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Canadian AFG War "Resister"

hehe.... yeah, he could give lawyers a bad name (JK) 8)
I'm kind of upset that I missed my chance to clear the air back in October when Juarez's coments first came to light.

During the summer of 2006, I worked as a supplementary staff member in Jaurez's platoon for the CAP course running out the infantry school in Gagetown (course storeman).  I remember driving him around once or twice, I spent a good deal of time speaking with the candidates in his platoon, as it was my job to drive them around whenever they needed to get to the MIR, among other things.  I also spent alot of time speaking with the staff.  Needless to say I heard alot of things from the instructors side, as well as the candidates.

Here's what I know about Juarez:

* He was universally detested by the course candidates.  He showed little to no motivation on PT or in the field, and was known among his platoon as a blade.  Even the weaker and more timid candidates couldn't stand the guy.  It was almost amusing to hear a nerdy little Signals OCdt tell me what a bag of crap he was.

*The course staff shared the same opinion.  They were tired of his poor attitude and insubordinate behaviour.  He had asked to be sent off course a number of times, but the staff didn't want to give up on him.  When that didn't work he went up the chain in the Infantry School to ask to be sent home.  When that didn't work he started to refuse orders. In fact I think I remember driving him to one of his little chats with the 2IC of the school before he got the boot.

* One morning in late June or early July while on PT on the obstacle course, Juarez refused to complete an obstacle.  The MBdr ordered him to go again, and he still refused.  As far as I know, the course staff and the Infantry School staff were sick of putting up with him, so he was charged with insubordination, fined $500, and booted off the course.

So there you have it.... I hope the lurker from the National Post on this site reads this and decides to dig a little further.
Tyler said:
... I worked as a supplementary staff member in Jaurez's platoon for the CAP course running out the infantry school in Gagetown (course storeman). 
Hmmmm ... ... ... ... ??? ... ... ...

Tyler said:
So there you have it.... I hope the lurker from the National Post on this site reads this and decides to dig a little further.
I beg you, please don't hold your breath. They've had 10 months to correct this situation and post the fact that this guy was in no way "resisting" anything. They know he wasn't slated to deploy to Afghanistan then or at any point in the future, and they are well aware that he would have to volunteer to do that as a Reserve.

They fact the MSM have chosen to ignore those factual details in their "real" story for this long leads me to believe that they are fully aware that they have no "real" story.

Quite ironic isn't it? "Reporting" entails detailing/outlining/presenting the facts without the spin. These days the tendancy by many is to write the story to suit the "spin" and ignore the facts (thus I use the term "write" vice "report"); which is exactly what they have done with their Juarez "not a true story" writings.
I see our little poster boy for insubordination has been trotted out by the group in Quebec doing the mass mailings to 5GBC. He’s quoted on their website as one of the war resisters.  ::)
As a Reservist there could have been a better way for him to get out instead of being out like that.
slowmode said:
As a Reservist there could have been a better way for him to get out instead of being out like that.
For us, yes. Maybe not for him.

Keep in mind when you fail at something,  you can either look deep within you and see your own flaws or you can find an excuse.  This way he isn't an Ocdt who failed at CAP, he is a conscientious objector who's being persecuted by the system. It comes with a celebrity status and people tell you how brave you are versus being another guy who just couldn't hack it.

(I say thing having come to the conclusion that he didn't change his mind about the Afghan mission,  I base this on both his actions and the statements made by those surrounding him)
Zell_Dietrich said:
For us, yes. Maybe not for him.

Keep in mind when you fail at something,  you can either look deep within you and see your own flaws or you can find an excuse.  This way he isn't an Ocdt who failed at CAP, he is a conscientious objector who's being persecuted by the system. It comes with a celebrity status and people tell you how brave you are versus being another guy who just couldn't hack it.

(I say thing having come to the conclusion that he didn't change his mind about the Afghan mission,  I base this on both his actions and the statements made by those surrounding him)
Thats a good point, I never looked at it that way.
Also one will most likely lead to his automatic nomination as the NDP candidate in some BC riding for the next election. Scary though he wins and Jack makes him the NDP Defence critic because he would be theiri defacto SME on defence. Scarier though Jack wins and Juarez becomes.......  :o(where is the vomit smiley?)
Now,  it comes down to it, I feel sorry for him.  If I'm right and he did this to fool himself out of his shame ... he is now suffering.  I think he thought he would say what he said then fade away - now that is is famous, and quoted all the time,  he has to live with what deep down he knows to be true. Every day of his life he is "the war resister".  He is now forever stuck at that point on the obstacle course he didn't want to go on and he decided to quit.

While we'll all get to move on,  he will always be there choosing to quit.

Zell_Dietrich said:
Now,  it comes down to it, I feel sorry for him.  If I'm right and he did this to fool himself out of his shame ... he is now suffering.  I think he thought he would say what he said then fade away - now that is is famous, and quoted all the time,  he has to live with what deep down he knows to be true. Every day of his life he is "the war resister".  He is now forever stuck at that point on the obstacle course he didn't want to go on and he decided to quit.

While we'll all get to move on,  he will always be there choosing to quit.

Feel free to give him a nice warm hug then brother.

I still hold that he's a waste of breathable oxygen.

You're presuming he has the ability to realize he failed and deep down feels the shame. I'd say the exact opposite. he enjoys playign the poster boy for the ar resistance movement  and the moral superior to us poor misinformed grunts. Go take a look at his condescendingr replies on the Ruxted article whichhad  the affrontery to postot the facts that don't match his version of events. The reason we haven't heard from him recently is because he's out there building a nice big cross for himself.  ::)
Ahem.... Mr Juarez is contributing to the greenhouse gas effect.... please have him shut up!
he's probably why Canada hasn't met its Kyoto Accord levels yet.... damnations...

Danjanou said:
Feel free to give him a nice warm hug then brother.

I am a touchy feely kinda of person for sure. If he looked like he needed a hug, I'd likely give him one. (I'm not saying I wouldn't have a stern talk with him and call his actions into question... I'm saying if he needed one, I'd *maybe* give him a hug)  I'd even give a hug to those mean police officers who stopped me today to search my barracks box because someone thought it looked suspicious.  (yes I did enjoy getting frisked for the first time in my life,  on a busy street and the sunburn I got waiting for them to finish reading all my pay stubs) Yes I'd hug them too.  (Except one of the female officers - it was clear she wasn't good at her job.)

Danjanou said:
You're presuming he has the ability to realize he failed and deep down feels the shame.

I think that every human being is sentient.  While I don't easily dismiss the power of the mind to choose one's own reality,  there will always be reality. He may honestly believe what he is saying, but deep down, apart of him knows.  If I've interprated his motives correctly, he is suffering right now.  Ever time he steps into the limelite to be the resister, a part of him relives that moment where he chose to quit. 

I was raised to believe that if you refuse to learn something,  facing it head on to grow, you will have to repeat the lesson. Over and over.  (well at this point I'm getting into other topics, but still I think it is apt.)
Zell, I have to agree with Danjanou.  I believe that he quite likes this little narrative that he's created much better than the truth, and probably even believes it himself.  No doubt having his ego stroked by those in the anti-effort movement and MSM, as well as those peacenik chicks throwing themselves at him help with that.

My guess is that he feels no shame whatsoever.  Someone who would have felt shame would not have gone to the lengths to get publicity for being RTU'd as he has
Zell_Dietrich said:
I was raised to believe that if you refuse to learn something,  facing it head on to grow, you will have to repeat the lesson. Over and over.  (well at this point I'm getting into other topics, but still I think it is apt.)

Which is why I will sit down and break bread with you anytime and have done so in the past, as I would any of our "family" with one notable exception now. By his actions and more-so his attitude he has forfeited that right in my opinion