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Cougars - NOT the AFV

brin11 said:

Sadly, I was informed this summer that 30 is classified as a Cougar.   And here I thought I was still a youngin'.   I still haven't gotten over it...... ;D

Egads... say it ain't so!! Niner has sworn no cougars for him!! I'll now have to cut him off that little bait, switch and jump on for the attack when he's least expecting it game that I like to play!! He'll probably not be disappointed though, with me being a cougar now and all. Sad day for me indeed. I'm sure he will be pleased!!   ;D What's a poor cougar to do??
Well, since I am only 27, and not quite up to cougar age yet I will call myself a panther just beause it sounds better than polecat or Puma... ;D
You have missed the major point of qualifying for Cougar Status.The Female must be over 40 and either single,divorced or widowed!

From aweb sit devoted to cougerism: "The largest North American cat, top of the food chain with Grizzly Bears, carnivorous solitary hunter, aka Mountain Lion, Puma.
Also describes women in their forties who smoke, drink and go to clubs to pick up young men in their twenties. Cougars are usually divorced, sometimes with cubs, and financially independent.

The most successful cougars are those that married well and got huge divorce settlements. Lesser Cougars were feminists who clawed their way to the top and made their own money. They have charge cards and big bank accounts, often living off second mortgages and money lending. They own cars but use them sparingly because of their concern for the environment.

Species characteristics include a penchant for home decorating, an interest in dogs (the only other species they can live with), an avid consumption of home products such as tinfoil and Cheez Whiz, and a limited interest in technology.

They have a high fat diet but are usually in shape because of sheer genetics and extensive shopping, dinner party planning and traveling. They often wear clothes that they're a bit too old for such as Spandex and high heels. They dye their hair and wear lots of makeup and jewelry.

Cougars-in-training (ie. women in their thirties) are called "pumas". Women in their twenties are "cougar cubs"."

marshall sl said:
Cougars-in-training (ie. women in their thirties) are called "pumas". Women in their twenties are "cougar cubs"."

But I want to be called a Panther, not a cougar cub!
marshall sl said:
You have missed the major point of qualifying for Cougar Status.The Female must be over 40 and either single,divorced or widowed!

I don't fall into any of the above categories but there must be some kind of name for me? Other than "married" or "puma."

And PS...  :threat: Well. Haven't you ruined a perfectly good evening.  :threat: Now I'll have to come up with some other reason to cut-off niner now that I am not "cougar qualified." Thanks alot... it could be another long night...I'll have to go hunt down the cadpat kneepads!!
marshall sl said:
Glad to be of service! :salute: tell him he owes me a beer :cheers:

Service to whom?? Certainly not I, so I will tell him nothing!! He'll have to get it out of me somehow!!
Well I guess I am going to have to wade in,

Me and the lads used to call the aggressive ones Hunter Killers, reminiscent of the Terminator flicks.  They were the ones who admitted to the heel marks in the snow outside of the battacks window in Petawawa.

The older cougars, well they were known as the saber tooth's....age didn't matter experience with the prey did.



Oh, I see were we went wrong.  :o You thought I was talking about this

Servile:  ADJECTIVE: 1. Abjectly submissive; slavish. 2a. Of or suitable to a slave or servant. b. Of or relating to servitude or forced labor.

No, no, no, no.  :o :-[ :-\

Something completely different. Sorry for the confusion.  :)
I couldn't help but have a bloody good laugh at this post....reminds me of a time earlier this summer during one crazy night in Freddy, in the Sweets/Nicky Z's area. Myself and an un-named Newfie buddy of mine (damn good guy, I might add) had a cougar cub-puma-cougar hunt. Turned out interestingly enough, I'll post the pictures sometime  ;D. Nothing outrageous, nor inappropriate, but the whole thing goes down in my list of some of the best moments during my time in Gagetown this summer.
Further, should the younger male not be such easy pickings, or should manage to escape the claws of the cougar, there are many more older and weaker males found in these locales that simply are unable to flee the stalking cougar, especially when under the effects of drinking too much at the watering hole found centralized in these establishments.

That's what makes the Griz such a good hunting ground for Cougar's!  Even if such a young and susceptible male as myself manages to not be pounce upon by a cougar-puma-cougar-cub, there are many under the influence wandering around the hub who make easy prey.

It's kind of sobering to know that you're the food of choice for such predatory animals! ;D
Gunner said:

That site rocks!! 

Surprisingly I think the term "cougar" is only used in Canada.

Been down in a few southern states and we asked where the "Cougars" hang out, everyone pretty much replied in the woods or "didn't know that cougars were around these parts". Sounds like an idea for the next episode of "Talking to Americans"!
My very simple definition of "cougar" that me and my buds have used since I first signed up:

Hot older women.

RangerRay said:
My very simple definition of "cougar" that me and my buds have used since I first signed up:

Hot older women.


A quote from a good mate's Grandfather (he died about 25 yrs back, he was well in his 80's, and as young lads, this had us in a state of hysteria laughter wise) about Cougars - "They don't tell, don't smell, and are as graceful as ole helll".

Without spliing my guts too much, when I was in my 20's we used to go to those 40+ singles dances, and find the odd lonely heart (and hungry sabre tooth type cougar   ;D), but as said in Conan the Barbarian at the end of the movie ".......but that is another story"


Navalsnipr said:
That site rocks!!  

we asked where the "Cougars" hang out,

:o Ahaa!! I believe that we DO have a few cougars hunters in this forum!!