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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

I've had them in the past, and they are heavy.  Generally, not a huge issue, and I found them comfortable, but given the choice, I think that the Mk III's would be better for a course like CAP.  Lots of km's on the feet.

Thanks for the input, and I'll start reading up on the GP thread.  
SweetNavyJustice said:
Hey Vern,

I'm a navy type coming out your way this summer for CAP.  I currently have the Mk III's with the vibrum, although it's not the solid sole, just a layer of the cushion was added. 

From your experience would I be better off turning in my Mk III's here (as I have no other army kit) and drawing the interm boots when I get the rest of my kit for the summer over in your shop - or am I better off keeping my III's?

Is the difference more in preference, or are the interm boots better?  Do they have a solid (non stepped) sole?

Thanks in advance for your input.

If your MkIIIs are working for you ... keep them. If they aren't working for you ... exchange them (hoping of course that the GPs end up working for you).

If you aren't experiencing any problems with your boots ... I'd stay with them. If it isn't broke ... (especially when you have no idea as to whether or not the GPs will work for you -- gamble/gamble -- some people love them & some people hate them, just like the MkIIIs).

Edited: You've had GPs in the past!!?? But then reverted to MkIIIs?? How did you manage to pull that off seeing as how the GPs weren't being issued out until the MkIIIs like-sizes were depleted from the system? Or did you have the Wet Weather Boots before <--- different boot altogether which has been out for a couple of years now?
ArmyVern said:
Bet you a beer on it next time we are in the same local vicinty ...

Guess that I owe you one ...  :D

You're on! I just got two brand new pair of the 'interm'. Given how much walking this crewman does, I expect one pair may still be in the box, when I'm all done ;D
recceguy said:
You're on! I just got two brand new pair of the 'interm'. Given how much walking this crewman does, I expect one pair may still be in the box, when I'm all done ;D

No no. Wear both pairs a few times and make sure you get both pairs broken in --- thus earning you that good old "non-reissuable-due-to-being-broken-in-hole-punch-through-the-tongue-upon-your-release-thing" which thereby = retention of said footwear when you retire [for hunting, fishing, gathering etc].
ArmyVern said:
No no. Wear both pairs a few times and make sure you get both pairs broken in --- thus earning you that good old "non-reissuable-due-to-being-broken-in-hole-punch-through-the-tongue-upon-your-release-thing" which thereby = retention of said footwear when you retire [for hunting, fishing, gathering etc].

I'd have to wear them without insoles so my toes would leave imprints, no? The guy here won't even give me my yearly underwear and t-shirts without giving him my worn out rags.
recceguy said:
I'd have to wear them without insoles so my toes would leave imprints, no? The guy here won't even give me my yearly underwear and t-shirts without giving him my worn out rags.

If they are well broken in, they can't be re-issued.

ArmyVern said:
If your MkIIIs are working for you ... keep them. If they aren't working for you ... exchange them (hoping of course that the GPs end up working for you).

If you aren't experiencing any problems with your boots ... I'd stay with them. If it isn't broke ... (especially when you have no idea as to whether or not the GPs will work for you -- gamble/gamble -- some people love them & some people hate them, just like the MkIIIs).

Edited: You've had GPs in the past!!?? But then reverted to MkIIIs?? How did you manage to pull that off seeing as how the GPs weren't being issued out until the MkIIIs like-sizes were depleted from the system? Or did you have the Wet Weather Boots before <--- different boot altogether which has been out for a couple of years now?

may I ask, how exactly did Vern become such a boot Guru?

So.  I have had both - and honestly, I wish I still had my MkIIIs.  I find the 'interem' GP boots to be heavy and almost clumsy, as they are a bit more unwieldy - very comfortable though, and dry out a HELL of a lot faster I found. 

But honestly, being done IAP/BOTP, it really doesn't matter for me as for the next few courses (other than survival courses) I'll be in a flight suit.
AirCanuck said:
may I ask, how exactly did Vern become such a boot Guru?

20 years; 3 of it as the Clothing Stores Supervisor dealing with, sorting out, and attempting to handle every Supply Techs nightmare when working in Clothing Stores. By far, THE biggest subject of complaints/problems/medical issues & chits/& special order spending that we deal with on a daily basis (and for multitudes of personnel every day at this particular Home of the Army) is ... footwear. Not limited to this location -- of course -- but this location sees hundreds of customers a day (a heck of a lot of them because of footwear problems) due to the sheer volume of course candidates etc going through here, quite unlike most.
AirCanuck said:
But honestly, being done IAP/BOTP, it really doesn't matter for me as for the next few courses (other than survival courses) I'll be in a flight suit.

I wouldn't count on that.  If the aircrew boots aren't available in your size, Mk IIIs are used instead (and probably 2 more pairs are issued to you.)
Dimsum said:
I wouldn't count on that.  If the aircrew boots aren't available in your size, Mk IIIs are used instead (and probably 2 more pairs are issued to you.)

Well, they can only issue him MkIIIs if there's any left in the system (and there isn't many of them left in the system -- especially the common sizes <---MkIIIs are essentially gone, done away with, history, toast) in his size, otherwise it's Boots GP in the interim until the MkIVs make their way into and around the Supply Chain.
ArmyVern said:
Edited: You've had GPs in the past!!?? But then reverted to MkIIIs?? How did you manage to pull that off seeing as how the GPs weren't being issued out until the MkIIIs like-sizes were depleted from the system? Or did you have the Wet Weather Boots before <--- different boot altogether which has been out for a couple of years now?

Vern wouldn't it work something like: clothing A only has GP's in size XX, but member is posted, and goes to exchange his/her GP boots at clothing B that has MKIII's in that size and gives those to said member?
NL_engineer said:
Vern wouldn't it work something like: clothing A only has GP's in size XX, but member is posted, and goes to exchange his/her GP boots at clothing B that has MKIII's in that size and gives those to said member?

It could ---

But not if he's a popular size, and even unpopular sizes have been Nil Natl Stock for the past couple of years.
haha yeah I think I did my last post in this one around 4.  TGIF indeed.

I actually found they had a decent amount of MKIIIs still in St Jean, up until this past summer.
AirCanuck said:
may I ask, how exactly did Vern become such a boot Guru?

And may I ask, when were you nominted as the hall monitor?

I advise you not to stray from your lanes, as I am sure Vern has boots that have more T.I than you, to make such an assinine statement.

Show some respect to the members, and do some research before firing from the hip there "zoomie"



army.ca staff
ArmyVern said:
The Boot, Cbt MkIII is eventually being replaced by a Boot, Cbt MkIV --- thus the boots GP are better/usually referred to (in Sup circles) as the "interim combat boot". They are a temp replacement for the Cbt Boot, not the permanent replacement. Hope that makes sense.
I've recently learned that the term "Mk IV" will never be used.  The MK III replacement will be the Temperate Combat Boot (TCB).

AirCanuck said:
may I ask, how exactly did Vern become such a boot Guru?
I don't know that I'd call Vern a boot guru so much as a clothing stores guru (with all the corresponding knowledge of in-service equipment, the supply system, entitlements, etc).
Have you seen the boots she wears in civvies?? I'd say she is a boot QUEEN!!

I prefer the term shoe slut, much as you gentlemen are referred to as kit sluts.

My mother affectionately calls me Imelda -- I have a walk-in closet to prove it. I do soooo love shoes ... and boots. Black, leather, heeled. Not always black, but always well-heeled.  ;)
Got issued a set of TCBs when I turned in a Mk III, and when the lady at the counter looked at my flight suit, she warns me about 5 times not to wear them flying b/c of the non-steel toes and shanks.  Now, call me crazy, but the Mk IIIs don't have them either, and aircrew get those issued if Supply runs out of aircrew boots, right?  ??? 