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Canadian AFG War "Resister"

Okay,  now to take this on a slightly different angel.  How can we best use the current situation to our advantage?  Will we just use his lack of credibility in private discussions? If we are to expose him publicly,  how can we get it out there?  (I don't have any connections with anyone in the cbc anymore)
The media trolls this site often - they know full well what this gentleman's background is and what the vast majority of serving members think of him.
Well for starters I’m glad he was dishonorably discharged, can you imagine what would have happened if he were allowed to lead troops into combat with that distain able attitude?

I hate to think how many brave souls would not have been coming back because of one coward.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
The media trolls this site often - they know full well what this gentleman's background is and what the vast majority of serving members think of him.

But as we have seen time and again, the MSM is quite adept at glossing over, or even plain ignoring the facts if those facts are contradictory to the "story".  So despite the fact that this individuals credibility has been completely torn to shreds, I highly doubt that the general public will be made aware of it.  Unless a reporter with the cojones to tell the truth wants to take the lead.  David Akin, I am looking at you as you are the only member of the press, who has publicly announced himself on this forum.
You mean ... it's not just for the college money...

Wait a minute.. I paid my own way through college.....

Damme.. busted by the man..again...
paracowboy said:
but...but...I only joined for the college money!
I love disagreeing with you paracowboy,  but in this case I can't.  Now,  how did this guy get through the selection board?
retiredgrunt45 said:
Well for starters I’m glad he was dishonorably discharged, can you imagine what would have happened if he were allowed to lead troops into combat with that distain able attitude?
I hate to think how many brave souls would not have been coming back because of one coward.
Dishonorable discharge?...... where did you get that little piece of information?
The "dishonorable discharge" was stated in one of the first stories when it hit the news, hasn't really been mentioned since. Don't know if it was a mis-quote or a reporter getting it wrong or if that little fact (if it is a fact) gets in the way of his posturing.

I'll try and find the link. Stand by.


edit: don't have to look far. Check out the first article in this thread from the CP. Mind you, it is from the CP, so I am going to look around and see if anyone else mentioned it.

Is there any way we could check on that internally (and legally)? I know court martials and appeal results are posted on the DWAN (the charge reports are sometimes funny to read), what about this?
Wookilar said:
The "dishonorable discharge" was stated in one of the first stories when it hit the news, hasn't really been mentioned since. Don't know if it was a mis-quote or a reporter getting it wrong or if that little fact (if it is a fact) gets in the way of his posturing.

I'll try and find the link. Stand by.


I recall an article stating that he had then been RTUd where he received a 5F release.
milnewstbay said:
My question - how can you be a "war resister" when nobody is dragging you there against your will?

Shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act - http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/info/act-e.html#rid-33409

Soldier describes why he abandoned military over Afghan mission
Alexander Panetta, Canadian Press, 9 Sept 06

The military relented somewhat. They fined the B.C. native $500 and discharged him without honour.

But Juarez doesn't regret his disobedience for a second.

He says he was being groomed to become a second lieutenant and would have been in Kandahar by early next year.

No need to add another link just look at the very first post on the thread.
Yes, but the press also said that he was being "groomed" to be a 2Lt.  As I recall, most 2Lt's are far from "groomed"  :dontpanic:

(Hey, Juarez, in case you read this: 2Lts don't even merit a PER!)

A CanWest article in this thread (page 3, I really have to learn how to properly quote something) says he was "discharged without a court martial."

Can you have a "dishonorable discharge" without a court martial?

How do we confirm what either of these publishers are saying? It would make it alot easier if we felt we could trust the press to get the facts right the first time.

The Librarian said:
Interestingly, if you google "Fransico Juarez" hit number one is the Ruxted.ca article dealing with this goof. The "hero" that never was.

Way down the page you get this garbage:


Might also be prudent for them to explain AWOL could be oversleeping, drunk and still in bed, car breaking down, missed appointments and dozens of other calamities that cause somebody to be "adrift". I don't think we have too many jumping the wire and trying to get into the United States to hide.

Typical sensationalism, but it reads like it was written by somebody who flunked Grade 10 English; it's pretty mangled writing.

Wookilar said:
A CanWest article in this thread (page 3, I really have to learn how to properly quote something) says he was "discharged without a court martial."
Correct. Summary Trial vice Court Martial. He was charged and fined; then released 5F.
Can you have a "dishonorable discharge" without a court martial?
How do we confirm what either of these publishers are saying? It would make it alot easier if we felt we could trust the press to get the facts right the first time.
I am looking for a link, but I distinctly recall an interview with him where he stated he had been released 5F.
spud said:
Might also be prudent for them to explain AWOL could be oversleeping, drunk and still in bed, car breaking down, missed appointments and dozens of other calamities that cause somebody to be "adrift". I don't think we have too many jumping the wire and trying to get into the United States to hide.

Typical sensationalism, but it reads like it was written by somebody who flunked Grade 10 English; it's pretty mangled writing.


Ruxted.ca did address the AWOL issue in this article:

as well, there are threads running on the AWOL stats here in army.ca:



(f) Unsuitable for Further Service.
Applies to the release of an officer or non-commissioned member who, either wholly or chiefly because of factors within his control, develops personal weakness or behaviour or has domestic or other personal problems that seriously impair his usefulness to or impose an excessive administrative burden on the Canadian Forces.
As to his release, from Spud's The Librarian's link to http://www.wri-irg.org/pubs/upd-0610.htm

The military relented somewhat. They fined the B.C. native $500 and discharged him without honour.

Guess after catching up on all the reading, this has been poste several times, and still missed by many.