I'll believe it when I see it.
I don't understand your logic and yes, I don't wear a uniform. We are maintaining combat arms in Latvia. In the event of either war (hopefully not) or as part of a peace mission in Ukraine, or even as our contribution to the UN it is combat arms that seem to be required. When the floods and fires hit it is the combat forces that are drawn upon to fill sandbags. I understand the need for support functions i.e. air force transport and the need for a robust navy to guard the shorelines and provide a presence and all that but I don't see where you can reduce py's in reg. force combat arms. These are the guys called first and they seem to be rotating out constantlyMaybe the total CAF RegF numbers shouldn't be cut but a change in the way they are distributed is likely needed. RegF PY's should be focused on those that regularly deploy and those that support them - largely RCN and RCAF pers along with a core of the CA. Some of these PY's could come from a rationalization of HQ's, etc. and others can come from a shift of a portion of combat arms PY's from the RegF to the ResF.
Is it efficient to have large numbers of troops paid full-time waiting in case there is a deployment or if there is a forest fire? Things like Latvia should be a posting so you have known personnel requirements. The whole purpose of having Reservists is that you can call upon them when something unplanned comes up without needing to pay them full-time waiting to be needed. 100% agree that known requirements should be met with full-time members (or a mix of full-time and planned part-time augmentation).I don't understand your logic and yes, I don't wear a uniform. We are maintaining combat arms in Latvia. In the event of either war (hopefully not) or as part of a peace mission in Ukraine, or even as our contribution to the UN it is combat arms that seem to be required. When the floods and fires hit it is the combat forces that are drawn upon to fill sandbags. I understand the need for support functions i.e. air force transport and the need for a robust navy to guard the shorelines and provide a presence and all that but I don't see where you can reduce py's in reg. force combat arms. These are the guys called first and they seem to be rotating out constantly
Maybe the total CAF RegF numbers shouldn't be cut but a change in the way they are distributed is likely needed. RegF PY's should be focused on those that regularly deploy and those that support them - largely RCN and RCAF pers along with a core of the CA. Some of these PY's could come from a rationalization of HQ's, etc. and others can come from a shift of a portion of combat arms PY's from the RegF to the ResF.
just because the base is a F550 does not make it not viable. Being quick and cheap to produce but still meets STANAG requirements makes it worthy of evaluation. The fact an army in an active conflict for the past 3 years loves them, and keeps wanting more also speaks volumes about the design and its reliability. It is easy to produce designs like this that would end up becoming a workhorse if the balloon went up because because it 120 vehicles a month, it can likely keep up with attrition.Roshel doesn't build vehicles, they modify a Ford 550.
It isn't a viable design for the CA.
And when when we talk about numbers we need to talk about full authorized strength of the CAF not actual strength. We need to get there as a starting point.I don’t think you can harvest much from the Reg Force Combat Arms. The units aren’t fully manned at this point, and more capabilities are required.
But I think one needs to look at the PY’s and be ruthless with who is retained in certain trades. People who can’t deploy need to be replaced, and some positions be changed to Government Civilian from uniformed personnel.
just because the base is a F550 does not make it not viable. Being quick and cheap to produce but still meets STANAG requirements makes it worthy of evaluation. The fact an army in an active conflict for the past 3 years loves them, and keeps wanting more also speaks volumes about the design and its reliability. It is easy to produce designs like this that would end up becoming a workhorse if the balloon went up because because it 120 vehicles a month, it can likely keep up with attrition.
Level II ballastic and level III blast, This isn't some half assed vehicle, and in comparison to some of the other vehicles trying to replace the G wagon only have level 1 with upgrade packages to level 2 ballistic.STANAG Level what…
More details can be found here:
Let's talk about the Koreans
David ******** was the first to report of the recent meeting in Ottawa last week...noahscornerofrandomstuff.substack.com
given they also discussed manufacturing opportunities, especially in light of the trade war, if they want to set up any kind of production in canada, it seems like a no brainer for industrial offsets.And the Army Recognition website is reporting that South Korea is proposing their K9 SP gun as a candidate for Canada's new SP gun.
Flash News: South Korea Proposes K9 Howitzer as Alternative to US Artillery in Canada’s Modernization Plan
Flash News: South Korea Proposes K9 Howitzer as Alternative to US Artillery in Canada’s Modernization Planarmyrecognition.com
Apart from the fact that last week Canadian and South Korean officials got together and talked about future defence ties, I don't think there is anything official about any SK proposal. Plus, the fact that the IFM RFI is written in such a away to favour a wheeled system over a wheeled system.
It will be interesting to see what the future brings.
Go buy it for domestic airfield security - but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it is a viable combat vehicle.
Level II ballastic and level III blast, This isn't some half assed vehicle, and in comparison to some of the other vehicles trying to replace the G wagon only have level 1 with upgrade packages to level 2 ballistic.
Combat vehicle? this never was designed to storm into the enemy head first, if evaluating a vehicle, evaluate its intended role.
If the CAF Iltis was a 6cylinder, it wouldn’t have been so bad, but again the issue was it was too small for a lot of the roles it was acquired for.Bombardier Iltis enters the conversation.
You're misunderstanding the scope of the project, it's never going to be a combat vehicle. It's going to be at best an A Ech vehicle.STANAG Level what…
Look at the loss rate of Infantry Mobility Vehicles in Ukraine, and the breakdowns by type.
Furthermore, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Ukraine ain’t going to shit on anything they can get, because it’s better than nothing.
Canada isn’t in the same situation, and should not situate the estimate to take a half assed platform that will just get a lot of people killed.
Go buy it for domestic airfield security - but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it is a viable combat vehicle.
I get the role. What I question is the program definition.You're misunderstanding the scope of the project, it's never going to be a combat vehicle. It's going to be at best an A Ech vehicle.