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Cremated Taliban as Psy-Op Tool?

geo said:
Oh yeah... why shouldn't I be?

with respect to the media... while I am not particularly a big fan of the media's being embeded within line units......... you have to be a total moron to try & pull the stunt they did ... knowing fully well that reporters were standing there taking notes, making their list and checking it twice............ how stupid can you be?

Also... would it have been any less correct or incorrect if the reporters hadn't of been there?   If the locals had kicked up a fuss for this insensitive act; they might have decided to throw their support to the Taliban or Osama for our trouble... nice, real nice!

There seems to be a case for the incinerating of the two corpses and the locals relinquished any association  with regard to the rites or burial. Therefore if might be conclued that any Vocal Taunting would not incite the locals oneway or the other (other than direct insult to the Koran or Islam).

If the Psyop Team is a recognized and a functional Unit, therefore are they not performing their assigned duties in taking advantage of this opportunity Calling your Enemy Lily Livered, Girly like and Cowards is not insensitive but definitely insulting to a Soldiers Manhood etc. (which is exactly the effect desired). I imagine that if the hiding unit had been U.S Marines, PPCLI, RCR or R 22e R, the taunting enemy had better get out of there damn fast because our lads would have poured out of there like Mad Hornets. Sorry I regress, I'm confusing Soldiers with the Taliban.

The Insensitivity and Defilement fuss, was the results of the Media and a very pro Taliban and anti-American one at that.

Regardless whether from Stupidity, Bad Judgement or plain old Bad Luck, these Fighting men do not deserve to be back stabbed with remarks like "I Hope They Get The Book Thrown at Them", especially from Serving or Ex Servicemen.
If I understand correctly, many of these fighters believe that they will go to Paradise to be services by 70-odd virgins if they die while fighting or bombing infidels.

If I also understand correctly, Muslims will not go to Paradise if their body is buried with any part of a pig.

If Taliban or Al Queada fighters knew that they would be buried wrapped in pig skin if they died fighting the infidel, would they be so keen to die and be refused entry to Paradise?

Methinks not...
RangerRay said:
If I understand correctly, many of these fighters believe that they will go to Paradise to be services by 70-odd virgins if they die while fighting or bombing infidels.

If I also understand correctly, Muslims will not go to Paradise if their body is buried with any part of a pig.

If Taliban or Al Queada fighters knew that they would be buried wrapped in pig skin if they died fighting the infidel, would they be so keen to die and be refused entry to Paradise?

Methinks not...

See!, you're never to old to learn something new.

Hey RangerRay, ever think about joining your local Pysop's ;D.
The Brits used to employ that tactic in India and other localities they ran where muslim insurgents became a problem.
RangerRay said:
If I understand correctly, many of these fighters believe that they will go to Paradise to be services by 70-odd virgins if they die while fighting or bombing infidels.

If I also understand correctly, Muslims will not go to Paradise if their body is buried with any part of a pig.

If Taliban or Al Queada fighters knew that they would be buried wrapped in pig skin if they died fighting the infidel, would they be so keen to die and be refused entry to Paradise?

Methinks not...

Funny, I said the exact same thing, somewhere in the forums, a few months ago.  I think the problem with these rabid animals, is that they've shown they are more than willing to modify the requirements of their faith, as needed.
They were burned for the welfare of there soldiers, so who gives a F**K if the media is there and if the media uses this as a tool to bring down the men, well stop taking the media with us! cut and dry and yes i know this is not going to happen, but i see this being a problem with my unit going over since Can PAO's fear the media in our country,, i will have one in my hip pocket everywhere i go!  :threat:
the media is not / should not be the problem.... you are painting them as being the source of the problem... and in this particulat care - the were not!
The infantry platoon did their job. pure and simple.
they had corpses - they asked the local village to haul the trash away and the locals deferred - not a problem.
The platoon commander made a commander made a command decision and chose to cremate the remains - not a problem.
The media filmed the event - not a problem
The Psyop boys took the photos and footage of the event and turned it into something that it wasn't - PROBLEM
The local population took offense - PROBLEM
The media boys were around and reported this twisting of the truth, it's intent and it's results - BIGGER PROBLEM.
The internationa population took offense - PROBLEM
No kidding.......

Cdn Psyops personnel do not work along the same doctrine as the US ones do.... I have met many and I do not believe they will / would stoop to this type of op.
geo said:
the media is not / should not be the problem.... you are painting them as being the source of the problem... and in this particulat care - the were not!
The infantry platoon did their job. pure and simple.
they had corpses - they asked the local village to haul the trash away and the locals deferred - not a problem.
The platoon commander made a commander made a command decision and chose to cremate the remains - not a problem.
The media filmed the event - not a problem
The Psyop boys took the photos and footage of the event and turned it into something that it wasn't - PROBLEM
The local population took offense - PROBLEM
The media boys were around and reported this twisting of the truth, it's intent and it's results - BIGGER PROBLEM.
The internationa population took offense - PROBLEM
No kidding.......

Cdn Psyops personnel do not work along the same doctrine as the US ones do.... I have met many and I do not believe they will / would stoop to this type of op.

Sorry, I stand to be corrected on this one, I must of missed where the LOCAL residents protested or were out raged by the Pysop's antics, all the fuss of Locals and International came after the Media broke the storey ?.

Another interesting point, was the Taunting done in English or Arabic.

Probably Pashtun.... locals aren't all that fluent