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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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I had my interview for MP and it went well. Now I get to sit back and play the waiting game. I was told I have a chance at the MPAC which is good news. Though I didn't know this but apparently you can apply for as many trades as you want when doing a CT. So I'm going in to the CFRC on Tuesday and talking with them. Right now I also want to apply for Ammo Tech and Traffic Tech (though right now I'm leaning more towards Traffic Tech). If I get an offer in one of those jobs before MP, I'll take it. MP would be nice but it's not the be all end all for me.

Three people in my unit got the exact same message this week, keeping their Cpl.'s but being posted to WATC or Meaford. I am interested if anyone could tell me if this is a new thing for reserve infantry guys to have to re-do battleschool yet keep their rank, as I seem to remember hearing it used to be the opposite (drop rank, keep training).

As far as doing QL3 as a Cpl., it's pretty common, usually for people who are re-badging.
PJGary said:

Three people in my unit got the exact same message this week, keeping their Cpl.'s but being posted to WATC or Meaford. I am interested if anyone could tell me if this is a new thing for reserve infantry guys to have to re-do battleschool yet keep their rank, as I seem to remember hearing it used to be the opposite (drop rank, keep training).

As far as doing QL3 as a Cpl., it's pretty common, usually for people who are re-badging.

It would probably have something to do with how long they have been a Cpl, and when they did their course.  Seeing as how the PRes gets people to Cpl in 2 years in alot of cases, I am not surprised by this.
brandon_ said:
sevensixtwo- accepted my offer into the regs, I feel the storys of rainbows, and fluffy clouds i was told to me slowly fading away, and beautiful cow crap smell of wainwright coming in...

I wanted to add, if anyone has first hand experience in CT or understands the system i'm a little curious if anyone can help me out here. I have asked my OR but they where not sure and told me they will contact CT broker for me.

        I have not recieved my first posting message yet, but I was told on my offer sheet ill be posted to watc wainwright and my offer was semi skilled, but It also said I will be able to keep the rank of CPL. on my CT..  This is what confuses me a bit, because it doesn't say I did not keep my DP1 Qual from the reserves, but it does say i'll be posted to WATC.  In my mind this makes sense I will be doing my DP1 over again (why else post me to WATC?) but would i stick out abit as a cpl on BIQ?

You are waiting for your ETP Instruction then (Enrolment or Transfer Posting).  Few things to consider here:  (I'll paraphase from the appic ref, you can get them off the DIN if you desire)

1.  Direction given in the BTAGs v5.15 (Basic Trg List Admin Guide).  Para 315 - Wherever appropriate, BTL members are to be pre-positioned at their first unit of employment by their respective TA/DTA BTL Manager, while awaiting further occupation training.  Generally, this will be done in the following situations: (b) where the mbr is considered employable, skilled or sufficiently semi-skilled entrant; (f)  CT in like occupations

2.  LFCO 24-20, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) For Equivalencies and Qualification Reinstatement which is the document that governs equivalencies for CTs.  DAT (part of LFDTS) is the org that approves this for the Army.  By now you should have or will get your CT offer message, and that should have said what training bypass you have been granted.  DAT will look at the courses you have taken (how many changes to Inf DP1 trg has there been in recent years, and how many versions of QL3/BIQ/etc have happened in that time with different MITE and Qual codes?) and determine if the trg you have meets the standard for a bypass of Reg Frce trg.

What trg bypass did you get on your CT offer?  BTW, I believe (someone can correct me if i am wrong) that ALL PLA (Prior Learning Assessments) for Army Managed MOC CT has to be approved at DAT, so your PLA on CT from PRes - Reg Force Infmn happened as a default part of the process in your CT application and processing.

So, CT offer should have listed what trg equiv you are being granted, as determined by DAT, you would have accepted that CT offer, and now your ETP Instr will follow.

Make sense?

However, you could request confirmation on what trg bypass you've been given if the CT Offer msg was unclear via CofC.
The day after I put my CT/OT in I got an email back saying that my unit needs to send in some paperwork so an interview can be booked. This is happening a lot faster then it did with MP, it took me several months to hear back with that trade. So now I'm just waiting to hear back from the CFRC. 
If youre attending university, you might as well enroll in ROTP, and either complete your schooling civie side, or try and get into RMC. From what Ive heard theres more demand for armour officers than ncm's currently. Thats what I'd do in your position  :)
Just to follow up with everyone, and thanks for the replys, helped out..... I was given equivlency for everything i've done so far in the reserves, kept rank, and will be badged a patrica at some point soon. I was not given any notice of a battalion I may go to as of yet, but I have been told it's not unlikley for guys to go to wainwright for a while before getting placed in a battalion, and my posting message says i'll be posted to WATC Wainwright, so it's going to be a good ride.
Hi guys, I'm just checking if anyone has heard about any openings in MSE op in April. I put in for a transfer and am just waiting out. also do I need to switch to  AF if I'm already armoured or can I choose to stay Army?
Willy00005 said:
also do I need to switch to  AF if I'm already armoured or can I choose to stay Army?

Why would you have to switch to AF ?
If you are selected for CT to the Reg F as an MSE Op you will likely be able to specify a preference for Army or Air Force DEU.  That, in turn, may influence your future postings, or you could be in a green uniform spending 20 years at Cold Lake, or a blue uniform spending 15 years in Valcartier.

Worry less about DEU colour than about ensuring your MPRR is up to date and about acquiring addtional qualifications that will make your application stand out.
roger. and id prefer army, also driver wheel and driver taskings are a good idea to focus on i'm assuming
Hey guys and gals, this is my very first post ever on here. So, my question is I've been waiting for a CT to the regular force as an MP and only to be told about 3 days ago that they only have 2 positions available for this year for CT and there are a few candidates ahead of me that had scored higher than me on the MPAC. I am so frustrated because they had 5 positions last year and the Mpac before me got those and this year they only got 2. I dunno if I should get into the Reg Force and try to do an OT to MP as a lot of folks have said that this would be your best bet, and its easier that way, or should I wait another year and see if I MIGHT get accepted? I don't want to be wasting time by just doing any civi job. Also, there is a lot of hear say about the MPAC as in its only valid for 2 years and some say 3 years and some say its good for life? I don't mind going back on the MPAC after 2 years, but, its just frustrating. I just want to be a police officer in general, I don't care if its with the Military Police as a CPL or with a Civi service as a constable. I don't have my application in with another police service because I've been with the military 7 years as a reserve and really like it here. But, now, I think I am going to start my process with a Civilian Police service, as a lot of people seem to be going this route anyways. Please, if someone can shed some light over here and give me a word of advice, it would be really appreciated. Thank you very much for reading this post and for understanding my frustrations.  :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
I hate to pee on your parade but the reality is that to get into the MP's and MPO's is going to be tough for the next few years, no matter how you try it.  Its a popular choice with civilians and CF personnel alike and because of reductions in spending and reduction in personnel, it will continue to be desirable and tough to get into; if you have followed the availability of spaces for MP's and MPO's you will discover it is way down, way way down.

I really don't want to give you this recommendation but if I were you, I'd seriously look at civilian police forces.
Thanks for the update RSN48. I am not having my hopes up too much, but you never know what can happen right. As of right now they (MPS) are not even accepting Civi's off the street. Yes, I think they are cutting back a lot of positions within the CF in general. I have my ATS booked for next month for the civilian police service as I cannot wait any longer. I'll see, if the CF picks me up that's my luck, if not, oh well, life goes on right.
Papaselo said:
Thanks for the update RSN48. I am not having my hopes up too much, but you never know what can happen right. As of right now they (MPS) are not even accepting Civi's off the street. Yes, I think they are cutting back a lot of positions within the CF in general. I have my ATS booked for next month for the civilian police service as I cannot wait any longer. I'll see, if the CF picks me up that's my luck, if not, oh well, life goes on right.
We are still taking civilian applicants; however it is those who were already in application process.  For the first time in recent memory we are "green" in that we are above our PML and although recruiting will continue because we learned a thing or two from the late 90s, it will be at a much reduced rate compared to the last 5-10 years.  This is not a result of cutting positions but rather due to the fact that our attrition has slowed compared to what it had been.
I don't think that joining the reg force in x trade to transfer to MP is any quicker of an option. It may just cause you to end up in a miserable position. I am still awaiting my transfer and know many people who have been waiting longer.

Unfortunately, policing is one of the more difficult careers to get into, but if it is what you want to do it, don't give up.
Thanks for the update C.G.R. However, this is the only career I want and I am not going to stop for anything or anyone. So, how long have you been waiting for, if you don't mind me asking? I've been waiting for about almost 8-9 months. I did score pretty well on the mpac as I was told I did. Now, the reason I want to join just not any trade but, of course my second choice is because I am 27 turning 28, I can't keep doing the reserve thing. So let's see. Hopefully I get in, if not that keep trying.
I didn't see anyone answer the original question about how long the MPAC assessments are valid. I too am curious about that. Do you ever have to redo MPAC once completed?


And good luck to the original poster!