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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

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I know but kinda hard to fight it when the Doc orders you to and your COC wont stand behind you.

I just hope that some where they actually come up with a policy and make it clear with in the Med Trade, case in point.

Up north we get tested for TB every fall, 2004 I had my book with me as I just got posted to Yellowknife and had come back from a tour so it was handy, did the PPD and the med techs said, you shouldn't hold on to that we will, what reason do I have to argue, I don't hold on to my med files so...

2006 New Med tech -new PPD (the one in 2005 was by the same crew in 2004) asked for our Yellow books, informed that they held them after a few disagreeing views on the matter they pulled our med docs and found our yellow books- apparently they weren't suppose to be they, we were told they had to be prior.  As a foot note although I have only been doing this for about 20 years it has been hit or miss on where they go or who holds them in my time in.

Coming from and ex gunner turned admin control freak. ;D
medicineman said:
Take home message - take the 1/2 hour out every 5 years (at least) to stay up to date.  It'll save you alot of grief.

Better yet, have your book checked every winter when you go in for your flu shot...
Dirt Digger said:
Better yet, have your book checked every winter when you go in for your flu shot...

You'd be surprised how many people don't do flu shots.

Hello, I have a question really. I injured my hand yesterday, its a bit swollen, and Im hoping its healed by Saturday as thats the day i leave for BMQ, im just wondering if anyone else has ever had a small injury just before bmq, and if this will jepordize my enrollment, currently I cant really do any griping or holding with the hand but its only been 24 hours..

No I havent, But, I broke the same spot on my hand before, this time its not broken its just a muscle. (I have a serious doctor problem)
Your profile does not indicate if you are Reg or Res. Without delay, you should report it to the recruiting centre or your home unit if you have one ASAP, they will advise on how to proceed.  If you wait until you arrive on your BMQ destination and are unable to fully participate you will likely be sent home.  Be proactive, it will save a lot of headaches for everyone and speak volumes about your maturity. 

I have seen people get off buses and planes enroute to Recruit School training with casts on limbs, they have not received a warm welcome. 
Thanks alot. I plan on  going for an xray  to verify its not broken, and iam being sworn in tomorrow so i will tell them when i arrive in the morning.
What happens if someone gets injured before going to BMOQ?  Are you put back on the merit list again or put on the next training session? 

Further, for PT standards, are we allowed to do pushups on our knuckles?  I get wrist pain when doing large repetitions on my palms and was cusious whether we could do them on our knuckles after the express test?
new_man12 said:
Further, for PT standards, are we allowed to do pushups on our knuckles?  I get wrist pain when doing large repetitions on my palms and was cusious whether we could do them on our knuckles after the express test?

I recall reading this before.........Where was it and who wrote it? 

As for an injury prior to a Crse.......Well that will depend on the injury and whether or not you will be able to complete the Crse without further injuring yourself.  You may not be Crse Loaded, depending on the severity of the injury.  A little bit of common sense would tell you this.  It should be something you learn to think about now, before you progress much further in your training.
If you have injured yourself & are unable to take the course.... get in touch with the recruiting people & advise them of your changed status.  Don't do something silly like showing up for course while hoping for the best - you would not be doing yourself any favors.
Ending up in PAT, especially in St-Jean is not a good thing. Make sure you're healthy before you go on course.
You'd think you'd want to be able to preform to the best of your ability and not just barely get by due to painful injury. It's all about taking care of your self. Would they send you to afghanistan with an injury? Not quite the same but thats what they are trying to emulate in my opinion.

P.s Get lots of protein and vitamins especially E and C and stay away from refined suger, it will speed the healing process.

Best of luck!
new_man12 said:
Further, for PT standards, are we allowed to do pushups on our knuckles?  I get wrist pain when doing large repetitions on my palms and was cusious whether we could do them on our knuckles after the express test?

For every day pushups doled out by your staff, you should be able to do them on your knuckles, I've had staff that did them like that. But on CF Express I believe you must do them on your palms. Good luck.
ofcoarse i am unsure of your wrist conditions. But i get sore wrists to when doing push-ups on occassion. Try putting more weight on your palm and less on your fingers. Just a suggestion, it may help.
Well if I report the injury will they recourse me to another date or do you think I'll be merit listed again?  I've already sworn in and everything...and I guess signed all the paperwork.  Could I get released for an injury?
I'm not entirely sure, but i'm guessing you would get recoursed.
It *should* be a re-crse (meaning you should not have to go through the boards again)... Pls be upfront with the CFRC you are dealing with.  You do NOT want to get to ELRFC and go onto PAT.  The MIR (hospital) is not the best in comparison with the med facilities at other bases (IMHO).  And, if you get to ELRFC and are forced onto PAT it is extremely likely that you will be requ to stay there (i.e. you would not be eligible to go to an attach posting on OJT).  Keep in mind that BMOQ (unlike BMQ) does NOT have new plts starting up every week, so you will prolly be on PAT for a min of four months.  NOT FUN!!!

Can you give us more details on this injury?

Also, the CF EXPRES test has very specific form (esp for pushups).  If you do not follow the form, the pushups will not count.  I will check with PSP on Mon to see if you can do the test with knuckle pushups but I highly doubt it.
