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Cougars - NOT the AFV

Ex-Dragoon said:
darn it Wes stop almost using my name in vain would ya?   :blotto:

I believe he is refering to the single "o", cause I think I dated her sister Dragon, complete fire breathing type. ;D
Look for the...bear necessities, the simple bare necessiites, forget about your worries and your strife...
2332Piper said:
paracowboy...you can be Baloo.

Come on Piper...out with it!! Who are you gonna be? Kaa? Rikki Tikki Tavi? Us cougars (although I'm not too sure if I'm old enough yet to be classed in that category) like to know what we're stalking before we jump right onto it!!  ;D
LOL....the Jungle book...that's what I'm gonna start Training summers in Kingston...

Thread has been officialy hijacked ;D
should probably be moved to Radio Chatter. Or deleted entirely, really. You guys have totally ruined a good thread by inserting silly jokes. Again. I'm ashamed of you all. Tsk tsk.
Old Ranger said:
I believe he is refering to the single "o", cause I think I dated her sister Dragon, complete fire breathing type. ;D

She had a couple of sisters (all natural blondes and hot as the surface of the sun), Lisa the dental hygenist (she later introduced me to some of her elligable single friends   8)), and the other, Donna the $1,000 a night 'call girl' (she is now a pharmisist, and I went out a few times with her too   - for free, it was after she left the 'trade';)) based out of The Penthouse Gentlemans' Club, Pitt Street, Sydney. Google it   ;D. Before her nursing days, my Ex-Dragon No.1 used to model bras and stuff in David Jones catalogues. Quite attractive, but she had the personality of a Tiapan   >:D, and the temparament of a Cobra, and loved spending money!

Lessons learned from both my experiences and those of others.

Cold beers,

Seriously, where do you find these girls???  ::) I know more guys in the military with exs/wives that fall under those exact qualifications. Seriously, never had a boyfriend who came anywhere close to that.  ;D ;D Poor guys that fall into the "Dragon" trap, my heart goes out to you.  :o ;D
And for all those of us that are too young to be Cougars, I think calling us African Serval would suffice.  ;D
Congrats on seeing the light St George...err Wes.
Hey Kimmie, they're around. Everyone's got a story. I just try to keep things humerous about it, even though thats now over 10 yrs ago since I was separated.

WRT cougars, I've seen a few old toothless tigeresses in my day  :-X!


kimmie said:
And for all those of us that are too young to be Cougars, I think calling us African Serval would suffice.  
how 'bout we just call all ya'll "toots" and go get loaded?
Actually, I always found the definition of a cougar relative...when I was a young 20 year old private, I considered any woman over 25 a cougar.   ;D   Now that I'm older, that age has gone up in proportion.   ;)

Has anyone ever run into a mountain lion?  Yikes!  :o

If you're looking for cougars, their prime habitat in the interior of BC and in Alberta tends ot center around country bars or bars that play classic rock.   I'm not sure on their habitat east of Alberta though...never had the pleasure of cougar hunting there...   ;) >:D
kimmie said:
And for all those of us that are too young to be Cougars, I think calling us African Serval would suffice.  ;D

" ... a freakin' servile"  ?

Are you sure that's what you meant?
armyvern said:
Come on Piper...out with it!! Who are you gonna be? Kaa? Rikki Tikki Tavi? Us cougars (although I'm not too sure if I'm old enough yet to be classed in that category) like to know what we're stalking before we jump right onto it!!   ;D


Sadly, I was informed this summer that 30 is classified as a Cougar.  And here I thought I was still a youngin'.  I still haven't gotten over it...... ;D
RangerRay said:
If you're looking for cougars, their prime habitat in the interior of BC and in Alberta tends ot center around country bars or bars that play classic rock.   I'm not sure on their habitat east of Alberta though...never had the pleasure of cougar hunting there...
the species is surprisingly true to itself in any environ or terrain. The natural habitat of the cougar in Ontario and Quebec was also in and around bars that played either country (or what passes for country music in those misbegotten lands of philistines) and classic rock. The cougar is drawn to these places as the dim lighting, smoky haze, and copious alcohol fumes tend to blind the young and tender males that are their natural prey, making them easy pickings.

Further, should the younger male not be such easy pickings, or should manage to escape the claws of the cougar, there are many more older and weaker males found in these locales that simply are unable to flee the stalking cougar, especially when under the effects of drinking too much at the watering hole found centralized in these establishments.
The Frontenac Times

A previously unreleased extract:

Crocodile Hunter

G'day mate, welcome to this week's episode of the Crocodile Hunter. Today we're going into a fierce habitat from which few men have ever returned unscathed. We'll be exploring the Canadian Urban Wilderness, looking for that fierce hunter herself â “ the Cougar (`ku:-ga:).
Now these Cougars aren't your usual big cat. These Cougars are man-eaters, they are. And they hunt prey that often thinks it's the predator, but not in Cougar country, mate.
Now, as we enter the Cougar's hunting grounds, here in Kingston known as the Grizzly Grill (note the predatorial label assigned to this urban wilderness area), we have to be very careful, because they'll strike without warning, sometimes mesmerizing their intended prey with a piercing glance that makes the loins weak, or by the twitching of muscles beneath their glossy coats that completely unhinges their prey and makes escape impossible.
The Cougar's attack is nearly always lethal, once they've sunk teeth or claws into a chosen victim it's all over. The end may come soon, or they may make the prey linger in a seemingly endless round of catch and release. It's a little like you or I playing a trout you might think, but in this hunt every victim ends up in a Cougar's creel.
You might be able to avoid a Cougar attack by never meeting her eyes, but the only sure way to be safe is to stay at home behind locked doors. Occasionally, a Cougar's attack can be successfully interrupted by the victim's friends but as often the Cougars appear in packs and then each poor sod can be cut from the herd and taken down.
Watch as I approach this wary Cougar. She's attracted to my pheromone trail but the bright lights of the camera make her shy away. Now watch her reaction as I tempt her with a beer and flex my pecs at her  ... NO ... NO! ... AAAAAGH! ................ help me.
