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Cremated Taliban as Psy-Op Tool?

The Bread Guy

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"Australian television on Wednesday broadcast footage of what it said was U.S. soldiers burning the corpses of two dead Taliban fighters with their bodies laid out facing Mecca and using the images in a propaganda campaign in southern Afghanistan.  The television report said U.S. soldiers burned the bodies for hygienic reasons but then a U.S. psychological operations unit broadcast a propaganda message on loudspeakers to Taliban fighters, taunting them to retrieve their dead and fight....."

This paper isn't a rag, and has generally very good military coverage, but still...

How true can this be?

If it's true, how effective can this be?


You can see an interview with the Photo Journalist Stephen DuPont on sbs news from Australia, regarding the footage, and what was done after with it.


So not only are the Americans being sanitary, their also respecting the religious practices of their enemy AND giving them a chance to get the bodies.

What was it they do to our bodies? Oh ya...
Well, after staggering back from the RAInf Crops Mess, with away too many CC and ginger ales down my gullet, I watched the programme from my bed in the Sergeant's Mess Quarters at Singleton. The long-hair lefty videographer was enbedded with the US unit, and everything said seemed to play against the US in typical leftist fashion saying the US were frustrated and could not find the EN, so to lure them out for a fight, faced the EN dead west, not east to antagonise the EN forces.

The KIAs had been dead for over 24hrs, and the US forces burned them for hygenic reasons, so what if a bit of pshyc-warfare was used. If any tool can be used to interfere with the EN in any way, bring him out for a fight, and defeat him, go for it. After all its WAR isn't it? Not a devonshire tea at Sussex Inlet!

I watched the whole interview, and took it as a grain of salt. Overall giving it a 1.3/10 for quality information, and a 8.5/10 for anti-war propaganda.


Wes, while I personally don't really care what or why they did to the bodies what was done I will add, sometimes Psy-Ops can have no effect on your enemy and even worse sometimes backfire. Troops today will have to learn that having cameras around 24/7 means being extra vigilant. All it takes is a few seconds of footage with a decided left-wing, anti-military voice over to royally screw up everything that you've worked hard to achieve!
All it takes is a few seconds of footage with a decided left-wing, anti-military voice over to royally screw up everything that you've worked hard to achieve!

One mistake, millions of viewers - interesting risk management.....

Obviously blatant ignorance and lack of respect that of Geneva Conventions and that of a human body. All those psycho-op experts?
disrespect for Islamic religious practices? how would anyone react to a foreign army killing the locals and making fun of their religion (even if one does not practice it?) If you do not win the hearts of the people you can forget about winning the war. Thank God for Canadian soldiers, but again, wars always attract criminal minds and in every crowd there will be one or two (like the ones who burned the bodies and
enjoyed the whole spectacle. (yes, I have seen the footage on TV)
Obviously blatant ignorance and lack of respect that of Geneva Conventions

Really, Mr. No-Profile?

Article 17. Parties to the conflict shall ensure that burial or cremation of the dead, carried out individually as far as circumstances permit, is preceded by a careful examination, if possible by a medical examination, of the bodies, with a view to confirming death, establishing identity and enabling a report to be made. One half of the double identity disc, or the identity disc itself if it is a single disc, should remain on the body.

Bodies shall not be cremated except for imperative reasons of hygiene or for motives based on the religion of the deceased.

Now, I'm not sure how strong their "hygiene" argument is.. but I would say your statement is forceful, but "off the mark"
Stench Prompted U.S. Troops to Burn Corpses

The desecration of Taliban dead prompts outrage in Afghanistan

There simply wasn't enough room on the rocky hilltop above Gonbaz village in southern Afghanistan for the U.S. platoon and the corpses of the two Taliban fighters. The Taliban men had been killed in a firefight 24 hours earlier, and in the 90 degree heat, their bodies had become an unbearable presence, soldiers who were present have told TIME. Nor was the U.S. Army unit about to leave â ” the hilltop commanded a strategic view of the village below where other Taliban were suspected to be hiding.

Earlier, Lt. Eric Nelson, the leader of B Company, I-508 platoon leader had sent word down to Gonbaz asking the villagers to pick up the bodies and bury them according to Muslim ritual. But the villagers refused â ” probably because the dead fighters weren't locals but Pakistanis, surmised one U.S. army officer.

It was then that Lt. Nelson took the decision that could jeopardize his service career. "We decided to burn the bodies," one soldier recounts, "because they were bloated and they stank." News of this cremation may have remained on these scorching hills of southern Afghanistan, had the gruesome act not been recorded on film by an Australian photojournalist, Stephen Dupont. Instead, when the footage aired on Australian TV on Wednesday, it unleashed world outrage. A Pentagon spokesman described the incident as "repugnant" and said that the army was launching a criminal investigation into the alleged desecration of the corpses, which is in violation of the Geneva Convention on human rights.

Fueling the furor was the fact that the TV report showed that after the bodies were torched, a U.S. Psychological-Operations team descended on Gonbaz in Humvees with their loudspeakers booming: "Taliban, you are cowardly dogs. You are too scared to come down and retrieve the bodies. This just proves you are the lady-boys we always believed you to be."

Muslims traditionally bury their dead, and as one Kabul cleric Mohammed Omar told newsmen, "The burning of these bodies is an offense against Muslims every where. Bodies are burned only in Hell." But as one U.S. officer in Kandahar pointed out, the Taliban and al Qaeda never show any qualms about defiling the bodies of dead Afghan or American soldiers. Afghan President Hamid Karzai, anxious to quell any new wave of protests against the U.S. troops in Afghanistan of the sort that followed allegations of Koran desecration at Guantanamo, publicly condemned the burnings. A statement from the U.S. military command for Afghanistan said, "Under no circumstances does U.S. Central Command condone the desecration, abuse or inappropriate treatment of enemy combatants."

scm77 said:
Fueling the furor was the fact that the TV report showed that after the bodies were torched, a U.S. Psychological-Operations team descended on Gonbaz in Humvees with their loudspeakers booming: "Taliban, you are cowardly dogs. You are too scared to come down and retrieve the bodies. This just proves you are the lady-boys we always believed you to be."


But as one U.S. officer in Kandahar pointed out, the Taliban and al Qaeda never show any qualms about defiling the bodies of dead Afghan or American soldiers.

Ahh, I see we our abilities to go "tribal" are coming out.

I refuse to armchair quarterback the guy (just like the other individual incidents that take headlines) as I wasn't there and I don't have a detailed report on what went down.   Needless to say:

1)   Abimopectore is out to lunch with his rant.

2)   There does seem to be some legal allowance for what was done (thanks for the article scm).

3)   Perhaps a reasoned arguement can be made about getting "tribal" with a "tribal" enemy - if the jihad is a spiritual struggle on the temporal plane, is there something to be said for taking the battle to the spiritual level?   Perhaps ruthless deterence is the option in some cases?

It is a curious thing that disposal of remains should generate more interest than the killing which preceded.
Am truly surprised that the Psyop boys openly came out while the embeded newsies were present.... Psyops activities have blown up in people's faces oh too often.
So, they gave the nearby Muslim locals a chance to come, get the dead, and bury them in religious fashion.

They receive a big negatory in return.

The villagers were given the chance to come and retrieve the deceased. Since they did not, they can't complaing about the treatment.
Personally, I think that it should be broadly announced that the remains of any martyrs that can be found, will be wrapped in a pig skin and thrown in an offal pit. Paradise, DENIED!  I wonder how many beheaded western hostages were treated to a decent burial after their murder?

edited for typos
It is more than likely that the deceased were not from the community.
It is most likely that the deceased were Taliban or maybe even Al Q'Aida
The villagers would not want to give the impression that they support either of the organisations (they're not stupid).... so of course they did not come up and pick up the corpses.... they also probably expected the US to either bury the bodies as per custom OR leave em on the battlefield where they lay.

The fact that the US went to the trouble of burning the bodies would probably have passed ok based on sanitary rules which is a key point in Islam

but the Psyops spin on things was designed to make someone mad..... guess what; it worked!

Good job boys
In the west we've always taken pride that we had the moral high ground, whatever basic human rights or rules of war were violated by the enemy, we were above that. To any afghani that hears of this, what differentiates us from the soviets? Between this, Gitmo, and Abu Graib I'm beginning to wonder where our moral compass has gone, and what happened to the US army of the Gulf war and Somalia.