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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

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I think you are out to lunch at the best of times... ;D

IF there was a set policy then perhaps people would follow it. Sometimes you need your book, sometimes you do not. Occasionally units keep the books on the med file, others don't. Some bases have a computer data base, others do not, and some still enter immunizations on the front of the 2034.

Until we medical services people get out crap straight, we can't expect the troops to either.
Threaten to give them ALL of thier shots to this point in their careers, that'll make them staple it to their inverted butts.  I keep mine with my passport, dogtags, birth cert and SIN card; in a fire box.  Never lost, but easily forgotten where I put it. 
Regards, BYTD
RatCatcher said:
Certain countries may refuse entry even.

Any examples?  I am not doubting you.  I am just curious, really.  I have been to alot of different countries and I have never once (that I can remember anyway) had to produce an immunization book for entry.

Edited to add comment in brackets because the same memory that makes me forget where my needle book is may be failing me again ;D
When I di my build up trg in 99 I didn't have a needle book and the medics proceeded to give me all the needles (13) just to make sure I was covered .needless to say i haven't lost that dang book ever since
Ouch.  That'll learn ya.  I was lucky I had a new one recopied from my 2034 and the Wing Immunization Database
Go figure.. as soon as I saw the name "ratcatcher" I suspected I knew who this was!!  I was sitting in your OSP brief the other day, we're both going overseas at the same time.

As for the needle books.  St Mike hit it on the head.  There are some places that allow the troops to take them home, some that put them in with their pers files, some that let the Bhosp keep them.. it's really tough.  They should be the members responsability and should be taken care of as if it were a second part of a passport.
x-zipperhead said:
Any examples?  I am not doubting you.  I am just curious, really.  I have been to alot of different countries and I have never once (that I can remember anyway) had to produce an immunization book for entry.

Rwanda and Kenya.  Interestingly, I did not have to produce my "yellow book" (I'm still clinging to what I always called it) the last time I was in Kenya (non-military travel) prior to going to Rwanda, but I did have to provide it when I came back through Nairobi.  There was someone in our group who did not have her certificate and they demanded that she get a yellow fever shot at Nairobi Airport.  I don't recall having to show it coming out of Rwanda when I was there on OP PASSAGE (1996).

Table 2: Countries requiring proof of yellow fever vaccination from all travellers
Table 3: Countries requiring proof of yellow fever vaccination from some travellers (those arriving from, or having been in transit through, areas where yellow fever occurs)

To confuse a Hygiene Tech (that's what they used to be called) bring a valid International Certificate of Vaccination (not a Canadian one) with you to basic (Cornwallis in my case) and ask him to figure out what needles you don't need. 

Great link, thanks.  I have never been to any of those "table 2" countries and all those "table 3" countries I have been to would not have been via a country where yellow fever occurs.  That would explain my experiences. 

They just recently converted my yellow book to a shiny new blue book.. bummer cause the old book made me look "old school" with all the Cornwallis writing in it!
Yes Bzz that was me... and I am leaving for wainwright tomorrow (3rd in 3 years!!). Hopefully I didn't bore you too much during the brief...lol.

The training I received at the school (and was repeated when I got to Valcartier) was we do not retain any books anymore. Too many times people showed up saying they gave it too us, as for the med files, not too many places do that anymore (to my recollection). As for computer input, wait for it, it will be CF wide soon. If you get a needle in Edmonton and for some strange reason it is not in your book, we can confirm via the health information system. Keep im mind however, doing a DAG for 2000+ people we do not have the time to check everyone in the system.

As for the countries requiring it, blackadder beat me to it. An example of this, you decide at the last minute to go to africa on your HLTA, a country that requires Yellow Fever. You do not have it (not required for Afg.) and did not request it prior to departure to theater.  We could recommend that you do not proceed to that country do to the fact that you do not have the proper vaccinations, no we can not vaccinate you for it in theater.... How do we know... your vaccine book.

As for the other types of books and certificates, try sorting out the old Quebec ones. I have also seen French and British versions, and the UN one.
I just tell them it's a $5.00 charge for a new book!  ;)  And they still have to get all their needles, unless they have proof of vaccination.
I'm not sure what's worse - losing the book or being too dumb/scared/"busy" to keep it up to date - takes a little time every what - 5-10 years.  I've on a number of occasions had to give some miscreant their cores and their mission specific ones all in one go because in the 15 or 20 years they've been in, they felt that because they were in a desk or "non-deployable" job, who cares.  My fav was one chap I put down for the count after vaccine number 11 or 12 in the same day - which really is a crying shame - all because he was on 24 hours NTM or less and hadn't visited the MIR in over 15 years.  Needless to say, it wasn't pretty.  The funny bit was the next day, one of the nurses thought I might have been a little gunshy and told me to redo it - I didn't care, it was really his own fault.  He didn't look happy to see me again though...

Take home message - take the 1/2 hour out every 5 years (at least) to stay up to date.  It'll save you alot of grief.

Rant complete.

I still have my old health book from growing up in Montreal.. wonder what needles it has?
x-zipperhead said:
Any examples?  I am not doubting you.  I am just curious, really.  I have been to alot of different countries and I have never once (that I can remember anyway) had to produce an immunization book for entry.

Edited to add comment in brackets because the same memory that makes me forget where my needle book is may be failing me again ;D

Most West African contries require immunization validation right after passport control at the boarder/ airport. The big ones that come to mind are Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Nigeria, Togo.

Question ......

When did the needle book become blue ?

Mine is yellow........has been yellow since 1975
CDN Aviator said:
Question ......

When did the needle book become blue ?

Mine is yellow........has been yellow since 1975

The new ones are blue, can't quite remember when they changed.  I still have my original too!
I still have my old yellow one, actualy there are three that date back to my first childhood immunizations. When I daged for Yugo in 92 they tried to get rid of the ealrier books but I was faster then the shredder and the medtec behind the counter.
Whats great is when the Military looses your book, then blames you for it. Then when you bring up the point that they ordered you to surrender your book to them, they fall back on the "it is every individuals member to ensure that they have their book in their possesion".

CTD said:
Whats great is when the Military looses your book, then blames you for it. Then when you bring up the point that they ordered you to surrender your book to them, they fall back on the "it is every individuals member to ensure that they have their book in their possesion".

Thats why i never surrender my book.......one man, one kit, one f'ing needle book