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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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rezz said:
Promoted to LS in less then 3-4 years?

I thought 2 and a half years for AB and then after having all your qualifications and even more time in then you'll get promoted to LS?

negative. Musicians in reserves rank up really quick.
QL3, QL 4, and NBNR.
I will be promoted to LS during NBNR
Everyone in the Reserves can get to Cpl/LS quickly, not just Musicians.

3-4 years(plus any req courses/quals) to Cpl/LS is the usual time needed in the Regular Force
I just got confirmation of transfer process to Comm Rsch in Reg F.
Will be doing my interview soon. Though I don't know that much about signalling, electronics, and computers,
I'm going to try my best to show them that I'm willing to learn everything they throw at me.

I thought you wanted Infantry, then Combat Arms in general, then Armour or Int Op, now you want Comm Research?
-Skeletor- said:
I thought you wanted Infantry, then Combat Arms in general, then Armour or Int Op, now you want Comm Research?

Just another guy grasping at whatever is open on that day. I bet i know how it works out.
well the whole thing is due to my colour vision (i'm CV3) which totally limited my choice of trades
and when I found out about my colour vision I began to look into ALL trades that accepted CV3 and there weren't many.
After reading a lot about each of those trades, the one that stood out the most (and the one I got the most positive feedback on from
unit people and supervisors) was comm rsch.
And since they're open and needing people at Pte level, I figured it would be an awesome job
Hopefully you did some research into what the trade does and are happy with it, going from wanting Combat Arms then deciding on Comm Research.. well the jobs are quite different.  If possible,  you might want to look into applying for your security clearance, I believe Comm Research requires Secret(Lvl 2) or Top Secret (Lvl 3).  From reading posts on the site, it seems a lot of people get stuck waiting for their security clearance to come through, and with out that they can't attend Part 2 of their QL3.
Lev III (TS) with 2 more compartmented ones, and thats to be able to do the QL3 Pt II as well.  If you can't get the required clearance, you'll be looking at a Reassignment as you can't even complete QL3.
Eye In The Sky said:
Lev III (TS) with 2 more compartmented ones, and thats to be able to do the QL3 Pt II as well.  If you can't get the required clearance, you'll be looking at a Reassignment as you can't even complete QL3.

Correct, you need Lvl III Special Access (SA)

99.9% chance he will not have a problem getting cleared in the end, it's just a matter of time.
Spectrum said:
Correct, you need Lvl III Special Access (SA)

I know I'm correct, otherwise I wouldn't post it without saying "as far as I know" or words to that effect.

And its actually Lev III SA/TK.  Thats why I said 2 compartmented ones.

99.9% chance he will not have a problem getting cleared in the end, it's just a matter of time.

Well, its a few hoops to jump thru with more than one organization.  Not sure how they do it for CTs, but if I were the OP, I'd be asking my unit to start my Lev III and if they don't, I'd be asking the CFRC about it.  Its a trade pre-req afterall.
Well its been just about a year since I posted on this thread, and submitted my application for a CT/OT from PRes to Reg Force.  Transferring from MOSID 00008 (ARTY) to 00183 (PLT).  Figured I would post a quick update. 

I initially applied for CEOTP (currently a serving NCM).  I have no idea if it will be open this fiscal year but I guess I will find out.  I finally heard back this week with my message.  My PERS file is being to be sent from my unit to the CFRC and I will be going in for an interview shortly thereafter.  I was told they couldn't add my civilian flying licenses to my MPRR (I'm almost sure they CAN), but was told to bring them along with logbooks into my interview.  I'm pretty excited something is FINALLY happening, although it sounds like even after the interview there could be a long wait ahead before the selection boards sit and make a decision.  Still excited nonetheless.  I'll post anymore updates as they transpire.    :)         
A good friend of mine is moving on to his CT interview from Reserve Infantry to Pilot, So it looks like he's getting somewhere finally.

Now if anyone is also trying to switch to RegForce Infantry from Reserve, we've still got a long wait ahead, I put my CT in in October 2010, and as of last week, have got nowhere still, in for the long haul still gentlemen.
RobOfstie: It's good to see I am not the only one!

I've got my CT/OT in to transfer from PRes Cmbt Eng to Reg Pilot. I got an e-mail last Friday from D Mil C saying that they were starting to process my application, and I got a call from my local CFRC on Tuesday. My interview is booked for this coming Monday. From what I understand I am going through the SCP because I already have a degree and am finishing my second one. Let me know how things work out for you.

Right on, I will definitely keep you updated.  Having that all important degree is definitely a good thing, I wish I was finished mine but have a ways to go on in yet!  What is your first degree in?  I'm hoping my Commercial Heli License and PPL (Aeroplane) put me on the short pile of applicants but who knows.  I'm sure there's no shortage of competitive candidates.  Let me know how your interview goes as I haven't booked mine just yet, waiting on the Unit to send my PERS file out.  Good Luck!

I was just told as of this morning, from my company clerk, that within 2 weeks time I will recieve my offer for REGFORCE Infantry from (reserve INF)  and if I accept I could be in Wainwright by 1 april.  So I guess its my lucky day, but if theres one thing i've learned, don't believe much in till ya see it..

brandon_ said:
I was just told as of this morning, from my company clerk, that within 2 weeks time I will recieve my offer for REGFORCE Infantry from (reserve INF)  and if I accept I could be in Wainwright by 1 april.  So I guess its my lucky day, but if theres one thing i've learned, don't believe much in till ya see it..


You poor poor soul.
sevensixtwo- accepted my offer into the regs, I feel the storys of rainbows, and fluffy clouds i was told to me slowly fading away, and beautiful cow crap smell of wainwright coming in...

I wanted to add, if anyone has first hand experience in CT or understands the system i'm a little curious if anyone can help me out here. I have asked my OR but they where not sure and told me they will contact CT broker for me.

        I have not recieved my first posting message yet, but I was told on my offer sheet ill be posted to watc wainwright and my offer was semi skilled, but It also said I will be able to keep the rank of CPL. on my CT..  This is what confuses me a bit, because it doesn't say I did not keep my DP1 Qual from the reserves, but it does say i'll be posted to WATC.  In my mind this makes sense I will be doing my DP1 over again (why else post me to WATC?) but would i stick out abit as a cpl on BIQ?
brandon_ said:
In my mind this makes sense I will be doing my DP1 over again (why else post me to WATC?) but would i stick out abit as a cpl on BIQ?
There's lots of employment for Cpls at WATC. You may support courses; you may get some courses (like Driver Wheeled or something) while waiting for whatever training they may have in mind for you; you may be given the opportunity for extra PT while awaiting a sniper or parachute course. ;)

If you end up doing DP1 again, I assure you that (as odd as it sounds) everyone.....and no one.....sticks out on BIQ. The instructors will know each and every one of you, but it won't matter; you'll be treated just the same. And at the end of the day, that's your bread & butter as an Infantryman; would it hurt you to do a refresher?

OK, physically, it may hurt you a bit  ;D