I'm a naval reservist in Toronto (00166 MUSN) and I was enrolled in June 2011
and completed my BMQ during the 2011 summer.
I'm 19, a highschool graduate with gr 12 average 91% and currently attending university studying International Relations.
I've basically fell in love with the military after BMQ experience and my hopeful plan is this:
Finish my QL3, QL4, National Band Naval Reserve during the entire summer of 2012 (will be promoted to Leading Seaman).
Transfer a
s soon as it's possible to regular force (army preferred).
Serve as an NCM
After years of service, aim for UTPNCM to become an officer.
Serve for life.
(fingers crossed).
But first of all, I know that I have to start my CT-OT process as soon as possible because it takes a loooong time...
(I'm expecting a year or much more... With the security clearance and all....)
So, this Wednesday, I'm going to go in during admin night to:
request CT-OT to regular force
commence my security clearance lvl 2 or lvl 3.
The trades that I've been research a whole lot about and considering are:
Infantry soldier
Armoured soldier
Intelligence Operator (army)
I'm leaning more towards INT-OP vs ARMOURED.
The reason being that infantry already has more than enough
and I know that there are tons of experienced PRes Infanteers that has been waiting for years for component transfer....
These are my concerned with the two targeted trades.
I know that being a ncm in the CF already doing CT makes me relatively a good pick(?)
but I'm concerned that spots opening in April 2012 are limited
and that there would be INT-OP applicants that already hold a university degree or college diploma.
I do have INT-OP's desired assets as I speak fluent Korean, English, and French (oral, reading, and writing).
I've experienced a lot of multiculturalism as I've traveled to Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Hong Kong, Australia, Japan,
and live in Korea for 10 years of my youth.
My primary interest and skill lies in languages, international relations, different people and cultures all around the world.
Which is why I felt that INT-OP was a suitable for me.
Do I have a chance of being transferred to Intelligence Operator even though I'm just a high school graduate and have no experience as an intelligence operator in the naval reserves?
Another concern regarding INT-OP is that the required security clearance level is 3.
I've read in the forum that for that high level of clearance, the entire process could take up to 3 years...
Is that true?
If the CT-OT will take more than 3 years... I would move on to find my luck in the armoured corps.
After researching, I get a feeling that I might have a better chance of being offered a spot in armoured as opposed to INT-OP...
This for the reason that I am a fitness freak and I love to better myself in physical abilities.
Also, going through security clearance lvl 2 would take a shorter amount of time compared to INT-OP
which means that IF the door to armoured opens up at April 2012 and I have my component transfer through,
I may have a chance of being transferred to the Reg F before 2013, which is a marvelous news for me!
However, as this trade is of the combat arms (which seems to attract men looking for job immensely),
I know that it is very competitive and in similar situation as the infantry.
Does anyone know how Armoured is doing with the preferred manning level vs recruitment? Will it open up in April 2012? Or will I most likely be waiting for April 2013?...