Wynne may be more inclined to swing right than left ...

... just my  :2c:

Is it only me that sees the irony in the fact that the only party that actually has the word "progressive" in its party name is the PCPO?  ;D
