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Cougars - NOT the AFV

Navalsnipr said:
And the problem with that is ? ? ?

I never said I had a problem with that!! Keep it up as far as I'm concerned because I love to see a man in uniform....
and I have been told there is the possibility that I may one day be considered a cougar myself...
Currently however; I meet none of the pre-requisites...that could be considered a bummer I suppose...or not.  ;D
armyvern said:
Currently however; I meet none of the pre-requisites...that could be considered a bummer I suppose...or not.    ;D

Yes, but do you have any freinds who might??  ;D
Cpl Thompson said:
Yes, but do you have any freinds who might??    ;D

What is the age range and coat colour of the cougar that you may be tempted to hunt?? Should they be particularly skilled at any tasks, such as rolling over, playing dead, or begging etc??   ???
Last year in my college English class we listened to an essay that was aired on the radio. It was about what a "cougar" is. Basically a woman went around asking random guys and gals at various bars what they thought a cougar was. There were so many varied responses. A lot of the younger guys said that it was " someone their mom's age that wanted to sleep with young guys because they knew it would be no strings attached".  The older guys said that it was "a hot woman in her 50's who is good in bed". This was definitely one interesting class, as we aged from 18-43, and were all females other then one guy. Lets just say he got hounded after anything he said.

So..being under 20, I don't get to come anywhere near the label of cougar.. Now I feel left out. :(
Card_11 said:
So..being under 20, I don't get to come anywhere near the label of cougar.. Now I feel left out. :(

Ahhh, but you qualify for Puma status (or C.I.T.- Cougar in Trg, but yuck, that's CIT!!) stick with the Puma designation!!  ;D
armyvern said:
Ahhh, but you qualify for Pu ma status (or C.I.T.- Cougar in Trg, but yuck, that's CIT!!) stick with the Puma designation!!   ;D

On second thought...I hope I never make it to cougar status, it sounds lonely.

Hmm..if my mom is widowed and 45, does that make her a cougar??  ;)
Card_11 said:
So..being under 20, I don't get to come anywhere near the label of cougar.. Now I feel left out. :(

To a 15 year old, you're a cougar.  ;D
armyvern said:
What is the age range and coat colour of the cougar that you may be tempted to hunt?? Should they be particularly skilled at any tasks, such as rolling over, playing dead, or begging etc??   ???

to use milspeak as it were. I am simply looking to engage targets of opportunity.  ;)

and possibly engage in some sort of catch and release program as well.
NO, "catch and release" is what us married people have to do....
"Sure, I'd love to take you home, but I'm not sure my wife and children will like you." ^-^
Cpl Thompson said:
I am simply looking to engage targets of opportunity.   ;)

and possibly engage in some sort of catch and release program as well.

Ahaaa! I know many cougars who are seeking same traits in their prey. You should therefore, be somewhat compatable!!  >:D

I can't believe i missed this thread hehe. Ahhhhhhh cougars, I've seen them in action. It's quite the site. I figure by the time I am of the age to be one, that I will be on divorce number three so I'll definatly be in the mood for hunting hehe. I guess if you consider dating younger guys being a cougar, i'm guilty of already being one. I like em young and I like em dumb, hahahahaha  >:D
camochick said:
I like em young and I like em dumb, hahahahaha   >:D

Exactly!! The puuurrfect target of opportunity!! That way, we can teach them right!!  ;D
I got my hubby while he was young and inexperienced at life and have molded him into a nice, housekeeping, cooking and laundry type of guy.... ;D
Springroll said:
I got my hubby while he was young and inexperienced at life and have molded him into a nice, housekeeping, cooking and laundry type of guy.... ;D

You are an expert hunter indeed! I love to order mine around! Ha ha ha. It's all part of the fairer sex's evil plan to control the world!!  >:D
It's funny cause people get offended when i say that women need to train their men, but i always get mine to do things around the house and to do things for me and others are always whining about how their guys do nothing. So I guess training them isnt such a bad thing hehe >:D
And if the last five posts don't prove why men don't trust women, I don't know what will.
recceguy said:
And if the last five posts don't prove why men don't trust women, I don't know what will.

I take it that you have thus been sucessfully stalked and trained!!  ;D
Nope, 33 years married and the whip only needs to be brought out occasionally. And we both have equal ownership. However, I find it odd that the females who have just joined here felt comfortable speaking this way, but on another thread on this forum, feel the males are the overbearing, coniving, sexist prigs. I think you girls may have just answered your own questions.
