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Marine Corps probe video showing troops "urinating on dead Taliban"

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On the lighter side......


here have been startling reports in the different blogs and websites and media release circulating around “diaper scarcity” or “the US-NATO troops in diapers” over the past couple of weeks.

Few days ago, I came upon an amusingly newsworthy report under the title “diapered soldier” or so that I’d kind of like to share with you.

According to the newspaper reports, the US authorities have quietly and unofficially requested the Pakistani authorities for the immediate provision of the tissue paper and pampers in the recent times.

A diplomatic source and press release said that the highly-secured and well-equipped US-NATO troops can not venture out of the heavily-protected armored personnel carriers to relieve themselves for the fear of facing Mujahideen, as a result, the only option the US-NATO troops are left with is to have on pampers so that they ease themselves comfortably while confronting Taliban.

To put it simply, the latter choice for the US-NATO in case of lack of diapers while fighting Taliban would be quite an embarrassing and humiliating one. Can you imagine what it would be?” pissing their paints during the fight.”!!!

I'll let you into a little secret though; some press release has even revealed that the US-NATO forces uncontrollably pee in their pants during the fight with Mujahideen, or for the fear of attack by Taliban.

Mind you, I, for one, guess it is a fairly good idea for the US-NATO forces to wear diapers without any fear of soiling their uniforms.

So 'Let us not stand between a US soldier and his diaper, as the news reports put it.

Ansar Abbasi, an eminent writer and editor for one of the newspapers from Pakistan, The News International has surfaced interesting facts by issuing a funny column” Pamper (Diaper) Army (US).”

He said the spokesman of ISAf in Afghanistan was contacted regarding this issue who argued that he was neither a soldier nor did he know that the US Marines and NATO soldiers wear diapers while fighting their war against Taliban inside Afghanistan.

Ansar Abbasi further said in his article that US Embassy spokesman Mark Stroh sent through a mobile SMS, what he called, a “denial” of the reality and The News story (a brazen denial by Mark Stroh), adding that besides him the Isaf Deputy PAO Col Gary Kolb could also be cited to have said this.

Since the emergence of the issue of “ diaper crisis faced by US-NATO forces on the ground and its resulting consequences” the Pakistani authorities have refused to allow the provision of the US-NATO supplies on an urgent basis.

However, it is believed that the Pakistan government has been advised to retrieve a large supply of diapers from the Nato containers and urgently send them to the US forces in Afghanistan which, on the one hand, would be of a humanitarian assistance; on the other hand, would clear the Pakistan government further of charges and involvement in the issue. Further delay in supplies by Pakistani authorities and failure to comply with the US demands may lead to the emergence of a far more fatally toxic stench in Afghanistan than that of phosphorus and uranium bombs previously exercised by US which would turn the sweet-smelling aroma of flowers and roses of the upcoming spring into the smell of death and mourning!

To tell you the truth, the current Afghan War in connection with the very heated issue opened up a whole new chapter in the global history from the combative aspect as there used to be weaponry such as sword, shield, javelin which developed into gun, artillery. rocket, armored tank, fighter craft, pilotless plane in the modern sense of the word and so forth, while “ a US soldier wearing a military nappy” is the most up-to-the-minute term the we have recently come across for the first time in the world history and his” diaper” is an unusually extraordinary weapon and armor, isn't it?

It is the destiny of a country with the most modern industry and state-of-the-art technology worldwide, strange as it may seem.

It reminds me of a well-know Arabic quotation” السیف بالساعد لا الساعد بالسیف” which, figuratively speaking, indicates that it is the hand that uses the sword, not the sword that uses the hand ,that is, the actual power behind the sword is that of a powerful hand, or the sword is of no use without a stronger hand which leads us to the conclusion that you have to be man enough to use your weapon in the battle field or will certainly need to use a diaper to help support the weapon and avoid the side effect.

It is a proven fact that when the faith goes out of some one and belief, courage, and spirit desert their hearts, the worldly arms and logistic support would never do them any good. On the other way round, anyone equipped with power of true faith and spirit of Jihad will singlehandedly have the entire army taste embarrassing defeat and humiliation no matter how arrogant and exploitive it may be.

The likelihood is that the America and her allies, by now, may have realized the fact their pipe-dream would no longer come true in Afghanistan; they had better leave our country or they are sure to ask Pakistan for the their soldiers’ coffins, too, along with the toilet papers and diapers.
jollyjacktar said:
For those who feel the Taliban get dehumanized by the West (Scott Taylor is one), I submit they do a fine job dehumanizing themselves all on their own.  Barbarians.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2090165/Taliban-releases-horrific-video-executions-15-Pakistani-soldiers.html

<Taliban propaganda evolution tangent>
CDN Aviator said:
On the lighter side......

Here's how the "NATO in diapers" story nonsense evolved....
</Taliban propaganda evolution tangent>
Man can you imagine the diaper rash you would get in that heat! My youngest was bad enough in the Ontario heat!!
dogger1936 said:
I seen what these freaks do to animals at night once...in thermal.

There are websites you could sell that stuff to and make a fortune..... "There'll never be another ewe, baaaaaaaby!"  ;D
daftandbarmy said:
There are websites you could sell that stuff to and make a fortune..... "There'll never be another ewe, baaaaaaaby!"  ;D
:rofl:  Almost needed a new keyboard there.
Unfortunately the "money shot" was disturbed by a couple paraflares. I'll never forge the shocked look of one of my young guys when he said "hey sarge you gotta check this **** out...oh no..man...oh NO!"

THAT is animal cruelty.  ;D
dogger1936 said:
Unfortunately the "money shot" was disturbed by a couple paraflares. I'll never forge the shocked look of one of my young guys when he said "hey sarge you gotta check this **** out...oh no..man...oh NO!"

THAT is animal cruelty.  ;D

Ah yes, the realities of war that you will never see on a Steven Spielberg movie.... fortunately
Haha exactly. Maybe that's why stuff like urinating on Taliban, clubbing a sheep to death seem so minor to my mind. I expect the worse out of humans cause...well...we see some "****ed up" stuff during years of fighting in a backwards country. Chai boys....the list goes on and on unfortunately.
dogger1936 said:
Haha exactly. Maybe that's why stuff like urinating on Taliban, clubbing a sheep to death seem so minor to my mind. I expect the worse out of humans cause...well...we see some "****ed up" stuff during years of fighting in a backwards country. Chai boys....the list goes on and on unfortunately.

I too expect and know that humans can do worse, but that neither excuses nor minimizes the actions of either. We are supposed to (and do) know better. You`ll not hear a `ha ha ha`coming out of my mouth when the Taliban pull off extremely nasty shit, nor when supposedly professional trained soldiers pull of simply nasty (but not extremely nasty) shit.

My papa taught me that two wrongs never make a right. I hope that all the soldiers involved in both videos are held accountable and punished to the maximum extent possible.
No doubt your right that these things are wrong in written law and common sense. I full understand that as do I believe most here. However I honestly couldn't even bat an eye at the stuff. It doesn't surprise me. And honestly who the **** am I to judge anyone. I've seen worse happen through my own eyes.

If pissing on someone and clubbing a goat for Eid was the worst thing I seen I probably would have been appalled along with you. Fact is I'm not and regardless of who says what about LOAC and their personal view it is highly unlikely I will say that it is shocking. at all.

We all have different views due to culture, race, and vocation. Due to the latter I believe our views differ slightly.
dogger1936 said:
Haha exactly. Maybe that's why stuff like urinating on Taliban, clubbing a sheep to death seem so minor to my mind. I expect the worse out of humans cause...well...we see some "****ed up" stuff during years of fighting in a backwards country. Chai boys....the list goes on and on unfortunately.

In my mind, this is a "can't see the forest for the trees" scenario.

I don't think anyone here is comparing any of the three aforementioned incidents involving US military personnel to actions of the enemy, nor comparing them in scale or depth to truly barbaric acts of depravity.

That being said, for us as a organization to turn a blind eye to this sort of behaviour, is not right either. No, this is not the end of the world, nor is it the worst thing to ever emerge from a battlefield and unfortunately, this will more than likely happen again. However, it is up to us as a professional and mature force to encourage and enforce discipline amongst all ranks. And behaviour of this sort, is indicative of a much deeper problem.

I am not a soft-hearted person who feels emotionally attached to farm animals in the middle of Afghanistan. Yet, the actions that are exhibited are something that needs to be stamped out right away. You've seen a cow clubbed to death with a sledgehammer in Canada? That's great, it doesn't make it right. People who can revel in the suffering caused to another creature, even something as miniscule as a goat and take pleasure in its pain, are one step away from committing much worse acts.

"Boys will be boys," "I've seen worse" and "the enemy isn't any better" does not excuse actions by our own side. No-one is saying these guys are the Taliban. But they are held to account and must remain so.
dogger1936 said:
No doubt your right that these things are wrong in written law and common sense. I full understand that as do I believe most here. However I honestly couldn't even bat an eye at the stuff. It doesn't surprise me. And honestly who the **** am I to judge anyone. I've seen worse happen through my own eyes.

If pissing on someone and clubbing a goat for Eid was the worst thing I seen I probably would have been appalled along with you. Fact is I'm not and regardless of who says what about LOAC and their personal view it is highly unlikely I will say that it is shocking. at all.

We all have different views due to culture, race, and vocation. Due to the latter I believe our views differ slightly.

A dog being thrown off a cliff by an adult Western soldier and 15 year old Johnny who decided to microwave his neighbour's cat are sign of something much worse.

We punish or try to rehabilitate people who do this not because of how cute the animal is, because really, its an animal. We do it because its not normal. You fail to nip that in the bud and suddenly people are shocked when Johnny decided to stack bodies of prostitutes underneath his basement floor.
Baloo said:
In my mind, this is a "can't see the forest for the trees" scenario.

I don't think anyone here is comparing any of the three aforementioned incidents involving US military personnel to actions of the enemy, nor comparing them in scale or depth to truly barbaric acts of depravity.

That being said, for us as a organization to turn a blind eye to this sort of behaviour, is not right either. No, this is not the end of the world, nor is it the worst thing to ever emerge from a battlefield and unfortunately, this will more than likely happen again. However, it is up to us as a professional and mature force to encourage and enforce discipline amongst all ranks. And behaviour of this sort, is indicative of a much deeper problem.

I am not a soft-hearted person who feels emotionally attached to farm animals in the middle of Afghanistan. Yet, the actions that are exhibited are something that needs to be stamped out right away. You've seen a cow clubbed to death with a sledgehammer in Canada? That's great, it doesn't make it right. People who can revel in the suffering caused to another creature, even something as miniscule as a goat and take pleasure in its pain, are one step away from committing much worse acts.

"Boys will be boys," "I've seen worse" and "the enemy isn't any better" does not excuse actions by our own side. No-one is saying these guys are the Taliban. But they are held to account and must remain so.

Absolutely. I guess I don't seen the shock value in it. Charge for being dumb look at their leadership and investigate other possiablilitys of transgressions from this sub unit element.

Honestly the talk about the marines not being the same unit that stormed Iwo Jima etc is rather surprising. Think of "transgressions"  we have all seen from the taliban to our own troops.People were not saying the reserves as a whole were junk due to the shooting of Cpl. Kevin Megeney. Infact I would guess it wouldn't be tolerated on the board; or within our army.

dogger1936 said:
No doubt your right that these things are wrong in written law and common sense. I full understand that as do I believe most here. However I honestly couldn't even bat an eye at the stuff. It doesn't surprise me. And honestly who the **** am I to judge anyone. I've seen worse happen through my own eyes.

If pissing on someone and clubbing a goat for Eid was the worst thing I seen I probably would have been appalled along with you. Fact is I'm not and regardless of who says what about LOAC and their personal view it is highly unlikely I will say that it is shocking. at all.

We all have different views due to culture, race, and vocation. Due to the latter I believe our views differ slightly.

Allow me to assure you that neither incident is the worst or most brutal thing that I have ever experienced either. We differ in that their acts still appall me. I will not minimize, accept or condone them either as normal or just the way it is.

When my grandfather first took me out hunting with him, and I killed my first pheasant (I was 9) and from then on in when hunting, if I had ever thought to chuckle at the misfortune of the animal or at that kill ... he would have whipped my ass and I never would have been out there again as he would have outright told me that that was not normal and not acceptable and that something was wrong with me if I believed it was OK ... and he too saw some pretty nasty shit on the battlefields of Europe.

It does not matter what horros one has previously witnessed in their lives ... those who wish to do the right thing WILL. Else we would see thousands of incidents like this from each and every one of our Afghan vets who saw and experienced the full and nasty reality of war; we do not. Thank Gawd.
dogger1936 said:
Absolutely. I guess I don't seen the shock value in it. Charge for being dumb look at their leadership and investigate other possiablilitys of transgressions from this sub unit element.

Honestly the talk about the marines not being the same unit that stormed Iwo Jima etc is rather surprising. Think of "transgressions"  we have all seen from the taliban to our own troops.People were not saying the reserves as a whole were junk due to the shooting of Cpl. Kevin Megeney. Infact I would guess it wouldn't be tolerated on the board; or within our army.

Trust me, I don't think many people here, and I am referring to this board, are "shocked." Its a fairly unique group of people that frequent or post here, many or most of whom, have seen their fair share of suffering and horror. Maybe a better word is "disappointed." "We" are supposed to be above this.

Any I don't think anyone is, or should be, painting the entire Corps with a brush in relation to this. Nor should they be slagged as being 'no better' than the Taliban. They are in no way, shape or form, comparable, and I agree with you. But we shouldn't defend or codone it because of "look at what they are doing to us!"

Its apples to oranges but needs to be dealt with, regardless.
Grimaldus said:
God, corps, country

Grimaldus said:
Believe me I'm not.

I find it interesting how God plays such a significant role in the USMC, and other parts of the US forces.
At the beginning of this thread that ex-army officer spoke about marines needing to apologize. God was the first person he suggested they apologize to, not the people of Afghanistan or the dead members families.

"Unit Corps God Country" as the saying goes, with God before country.  Not very comfortable with that myself.

You would expect with the large role God plays in the marine corps they would draw conclusions that God wouldn't approve of this behavior.

Ahhhh, the A Few Good Men misnomer à la Pte Santiago. It is properly stated "God, Country, Corps"; no worries --- it was Hollywood that got it wrong.
ArmyVern said:
Allow me to assure you that neither incident is the worst or most brutal thing that I have ever experienced either. We differ in that their acts still appall me. I will not minimize, accept or condone them either as normal or just the way it is.

When my grandfather first took me out hunting with him, and I killed my first pheasant (I was 9) and from then on in when hunting, if I had ever thought to chuckle at the misfortune of the animal or at that kill ... he would have whipped my *** and I never would have been out there again as he would have outright told me that that was not normal and not acceptable and that something was wrong with me if I believed it was OK ... and he too saw some pretty nasty crap on the battlefields of Europe.

It does not matter what horros one has previously witnessed in their lives ... those who wish to do the right thing WILL. Else we would see thousands of incidents like this from each and every one of our Afghan vets who saw and experienced the full and nasty reality of war; we do not. Thank Gawd.

I guess thats the difference between the two sides of the board on this one. Is that it doesn't appall me or upset me in anyway.

(I hunt  btw too and come from 4 generations of soldiers Europe ww2 etc etc with various backgrounds which is moot really in the big picture)

I guess as I said it boiled down to whats right and wrong on paper and within social norms, and through life experience what a person becomes accustom to seeing through vocation. While I believe we both agree on what the charge would be for a Canadian soldier (albeit you can most likely quote it much faster than I due to rank TI and experience) we differ on the "shock value" I guess.

(mod edit)

Baboo well put. However that is what it has turned into. As I said before for those who are extremely shocked by the urination video put yourself in the shoes of men so desecentisied by war that they are actually doing this...in front of a camera no less. In no way a defence of the action but a serious thought we must think of none the less.
dogger1936 said:
I guess thats the difference between the two sides of the board on this one. Is that it doesn't appall me or upset me in anyway.

(I hunt  btw too and come from 4 generations of soldiers Europe ww2 etc etc with various backgrounds which is moot really in the big picture)

My families military history also goes well back from there. I raised it only because you have insinuated that "what they have seen in war" results in them taking this as non-appalling. I can assure you that isn't the case for all. It was a counter-argument to your blanket statement; that's allowed and is not personal.

(mod edit)