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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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Hello everyone,

I currently have a CT from Reserve Infantry to Reg Force Infantry. As of late April i heard that there were available Infantry positions, but was not told when they would be hired.
If anyone (more specifically recruiters) knows of any information about when hiring will take place or news it would be much appreciated. I am located in 31 CBG if it makes any difference.

Thanks in Advance,
steve543 said:
If anyone (more specifically recruiters) knows of any information about when hiring will take place

The only thing recruiting gets involved with are CT/OTs, and then only for CFAT rewrite and occupation interviews.  Selections for ALL CT are handled by the CT cell at NDHQ.  This has been mentioned SEVERAL times in VARIOUS threads......yup just check search button is still around and functioning.

Hey folks,

I made the decision a little while ago to do a component transfer from the reserves to the regs, and was recently at my BOR sorting out some admin and asked the chief clerk about the process. She told me it was an online form right to the career manager in Ottawa and that she'd send me a link to the form later on. That was several days ago, and I've since tried to find it online, as well as on these forums, and the only luck I had was to a dead link on the recruiting website.

Since I know how busy clerks can be, especially this time of year, and since I don't want to be a bother unless I have to be, I was hoping someone on here could provide me with a link to the form.

Much appreciated

EDIT: Received the email today. No need for anyone to dig it up. Thanks!
Hello there,

I have two question:

1-I was just told that you cannot have an officer and ncm trade on ones file.

I originally (end of last yr) did just that and it wasn't mentioned as being an issue.  I'm curious about the 'same file' part.  Is that semantics, and can they not just make two files-if this is indeed valid?  Or is this just a mistake on someones part and this is fine to do?  I'd hate to remove either unnecessarily & lose any place in the queue.  Seems like such a foreign concept to restrict ones choices on what to do in the military.

For Res->Reg
Where can I find a list of trades that are currently open and in demand?  Is there a link or website I can refer to get this info?  The forces website doesn't have this info for Res OT/CT's.  Civilians can get all this exact info from the CFRC & Reg's can get this info from the BPSO., but where is a reservist to get this info from?

Help!!! :)
justmyalias said:
Reg's can get this info from the BPSO., but where is a reservist to get this info from?

The exact same place as the RegF gets it. Call your supporting base PSO and ask if they have the list handy.
PuckChaser said:
The exact same place as the RegF gets it. Call your supporting base PSO and ask if they have the list handy.
*cringes*....In Pet the BPSO's office informed me they do not have that info.

I'm in Ottawa now.  Where can I find the PSO's office? I'll give them a shot since you are so intriguingly confident they should.
Switchboard can put you through. They should at least have some info, or can tell you whether a trade you're looking to transfer into is understrength or not.
PuckChaser said:
Switchboard can put you through. They should at least have some info, or can tell you whether a trade you're looking to transfer into is understrength or not.
I found it through a friend.  222 Queen?  I'm there tomorrow.  I don't even know what switchboard is in Ottawa.  Still new.

Hmmm...so you're.....NOT certain about your post then?  Sounds like you were just expecting them to have it, but as I've indicated are realizing they...don't?  The sad part is that I ASKED D Mil C, and they seem to refuse to share that info.  Not sure why???

As the BPSO in Pet indicated, they can definately share that info that pertains to REG-REG OT's, but it could potentially be entirely different from the rules set for res-reg OT/CT's so it would be a shame to give incorrect info (potentially)., hence why they say they "Don't have that info".

One would think this kind of info should be easy to acquire.  Maybe the army WANTS an enquiring reservist to ask these otherwise easily answerable repetitive questions (through a quick reference place) to generate work for D Mil C??  Call me crazy, but if a reservist who's pressed for full-time work, can easily determine-just like civilians can by looking at the forces website-which trades are in demand, and can make a decision quickly and stick to it, it would cut down on administrative BS that occurs as a result of this concealment of information!???

Help Please!
If you're trying to CT/OT, you're just another number in the recruiting system. To them, you look like an off the street candidate that gets a Recruit School bypass. If you want indemand trades, look on the Forces.ca website. Then be prepared to stand in line. The CF doesn't owe you a RegF job, they just have certain places set aside to hire from within the PRes because it saves them time on at least recruit training.

There's a DWAN-only link from the D Mil C site that shows the PML numbers from every trade (unfortunately I don't have my bookmarks in theatre). If you're really desperate, bash your way through the DWAN search engine.

What admin BS are you talking about? As I said, if you're CT/OTing, the only thing the CF gets out of you in the recruit school bypass. Heck, you said you're new, so if you don't have enough time in you could end up in BMQ anyways. The CT process can take over a year, sometimes 2. You're not gonna get a job next week because you're a reservist. Anyways, its summer time. Need cash? I'm sure there's summer employment out there doing GD work.
Anyways, its summer time. Need cash? I'm sure there's summer employment out there doing GD work.

I've checked with my unit in Southern Ontario and no joy, no GD's and the courses I wanted (PLQ or Hvy eqpt) was not offered or given seats for our unit.

As for the frustration in CT'ing, I'd advise to look a little further out in your career. While you're waiting for the CT to go through, get some civilian part-time work and advance your PRes career. Volunteer for every tasking the reserve unit has and merit for your PLQ, 6A's etc while you wait. I know the process may be quite long, but don't let it hold up your career - better to be that troop that helps out on every tasking, qualified for the rank of (reserve) Sgt than sit as a Cpl for possibly two years.

My two cents.
Results of running around today.

@ PuckChaser.., so the next time you can be more informed on what info the BPSO has to offer.
Went to the Ottawa BPSO.  Was informed that they do not handle Res-Reg CT's.  Was referred to...
Res PSO, which handles remusters & releases within the reserve ONLY.  They understandly (but this time sympathetically) explained that they don't have that info either.  They were equally puzzled why I was referred to them when they obviously don't handle res-reg CT's.

It seems the process is content to leave this info concealed & rather than make it similar to how a civilian or a Reg force mbr would face it, make it awfully unique (and clouded) for a reservist.

"DWAN-only link from the D Mil C site" I will look for this-Thank you., although not sure what info it'd yield unless it includes the current numbers for each trade?  PML is preferred manning level?  So if trade x has a pml of 1000.  Unless the link indicates that currently it is at 900, what good would it do?  I'd hate to assume that you meant to say it does in fact include that.  But if so, awesome! as that would be EXACTLY what I'm after, and curious why you wouldn't have just shared that to begin with :).

admin BS.  I ask a question.  I get half a reply after four weeks.  I send a following reply indicating that the question wasn't actually answered.  THAT reply takes a month.  Yesterday I asked one question (after four months of patience and no correspondence), I got the same half reply.  When I reiterated it (in hopes of the person recognizing that they hadn't answered the question), there was no reply to be had.  I'm still waiting for a reply.  It feels like I'm asking for the access codes to Fort Nox, and I'm about to be arrested.  A department that's supposed to accomodate a mbr through a process that takes years, should be more customer service oriented I feel.  Is it wrong that I'm borderline feeling harassed by the way they are mistreating me?

+you're just another number
+CF doesn't owe you
+the only thing the CF gets out of you
+not gonna get a job next week because you're a reservist (How do you know I'm not starting a new Class B today?  Not sure why you're so presumptious)
Diplomacy isn't a strong suit eh?

I said I was new to Ottawa., not the forces.

If anybody can help wrt the other question about choosing an Officer & NCM trade concurrently I would appreciate that.
Harassed?  :facepalm:  Wait.  You were joking...I thought you were serious for a second!  (I suggest you speak to your unit HA *BEFORE* going any further down the road crying 'harassment', so that pers can educate you.  Apparantly you've not been around the Forces enough.)

D Mil C is the Org that handles CTs and CT/OTs.

Go to a DIN/DWAN PC and search for In Service Selection.  The info you will get there is the *gasp* SAME info as everyone else in the CF can access.


Additionally, PML and TES #s, while nice to know are NOT the end all, be all of the CT process.  You are looking for something called the SIP.  As you say you've been around the Forces enough to know so much, you'll be able to find that in the Production documents, right?  That will indicate *possible* #s of UT/T CTs that are being looked at, planned, what have you.

Oh ya, I'll echo what someone else said about a CT "not being an entitlement".  Put your GD application in, and wait...just like everyone else is/does/did.
Eye In The Sky said:
Harassed?  :facepalm:  Wait.  You were joking......
Thanks for the in-servive info.

Regarding your comment here.  Harassment has a very clear definition.  I'm sure you are well aware that simply because YOU feel something is not harassment-doesn't mean it isn't.  Last time I checked., it isn't your opinion that determines the validity of a harassment claim, but the opinion of the person who has felt harassed, and of course the result of some investigation by the advisors.  Perhaps it wasn't intended as it was received (by me), but I don't appreciate you (EyeITS & PuckChaser) demeaning any of my comments or observations.  You are welcome to provide your own perspective, and I would hope, do so in a positive and constructive manner-in fact that is precisely why I'm posting here.

It's unfortunate, I am always puzzled however - why this forum of many that I frequent is among the worst for people to quickly assume the worst of people.  There are several who are impressively helpful, just seems like the others are the loudest.  I will aspire to hope to meet more of the former :).

Eye In The Sky said:
Additionally, PML and TES #s, while nice to know are NOT the end all, be all of the CT process.  You are looking for something called the SIP.  As you say you've been around the Forces enough to know so much, you'll be able to find that in the Production documents, right?  That will indicate *possible* #s of UT/T CTs that are being looked at, planned, what have you.
What is a TES, and SIP?

Again assuming.  Sigh....why are you assuming?  Just because someone has been in for a few years doesn't mean they are an expert on everything. I don't know what a 'production document' is, so if you could explain that would be appreciated.  As you've said it, not be all end all., but nice to know-hence....surprise surprise, I would like to know.  I've read people discussing these in past here, so I thought it was easy to pull up.

What is a UT?
Production Documents are where (the last time I looked) the SIP (Strategic Intake Plan, aka "# of ppl potentially being hired) is located. 

CT U = Component Transfer, Untrained
CT T = Component Transfer, Trained.

TES = Trained Effective Strength.  Thats how many people are (or are forecast to be) at OFP (Operationally Functional Point, aka trained to the level of usefulness) in a trade.  The PML (Preferred Manning Level) is the # of ppl in a trade the CF would like to have at OFP.  Well, thats the Coles Notes version atleast.

Search the DIN and its all there...you just gotta dig alittle.  I did, thats how I found it all.

Again, before you wander down the harassment road, talk to your unit HA or any qualified WRA/HA.  Serious advice.  I won't begin to list the, IMO, flaws in that thinking and its the job of an appointed WRA/HA.

Last thought...don't be scared to search the DIN.  None of this GSK was handed to me, I built it up over the years and managed to keep a decent Bookmark file to refer back to when needed.  Self sufficiency, when possible, is a good thing.
justmyalias said:
Is it wrong that I'm borderline feeling harassed by the way they are mistreating me?

Wow... please go to your HA/WRA and say you're being harassed because your CT/OT isn't being processed and your questions answered RIGHT NOW.

Its obvious you want everything spoonfed to you, and that you feel entitled to your entitlements, so go ahead and help yourself. If you think your process is taking a while, go check out the recruiting forum here and see how long people have been waiting to just get merit listed, let alone get a job offer.
Eye In The Sky said:
Production Documents are where (the last time I looked) the SIP (Strategic Intake Plan, aka "# of ppl potentially being hired) is located. 

CT U = Component Transfer, Untrained
CT T = Component Transfer, Trained.

TES = Trained Effective Strength.  Thats how many people are (or are forecast to be) at OFP (Operationally Functional Point, aka trained to the level of usefulness) in a trade.  The PML (Preferred Manning Level) is the # of ppl in a trade the CF would like to have at OFP.  Well, thats the Coles Notes version atleast.

Search the DIN and its all there...you just gotta dig alittle.  I did, thats how I found it all.

Again, before you wander down the harassment road, talk to your unit HA or any qualified WRA/HA.  Serious advice.  I won't begin to list the, IMO, flaws in that thinking and its the job of an appointed WRA/HA.

Last thought...don't be scared to search the DIN.  None of this GSK was handed to me, I built it up over the years and managed to keep a decent Bookmark file to refer back to when needed.  Self sufficiency, when possible, is a good thing.
:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
Thank you so much for the info.  I actually asked a buddy who knows this stuff like I know cellphones inside and out., he gave me the same info, minus CTU & CTT.  Also he said that a production tells you all the info wrt trade uptakes, highlighting the respective SIP and TES #s?

Between you and me, I'm nowhere near any harassment suits as I'm stubborn, but if push comes to shove, and I have absolutley nothing to lose, I would be footnoting the experience for others to review.  It is poor to say the least.

You are right, the DIN is sadly daunting for a beginner.  You'd think someone who knows how to use the web quite efficiently could carry-over the skills into DIN searching., but I haven't been able to overcome that trepidation yet.  Sadly, I am stuck between the web, and this forum-which wouldn't be bad if there weren't more people like you helping others out, and less of *cough* others who....don't.

Thanks again for your info.

Can someone comment on the second part of my enquiry?

Can you select an NCO & NCM trade when doing a CT/OT?
justmyalias said:
Can you select an NCO & NCM trade when doing a CT/OT?

How long have you been in the CF?  You do know what a NCO and NCM are, right?

When doing a CT, you can change Trades, if that is what you are asking.  To do so does hold different ramifications though.
After you are done figuring out what NCM and NCO are, go read policy on what constitutes harassment.
Sorry, I never write it like that and was just pleasantly enamoured by Eye in the Sky's post :).

Officer and NCM.  forgive me.
George Wallace said:
When doing a CT, you can change Trades, if that is what you are asking.
ok, Let me rephrase.

I want to select Log O & Weapons Tech, let's say.  When I did so last year, nobody mentioned anything.  When I finally gave up waiting (5months) and emailed for an update, instead of any info, someone mentioned why I had selected those two, when it wasn't permitted.  That I could only select NCM or Officer trades, not BOTH at the same time.

Does this jive?