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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

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As long as you do not become a medical burden, then I do not see any issues, as I a few friends with the same problem and they have been in for some time.
Thanks Jimmy_D. That'd be great anyway.

Would someone working as a med confirm this?
I have the exact same thing. It only comes out on my hands and fingers. It will 100% not affect your BMQ as long as it doesn't prevent you from doing anything. You're there for BMQ, not to look pretty. When I was on PAT waiting for my BIQ, I went to the MIR and got a cream.. Clears it up almost over night.. Crazy how well it works.. My staff on my BIQ called it my weakness salve, but aside from that there was no problems at all..
Thanks, I think this settles it. I guess that it won't change much in the end, and that fits well with the MD's reaction. Thanks again
I would recommend (based on my own experience with eczema) bringins some hydrocortisone cream with you. You can get up to 0.5% over the counter, but anything higher requires a prescription. Plus, it works extremely well to clear up poison ivy if when you get it. 
A girl I work with has horrible eczema, she looks like a lizard most of the time and she had no problem getting into or staying in the military. So I can't see your situation being a problem.
Hello all, I've tried searching for this sort of thing and can't find anyone whos been through a similar issue, so hopefully no one gets mad at me for posting this if it has been answered before.

Anyways, I've gone through the process, gotten a job offer, accpeted, now waiting to be sworn in on soon and off to basic a week later. The issue is, I've been training and I hurt my ankle. I've just seen a physiotherapist today, and i haven't torn anything it seems. the pain is unpleasant, but not unbearable. 5-6/10 only when running or jumping/bouncing on it. I've been off it for a week and tried a short 1.5k run today at my physiotherapists recommendation and it was slow and unstable for sure.

Now, I still have a couple weeks until im officially enrolled...I really dont want to leave this last minute and hope my ankle comes around in time. Whats worse, the CFRC is closed until next week it seems. So I'm unable to ask them. Im going stir crazy wondering about this.

I'm just wondering what the procedure here is? If I call and tell them my ankle is in a bad state, does my file get closed or will they simply reschedule me for a later enrollment and basic? I get that an ankle injury could take months in some cases...so I'm worried they would go with closing my file...

any input would be really appreciated. Opinions, experiences, etc.


Call your Dr and physio folks.  Say "I am supposed to be attending basic trg on *insert date*.  I will be marching everywhere, climbing stairs, doing drill and lots of physical trg for an extended period.  Will this injury be good enough by then?"

That is where I'd start, a medical opinion.  If they think not, they can explain to the CFRC Medical staff what the deal is....worst case scenario, IMO, is your BMQ might be delayed while you heal, which is MUCH better than getting to CFLRS and ending up worse off and on the Suspended Training org.  Or injured to the point you are released.


Don't go into a tail-spin for now though, and watch for other forum members who are experienced CF Health Services and Recruiting folks to weigh in here.  Remember you can take a look at ppls profiles to establish their credibility, or lack thereof.  ;)
If you were given an offer, I'd assume worst case, your training will be delayed until you're good to go. PROVIDED you're not cleared medically. Eye in the sky is right though, it's WAY better to stay home and heal than go through the process at cflrs. Injured people go on the injured (A)platoon and then, even when you're healed, you have to wait for a place to open up on another platoon before you go back on course. One of my mates was injured in week 3 or 4 and was waiting over a month to come back on platoon after he healed up. He was still waiting when we graduated.
thanks for the responses guys.

I'm mostly concerned with having my file closed as a result of this. im sure this sort of thing has happened before. people making last ditch efforts to get fit before they head out and hurt themselves in the process. I have been off work way too long and im stuck here worrying about things like this. haha.

In any case, my ankle has improved in leaps and bounds since I saw the physiotherapist. I'm confident I'll be back to normal well before leaving for basic, so its not really an issue now.

It would still be nice to hear from anyone that has had this sort of thing happen to them though and find out how it worked out.

Yes hitman, that seems like a crappy situation. being pulled out of your platoon and plunked down in another one halfway through theirs....I'd like to avoid that
I had a platoon mate on my QL3 who had injured himself while out fishing - before the course. Turned up or the course, grinned it out and then, bam, "rolled" his ankle on the third day. Examined by the medics and RTU'd for a medical a couple of days later. IIRC, he was destined to finish out his Class B working out of the armoury on weekdays when there were staff there...until someone smarter than him caught up on facts. He released shortly thereafter, never to be seen again.

Much of this was related to me third hand, but I trust its validity seeing as he was from the same unit as I, and I know the people who made sure he got nailed.
sounds about right. Throughout the entire recruiting process, that's the thing they've stressed the most. DO NOT LIE.

I'm not about to do that. I started this thread in a panicked attempt to find out what course of action would be taken to me being injured BEFORE being sworn in.

I don't mind things being delayed, but being canceled and having to restart the application process would be disappointing to say the least. Nothing I can do about it, i know. I'm just looking for some insight because I'm not able to contact the RC until next week.

Again, all this is sort of a moot point now because my ankle is feeling better by the hour.

Thanks again for everyones input
Hi I got a call for a position and to start BMQ in the summer. I was wondering.
I had to take antibiotics for tonsillitis. It went away. No big deal
Now this is after all the CFAT, Medical, Interview etc

I told my recruiter nothing has changed physically. Basically answered the question directly. I am back to normal only took 5 days.

Do I need to inform anyone? Will I be questioned about this in BMQ?

In this case we only care if you are hospitalized (including visiting the ER) for any reason.  Colds, flu's that come and go normally bah, suck it up princess.

Have fun on BMQ this summer.  ;D

Note: Please do not call us every time, just keep track and let the Med Staff know a few days before your swearing in ceremony (Unless it's serious like a broken leg).  After you've been sworn in you'll belong to us and so while on LWOP you'll report to the nearest CDU/MIR/Clinic if you need anything.
Hey guys,

During my army career (basic training and onwards), will I have to alert the authorities if I'm bringing a prescription into the base? What's the protocol around that? If the prescription is for personal reasons, is there a way to bring it in without anyone being made aware? Will they be checking every one of my belongings when I go to basic and come back on the base after a weekend off the base or something?

you are suppose to tell them every "drugs" you need to take and the one you will bring , when you first start your BMQ they check up your personal belonging to make sure you don't bring stuff you shouldn't , trust me , you don't want to lie to them ....... that's the main thing ....

why would you want to bring something without anyone knowing anyways , you are supposed to have declared everything back in your medical .....
As a new recruit in the CF where Loyalty, Integrity, Courage, Honesty, Teamwork is stressed; why are you so concerned about your belongings being searched? To me it sounds like you're elbow deep in something illegal...
or you are trying to hide something from the recruiter , the medical personal AND the NCO's at the BMQ class .......

whatever it is , trust me , it's not worth it .... at all .....

I'm merely attempting to become better informed. I am currently not in the Canadian Forces nor considering anything illegal. Just wondering what the protocol is.
