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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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Good2Go said:
The MIR (hospital) is not the best in comparison with the med facilities at other bases (IMHO).

Really?  And how many other bases have you been on to make this comparison?  I would think that the MIR at CFLRC is extremely busy compared to most others.
If you get injured before basic and not sure if it will heal by the time you leave what happens? D you get recoursed?
Johnson101 said:
If you get injured before basic and not sure if it will heal by the time you leave what happens? D you get recoursed?

Nevermind, I misread what Johnson has written.
SupersonicMax said:
You realize this thread is almost 1 year and 2 months old?

Max:  See this thread:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/87278.0.html

Johnson101:  I am too out of date to be confident in anything I may say.  But I'd suggest using the "search" feature in the Recruiting threads - using the keyword "injury".  If you're not sure how to go about a search, PM me, and I'll walk you through it.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
Ouch thats alot of injections...If you did blood work as part of your medical supplmentary review do you still have to do it at BMQ...

Does anyone know how one goes about requesting ones vaccination record if ones physician does not have it...
tsokman said:
Does anyone know how one goes about requesting ones vaccination record if ones physician does not have it...

You can find that answer on Google
Quick question about prescription medication - I have found conflicting info on if you're allowed to have it at BMQ or not. 

I am very fit, healthy and active 24 year old, but take prescription medication daily for a joint condition.  With the medication, I am fine, without, I can function but am in pain (if I were deployed and lost my meds, I would not 'be a danger to myself or co-workers' - just would not be comfortable.)  I have gone over all the CFHS  documents in detail but found no info regarding if you can have prescription meds while doing your BMQ. 

I've found info on the forums here that you have to be off of them for 6 months, off for 1 year, not off at all...  I know you're not dr's, but was hoping someone has some details on what exactly is allowed at BMQ!  If can't take them, then I have an option of taking a stronger med for a while then just going off of it (my dr wouldn't be pleased, but I've done it before and gone for 6 months with normal physical health). 

I will be going into the recruiting office as soon as I can take a vacation day (the only recruiting centre near me is only open on days that I work) - was hoping to get in while my work was closed for the holidays, but lo and behold they closed for the exact days I had off...of course!  In the meantime, any info would be appreciated!
You will not be allowed any prescription medication that has not been prescribed by the CF medical system. That is for your entire CF career. If you are on medication now, this will have to be approved by CF doctors in order for you to continue taking it while in the CF.
Now, I am not an expert by any means, I can only speak from what I know, and that is from working as a file manager at a recruiting centre. Last time I checked the SOP's it states that as long as you disclose all of your previous medical history and list of medications you are currently taking, it is up to the medical staff to determine if you are "fit". If you are "fit" you are allowed to take prescription medication to basic as long as you have a filled prescription along with a written prescription from your family doctor that can be filled at the MIR during your training in St. Jean. I hope this answers your question, anything else please feel free to PM me:)
The answer to your question will differ depending on whether you are Regular or Reserve.

I'm not entirely sure about how this works for Reservists anymore (haven't been one for over 25 years), but I would suggest you take your medication with you and discuss it with the folks at the MIR when you get there.

If you are Regular, your doctor is no longer your doctor.  In fact, you are prohibited from using any provincial medical system (unless the CF sends you to a facility).  The CF is entirely responsible for your medical care now and you will have to have your condition assessed and treated by the CF medical system.  Don't worry, I haven't seen a long hot wire or leeches in years  ;D!
Pusser said:
  Don't worry, I haven't seen a long hot wire or leeches in years  ;D!
But do they still use the square needles for the testicles in Basic?
Or did they leave them all in Cornwallis?
They left them in Cornwallis...however there are some blunt, large bore one's we still use for some people and their conditions  ::).

Take your prescriptions with you. During intake, your requirements will be assessed and a decision made. Make sure you mention your Rx at the earliest suitable time, so that there is sufficient opportunity to get seen by the medical staff.
Hi everyone. Bad news here..I'm due to start basic the 25th and have sprained my wrist fairly bad. I am about 75% sure that it isn't broken but not all sure. I swore in the other week and am wondering what my next step should be and if I will lose my job from this? I am hoping I will only he postponed for basic but I can't be sure. Any info? Thanks.
lethalLemon said:
Go see a doctor would be the first step.

Very blunt, but true. Go see a doc, then I'd go to your CFRC and let them know what's up.
Definitely see a doctor... then the recruiting centre.
I hate myself for writing this:

So I got my call Monday to be in Montreal on Saturday for the 30th. No biggy other than I've been letting myself go by working two jobs and playing dad at the same time and I have pneumonia. I've been busting myself all this week to try to get myself ready with the grim conclusion that I'm going to the warrior course. Now mind you I'm not saying that as me being lazy, I'm just being truthful. How Much is showing up to CFRLS with a pack of antibiotics and an inhaler going to screw me over come Monday? I'm not one to roll over and give up but I'm also not one who believes I'm bulletproof either, and right now I know that my lungs are bad at the moment with this damned infection causing me to have a hard time to pound out a km without pain.

Do I just approach BMQ honestly, and do the warrior and redeem myself on the other side of it. Or Push myself through the Expres test and possibly hold my platoon down when it comes to doing the jogs.?
No one expects you to be a superhuman, we all have human bodies, we all get sick (Including your instructors).

Show up, they will see your prescription, tell them you're sick, and try your damnedest. You've waited how long for this opportunity right?

Your first while there, it's alot of classroom anyways, you're not running the gauntlet and crawling under barbed wire day one. If you fail the PT test, which you wont be the only one, you get another chance later, it's a long(ish) course. You have alot of time to heal and alot of opportunities to do your best on PT and get in better shape.

To sum up, if you want it badly, try hard, don't quit, your best is all that can be asked of you.


I got in and am now waiting for the BMQ to start (*this summer*). Medically, all went fine and I got in. The doctor asked me "do you have XYZ" and I said "Well some eczema comes out at times, but I never got a need for some prescription or such, except a sample I was given once. I did have eczema when I was 7-8 but it disappeared after the doctors gave me some cream". The doctor just answered "who cares, you can check no". Apart from that, I have nothing else at all (except flower/animal allergies).

Problem: I dont' know why it has to come out now, but it is coming out of no where on a few fingers and on an arm. It doesn't itch much - I'm going to survive - but it's not "pretty".

Can this cancel my BMQ for "administrative reasons"? Heck, it's "only" eczema. I don't want this to be an annoyance during BMQ, honestly - both physically or with my superiors.

Thanks in advance,
