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Canadian AFG War "Resister"


Paracowboy,  My previous posting was extremely rough.  Rougher than I like to be.  I accused him basically of being a liar, a waste of rations and a cowardly oath breaker who blames others for his own failings. I wanted to also imply that he is receiving allot of positive attention by impugning the integrity and dignity of men who are better than himself and that he is simply doing harm for his own benefit. But I couldn't find a way to do it with grace and dignity.  I also couldn't find a gracious way of saying that if he disapproves of the lack of aid in comparison to military efforts that he should have a bake sale and donate the proceeds to a charity that helps with reconstruction.  (hopefully one of the few that don't give a percentage to the Taliban to buy weapons) So I didn't.

I am glad that I didn't.  Having just watched his speech,  I think he stated his case of how he came to question our actions in Afghanistan quite clearly also he put forward a clear and logical argument against not just Afghanistan but Iraq and other conflicts.  I disagree with much of what he said,  however he did raise some very valid points and took great pains to never say bad things about the people in the CF - attacking the Conservatives insted.  If he honestly believes what he is saying - which I now think he does,  then I think he did the right thing by resigning.  If you feel we are in an illegal war of aggression, it is your duty to not support it. 

With that said,  a few comments/question on the speech I put them in order as much as I could - this will only really make sense if you watch the clips:

Introduction -
When were we told that we were going to Afghanistan exclusively for reconstruction?  When did reconstruction become possible when there are people who gleefully blow up what you build?

The accusation that we have lost the ability to broker a peace deal in Afghanistan is actually true,  we can't negotiate with the Taliban,  they wont come to the table.  The accusation that this is an illgal war however is false.  Not only have we followed international law we have the backing of the UN for this mission.  Please don't confuse Iraq with Afghanistan.

We still are involved in many UN operations,  wearing blue helmets and we are actively involved in many UN backed reconstruction efforts - including Afghanistan.

We are not occupying Afghanistan.  We are in Afghanistan,  yes. But we have no designs to subjugate the Afghan people.  Are we not there because there was a threat that was posed to us and we are staying there because it is in our intrest to see that that doesn't return?

Him -

Officer cadet or officer candidate? (were you an Oct or another rank receiving training to go officer)

A very sly way of implying that not enough effort has been put into reconstruction and aid. Also a subtle jab at the values of those who make the decision as wanting a fight more than they want results.  Phrased very delicately, it was said in a way that it can't be challenged as a falsehood.  I hate to say it be that was well played.

If I'm not mistaken,  you specifically requested to go to Afghanistan and was scheduled to be placed within the regular force as they are trained up for a tour. Then while on that training you decided to back out of your request.  (I think this is what happened from his speech - if I am wrong please someone steer me right)

I think he descended into baseless name calling without properly backing up why he thinks that.  How is Afghanistan an illegal war,  how is it America's battel alone *and standard things*

Support the brutal history of America in Iraq and middle east .... I respectfully would like to point out Afghanistan is not Iraq.  And I don't think it qualifies as middle east - I could be wrong though,  it does border a country that borders Iraq.  But It also borders a country that borders Norway and almost borders America.  Just thinking if that makes it European or close to North American.... but I digress.

The members of the CF that I have spoken to almost without fail do not support military aggression,  by any country. Canadians have been raised to view jingoism as counterproductive.  What does that have to do with Afghanistan?  I think you have presumed a direct military link between the two when there is a clear distinction.

You mentioned how you see the CF as using Military enforce mandates by the united nations - as a good thing.  What do you think Afghanistan is?

708 from 340 you're right that is more that doubling in fact it is 108.23594% increase.  Not 125% increase. If 765 people went AWOL then you'd be right. (But rounding errors don't take away from your point that the army had charged allot more people with AWOL charges)

Video 2

We are not in the middle east,  we are in Afghanistan. Please if you have a valid assertion to link the two,  please make it.

Pakistan already has nuclear weapons,  yes it is a Muslim dictatorship. Yes we are nice to them.  What is your point,  other than racist fear mongering?

We did not unilaterally choose sides in an internal Afghan conflict.  We were attacked by one of the sides so we went to the other who was quite happy to give us assistance as we struck back.  I can not disagree with you that the Northern alliance has a spotty record on human rights.  I have to agree with you that it has complicated things for certain regions - however since the alternative was having no allies and allowing a group to attack us with impunity, this was an unfortunate tradeoff we made at the time.  I think there is a new nationally elected government that calls the shots now,  but sometimes function and form vary in these situations.

What do you mean by the requirements that the commanders of Canada's armed forces confront today not being those that were faces by those in WWII? Are you talking about how they are under stricter rules about talking about the mission in public? 

Now wasn't it our elected government that committed us into Afghanistan?  Followed by another elected government? 

Now your point on the skirmish between Israel and Lebanon and how we took sides is valid being a departure from our traditional role,  fair enough,  but I don't see a link between our role in Afghanistan and that position except that both pleased the Americans.

I thought there was a debate in the house of commons - I remember watching it.  I thought we had two,  one when we first went in and the second when we extended our commitment and changed our role.... I know I've fallen asleep watching cpac,  but really I don't think I dreamt it.

that old 90% 10% split.  I can't argue that point,  if you think we need More aid $$ please hold a bake sale or fun run.  Also our role is to provide security so that NGOPs can deliver their aid - they apparently are better at it. Especially if we don't confine them to areas that we have secured.

Also I can't argue your point on how we have tried to only allow aid to those who support us -there by removing the neutrality of NGOs and removing much ability to do their work.  I remember the Americans apologising for it and a change of tactics was made.

And that last attack on Stephen Harper allowing one of our Soldiers to be killed while on a UN mission without even an objection... I can't argue the sentiment, (I try not to take issue with feelings) but I don't see a link between it and your objection to our role in Afghanistan.

( Sorry for the long post.)
paracowboy said:
seems like a lot of effort to say "Lying sack of crap".


Yes,  but I didn't go through and transcribe what he said and thoroughly rip apart his errors.  Nor did I cite the sources I used to rebuke him.  I know it is a sloppy post - more of a vent than anything.

On a side note,  am I the only one who thinks he looked ... well "stocky" for someone who was being groomed for Second Lieutenant?  When I say stocky, I mean ...voluptuous - in a not attractive for a man to be way. I liked his hair though. (I don't mean it as a personal attack,  but maybe the personal strain he is under is affecting his health?)
I like how at the beginning of the video the speaker referred to the mission in Afghanistan as "an illegal war".  ::)

Feed the sheep, feed the sheep..
The lad was always a bit stocky.  Now I know where the extra weight came from after sailing with him for a couple years...HE'S FULL OF CRAP!  Sorry 'bout the angry post...this guy really fries me since I knew him personally.
Zell, if you really want to lead guys like me, dude, you got to stop bein' such a friggin wuss with this shit.
The guy is fat. He is a fat, lying, sack of shit.
Now you try.

    I find it hard to be rude to people,  by default I want to show respect.  I want to believe that he isn't what I think he is.  I want to believe that he is a person of true intentions who is doing what he believes is right paying carefull attention not to harm others for his own benefit.  I want to believe that he isn't deliberately causing a muddling of various political issues for is own benefit/glory and I also want to believe that this wasn't a coldly calculated plan on his part and that I wont see him running for federal office next election. I want to believe in fundamental goodness.  I wish I had evidence to support what I want to believe in this case.

See Paracowboy,  I can be as mean as anyone  :threat:
Zell_Dietrich said:
I wish I had evidence to support what I want to believe in this case.

I'm the KING of this site to always trying to find another reason, possibility,
etc... for the behavior of people in order for them to get a fair shake and possibly
shed new light on to an issue. (to the point of driving some members here crazy)

In this case... I don't find myself doing it.  Why am I not trying to defend him or
offer possibly solutions???

There is just too much evidence to prove otherwise.  He was in the reserves.
There are people from his courses and ships saying first hand knowledge of
his personality and professionalism ( which isn't much to say the least)

If I give up hope... then trust me there is NO HOPE.
Multiple choice quiz in this fellow's subconscious:

Q: I have failed officer training and quit the CF in wartime. This is because:

a) I failed to meet the requirements of the course for academic, physical, or medical reasons (aka gave it my best shot and failed);
b) I lacked the character and drive (aka wimped out);
c) I saw we were at war and failed a gut check (aka chickened out);
d) I am a combination of Rosa Parks, Ron Kovic, and Mahatma Gandhi and I deserve the Order of Canada

A: well .... errrr .... tough one ..... examing personal failure is hard ... what to do ... I kind of like the sound of answer 'd.' Yeah. Definitely 'd'. Wow. I am amazing. Why do I feel like a fraud? It must be my misunderstood genius again ... NO WAR FOR OIL!
Good on him for quitting.
I'd even buy him a beer (not a CC and coke mind you) , pat him on the back and say nice try, good luck with the rest of your life.

Before you guys start lighting torches, this guy was a leader. Can you imagine if he wold have went to afghanistan incharge of 30 some troops and then began passinghis views along to them?
Imagine your platoon commander not wanting to be there. Who's intersts is he ging to look out for first, his or the platoons.

I always find it hard to hate these guys because how I see it I'm MUCH happier that they quit in Canada instead of being too afraid to pipe up, going to Afghanistan and getting Canadian soldiers killed.
I'm much happier not having my back covered by someone like that.

Some people simply can't do the job. Whether their afraid or don't believe in the war, who cares. Their better in Canada than here right? I just couldn't be bothered getting worked up over their little sob stories.
Speaking of which,
A reservist being ordered here? Yes thats very stupid. We need to fight for our positions to come on tour. We're really not at the point where reservists are being ordered here. I think half my platoon is either putting in CTs to the reg force or putting in memos to extend their tour.  Forced to come here my ass.
Sounds like he is trying to shrink away from his decision. As a reservist he wouldn't be forced to go on tour and suggesting otherwise is a weak attempt to try and bolster his story. No sympathy for that.
Make him pay for what education he managed to get off the CF and put that money towards new tacvests and weapon sights :)
I also say "Good on Francisco Juarez!"  Francisco, you have made it into Canada's major newspapers, onto Canada's major News Networks, and your speech is all over U-tube.  Now you can await the letter from the AJAG, or two burly MP's at your door, and pay for your actions.  Your defence at your trial is completely shot.  You have broken your Oath.  You have not honoured your pledge.  You are still accountable for your actions.  I am sure you will only get a hefty fine, and no jail time, but that seems reasonable enough to me.
   Before you guys start lighting torches, this guy was a leader.
               WTF 's up with that !
                 Leader ?
            George +1
Well, to be fair, a 'potential' leader who failed to successfully complete CAP.  Many many people get that far and fail. Others go farther and fail.  So, he lead nothing (in actuality) and since I know nothing about him, all I can say is this:

That's right, nothing.

I can spew forth my opinions, but I'll reserve those, thank you very much.

Uggghhh I just watched the video I need to go throw up....could we be a little more self absorbed. You quit a job (a good one at that), get over it and get on with your miserable existence.....enjoy your right to spout off like a fool, some of your buddies are still being "groomed" so you can enjoy that freedom.

Just sad, period full stop.
But even if he was a good leader and a great guy who decided that it wasn't for him that's great. If he wants to get out then that's fine it's better that he drop out here. But if you decide to drop out because you cant hack it then don't go to the media and everyone else screaming about how the war is illegal and your a hero for not going.

Just quit and hope you don't run into any of your former peers on a dark night  ;)
nowhere_man said:
Just quit and hope you don't run into any of your former peers on a dark night  ;)
His former peers would probably do the worst thing they could to him: ignore him.

His former peers, if they are still serving, know better than to threaten this POS.  They would instead be exemplars of professionalism and just steer clear of him.
Just some info, Mr. Juarez is now publicly speaking about his "resistance".  He was at my school (University of Toronto, Mississauga)  on thursday along with a member of the american army who served 5 months in Iraq, and a Vietnam war resistor.  I missed the speech since I was at parade but I talked to my friend who went.  According to her he talked about the way the Canadian public is being mislead about Canada's intentions in A-stan, and we are WAR fighting and not peacekeeping. (Which anyone paying attention should know already).  He also spouted some stuff about how the conservative government changed the mission from what the liberals actually wanted it to be. 

I wish I knew what else he said but I wasn't there.
George Wallace said:
I also say "Good on Francisco Juarez!"  Francisco, you have made it into Canada's major newspapers, onto Canada's major News Networks, and your speech is all over U-tube.  Now you can await the letter from the AJAG, or two burly MP's at your door, and pay for your actions.  Your defence at your trial is completely shot.  You have broken your Oath.  You have not honoured your pledge.  You are still accountable for your actions.  I am sure you will only get a hefty fine, and no jail time, but that seems reasonable enough to me.

I'm not going to hold my breath...just like that other miserable SOS that is protesting the toasting and saluting of the Queen.

PB&J - Agreed, especially if all his out-processing paperwork is done (I presume this from online commentary here to the effect that he quit).  Also, we KNOW how it'll read in the media if the CF tries prosecuting ....
Northern Touch said:
He also spouted some stuff about how the conservative government changed the mission from what the liberals actually wanted it to be.
We call this "talking outside your lane" around here.  This guy does not know what he is talking about.