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Canadian AFG War "Resister"

"Former military cadet Francisco Juarez also spoke at the rally. He told CTV Newsnet he signed up for the mission to Afghanistan but then became concerned about the change in direction under the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He was released from the military."

Have we begun sending OCDTs to Afghanistan? Has anyone deployed with one?
Juarez has never even deployed, not with the Army or the Nvvy.  Amazing isn't it? Someone resisting something that he has never done makes him look like a talking jacka** on the TV.  What he should be resisting is the urge to lie to Canadians.  Everyone on this site knows that reservists do not have to deploy if they don't want to, unless the reserves have been activated by the government.  The last time I checked, everything was still happening on a volunatary basis for tours in A-Stan.
kratz said:
Interestingly enough, CTV.ca has already amended their coverage of this story and are now referring to Mr. Juarez as a "former military cadet". Keep writing into their feedback section if it will aid in getting the correct story out there.

Here is my feedback to CTV:

Francisco Juarez

To keep it short and simple: Francisco Juarez lies.

CTV repeats his lies.

He did not volunteer for Afghanistan.  We was an untrained officer cadet – he was never invited to volunteer for Afghanistan because only fully trained members of the reserve force are allowed to volunteer for a tour of duty anywhere.

That CTV continues to repeat Juarez’ lies speaks volumes about CTV’s lack of basic journalistic standards, if such things exist at all.
CBC isn't much better:

Francisco Juarez, a demonstrator in Toronto, was fined by the Canadian army reserves and released earlier this year after he refused to train for the Afghan campaign.
May as well point out that he refused to train for the next ice storm, flood, forest fire, etc.
MCG said:
May as well point out that he refused to train for the next ice storm, flood, forest fire, etc.

My Feedback e-mail to CTV

I suggest you check your facts for once.

Mr. Juarez (he forfeited any claims to the prefix O/Cdt when he quit) left the military for a variety of reason including refusal to take part in training.

He had never volunteered or been told he was earmarked for Afghanistan, and in fact as an untrained reservist he would never have been eligible to even volunteer for such a mission.

Edited to add similar e-mail sent to CBC for what it's worth
"He says he was being groomed to become a second lieutenant and would have been in Kandahar by early next year."

With respect,  I honestly wish I was being groomed to become a second Lieutenant.  In truth I am just a lowly Officer Cadet in training.  To be completely honest, I would be pensive about going to Afghanistan,  but I would be proud to go.  This news came as a surprise to me because I thought that for reservists to go to Afghanistan we have to go out of our way to get selected.  I thought I would have to stomp on a few throats, twist a few arms and sit in front of yet another selection panel to be allowed to go. (Much like what I went through to simply get in)

I believe it takes a few years to become a second Lieutenant,  if he was to be in the sandbox early next year, that means he had received allot of training. It is interesting to note that a person can receive allot of training,  money and other resources as an investment and then when called upon to serve (the reason the investment was made) simply back out.

I hope he doesn't look back on his actions with to much regret.  I know that if I fail to make it through my training, I would be fairly upset with myself for quite sometime. If I do fail to make the grade, I wouldn't allow myself to blame it on anyone or anything other than myself. In order for me to get in, (one of the many boards I faced)  I had to outline in moderate detail Canada's current military involvements.  I am sure he had to do the same.  He had to have known about Afghanistan, the duties and the risks, before to even took his oath (or solemn confirmation)
Mr. Jaurez seems very adept at conflating his status of a reservist with 2-weeks of leadership training.

In my world, we call that a LIAR.
Watching Global news tonight... by their accounts, Mr. Juarez is supposed to be in Afghanistan right now.
Since the G&M is evidently becoming the Canadian equivalent of the National Enquirer, I wonder if they'll do an expose on this waste of a DNA sample as they did on Mark Graham?  I say fair is fair. 
I think he's being groomed for a seat in the House of Commons with either the Greens or the NDP.  After all, he is eligible to vote, right?  So, by his argument that a two week CAP candidate is being "groomed" to become a 2Lt is about as logical, no?  And, since he is was an infantry officer candidate, and we have infantry in Afghanistan, he MUST have had a C-130 waiting for him at F'ton airport following graduation to fly him over (a few refuelings later) to drop him into Panjwai "just in time", right?  Right?  I know I'm right.  

Someone tell me I'm right?

Now, that's not fair, I want MY fifteen minutes of fame!

I wonder if I tell Jack that since I went to Catholic School, I was being groomed to become a priest, but quit because of the Church's policy, on, oh, I don't know, SIN, that he would make ME a poster boy?

(Yes, this is sarcasm)  ::)
Von, you'll get your 15 mins right after I become the next Chief Justice of the SCC or Queen of England (doesn't matter as long as I get the cool red robes to wear).
I guess being a good liar means that Juarez will make a good member for the NDP, if he actually gets elected.  Being a fraud on national television certainly can't hurt his chances at getting a seat for Taliban Jack's party.  If people are dumb enough to believe that Mr. Juarez was going to A-Stan, then they deserve him if they elect him.  By all rights, this guy should only be holding the distance line on a RAS and that is it.  His moral objections to the mission in A-stan are colliding with my moral objections to frauds, phonies, and political schills.
I just watched the CTV clip of this “individual.” I've come to the conclusion that he actually believes he was going and has taken some sort of moral high ground here. the self rigtrighteousnessing from him ranks right up there with Layton. Must be nice to see the world through rose coloured blinders. Sad part is the MSM is buying his pap.
When the media mentions war resisters you just know that they are trying to make it seem like the country is completely divided. But when they name individual war resisters you know that they are really reaching to make it seem that way.

Personally I dont know how people can oppose a war that was started when 3 000 people were murdered on 9/11, it just doesnt seem right.

There is nobody more canadian than the men and women of out Canadian Forces and people like TB Jack are saying that it is not in Canadas interest. Is he saying that the members of our Forces are not as Canadian as those who sit and watch the war unfold on CTV and CNN?
Yea just watching CTV i just saw the clip of the peace protest and they had a clip of a "former soldier' who was speaking out against the war in Afghanistan it really makes me angry that they give people like that a spot light and make it seem like he was some sort of hero or someone who actually served in the forces.
Just saw that clip on ctv.  Seems that there were more people in Kingston (population ~100,000 or so) to watch a military parade than in Toronto to protest (population ~3,000,000 or so)