1. Your Reg F pay will commence the day your CT is effective.
2. You will have to allow for the gaining unit/admin processes to get your entered into the Reg F pay system (CCPS). When you RFD, you can ask that as part of your in-clearance. If you are asking your report date be moved 30 days to the right, I am not sure where you are, but you could be looking at local/AR payment until you get to your unit and get into CCPS.
I strongly advise you, if you do receive Local/AR payments for Reg Force pay, keep track of when, how much, keep any paperwork WRT to them and give them to the OR on inclearance. That way, they can protect your pay so you don't end up getting a double payment thru CCPS if the AR paperwork doesn't follow you in a timely manner.
This happened to me when I CTd a few years back and my CCPS/Reg F pay account was out of whack, and was a PITA to me and the pay folks.