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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

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Bart Nikodem said:
It's a lot easier for the CF to vaccinate you, otherwise they have to go to through the trouble of putting the mind control drugs in your food.
Well then vaccines are prolly cheaper than mind control drugs ;)
What I meant was that the mind control drugs were already in the vaccines and administered that way, whereas if you were not vaccinated the CF has to put the mind control drugs in the food and they tend to give mashed potatoes a metallic taste, at least they did when I worked on the project, which is why we preferred to put them in vaccines.
haha sorry I thought you were joking. I thought they wouldn't need mind control drugs to "brainwash"you.??? But anyways my mistake. Sorry there bro :salute:
I feel as though we've stumbled upon something significant...
Oh boy. For the record I was joking. The mind control drugs in vaccines is a "Simpsons" episode where Homer is running a website under the pseudonym "Mr. X. There are no mind control drugs in CF food or vaccines and I never worked on a project that made mashed potatoes taste metallic. I sincerely apologize for taking a legitimate vaccines thread and screwing with it. I'm done with this whole posting thing, it was fun but I'll leave it to people who are good at it, plus I find it kind of stressful.
All the best
Yes I know you were joking.....but you did have me going for awile there. :dontpanic: Now shame on you for making false posts ;)
So now that I don't have to worry about mind-controlling additives in my food, can I go back to lining my helmet with tin foil to stop the mind-control satellites? ;)
Nah don't bother. Put more over your face and cut holes in it for the eyes and nose. I hear military girls find that very attractive. :P
Hello, can someone confirm what is currently being administered in terms of vaccinations? I see there are previous threads, but not very current or definitive. I took bmq/sq in the summer of 2005 at CFB Kingston. Just need a list of vaccinations I have recieved ( or should have recieved), to provide to my doctor prior to going to europe.

Thank you.

You should have your CF vaccination book with you.  Bring that to your doctor, he'll understand the greek in it.

Should I bring my immunization records from BMQ and SQ, with me to my DP1 Arty (Reserve) ?  I didn't finish all the required shots because there was a waiting period in between a few of them...Or is that only on BMQ that they give you shots?
tannerthehammer said:
Should I bring my immunization records from BMQ and SQ, with me to my DP1 Arty (Reserve) ?  I didn't finish all the required shots because there was a waiting period in between a few of them...Or is that only on BMQ that they give you shots?

Never travel without your immunization book especially within the military.
I know of some reservists getting immunizations last year at Meaford. Rather retarded as the course was over before it was time for the follow up shots so it was useless(medically at least). Good way to give senseless c*** to the recruits though.
As a PMed I can actually answer almost all of your questions in regards to this.

1. Yes reserves undergoing training during the summer months MAY be vaccinated... depends on the area surg and the length of the course... ie, SQFT vaccinates all personnel attending courses at CFB Valcartier and whose course is longer than 3 weeks ( the length of time between the first and second of the hep B shot series

2. Any documentation from a civillian health care facility bearing a date and a signature/official stamp is acceptable proof of vaccination, as is proof of antibodies (ie. titre)

3. No proof = needles...refusal = possible administrative action

4. We will accommodate phobias.. ie you will get the needle, but we will attempt to provide the support you require to make it less traumatic for you

Any other questions may be directed to your local or area PMed Tech, he will be happy to assist you in all your PMed needs...

Phil 8)
CF H Svcs Gp Policy & Guidance 4400-39 Immunization of Reserve Force Members Undergoing New Entrant Basic Training Course is the most up-to-date policy on immunizations.

The policy is based on courses that are four weeks or longer. If a course is less than four weeks duration then immunization isn't done (although an Area Surg does have discretion in operationalizing the policy which appears to be the case as noted by RatCatcher where they use three weeks as the cut off).

Early in Week 1 of training: influenza (during influenza season); quadrivalent meningococcal; TST #1 (but only if TST #2 will be given as well during the NERBTC, e.g. at Week 4); Hepatitis A #1; hepatitis B #1; tetanus/diphtheria

Week 5 (at least 28 days after the first set of immunizations): TST #2; MMR; hepatitis B #2; polio.

Force Health Protection considers immunizing members of the P Res to be a sound public health measure for the CF.
For Valcartier the following is applied:

Week 1:
Td (or TdP if the person is in need of polio and Td
Hep B #1
Influenza if in season or course will end during the season

Week 3/4 (min 28 days as said):
Hep B #2
Hep A #1 (for both last doses of Hep the member must take responsability and contact the immunisation cell)

However TB test (PPD) is to be conducted only if the member answer positive to any of the questions on the New Recruit Entrance Tuberculosis Screening Form.  This is due to the fact that the majority of members born in Canada have not been exposed, therefore the cost of the test overides the minimal risk.  The questionaire contains 6 (maybe 5, dont have photographic memory) questions, a positive answer to one question means that the test must be done, with step 2 completed within a certain time period... normally the staff will be informed since the second test is normally the next week.  Please also note that members returning from tours will have PPD completed.

Also added is the blood draw in the first week for members who have not or do not recall being exposed to Varicella (Chicken Pox). If blood is drawn, a G6PD is also completed on the member for future reference (for tours where malaria meds are used)
I have a pet peeve and want some feedback as to whether I am out to lunch or not. I am a PMed, therefore am reponsible at times for the review of a persons immunization records (ie the blue book). I am getting tired of people arriving saying "I've lost it", or I gave it to so and so.  Last time I checked, people rarely lose their passport, and they are roughly the same size.

The other comments I hear always refer to the computer, yes we do input your vaccines into a computer. This does not negate the requirement for international travel (ie mission, vacation, HLTA) to have in your possession an up to date paper copie. Certain countries may refuse entry even.

The question is why do people still beleive that immunizations are a minor part of a DAG and not brign their books!!!

Wheew...feel a bit better now!
I'll admit to being one of those "Now where the heck is my immunization book" people.  However, I recently came up with a simple way to manage it:  I keep it with my passport.  Perhaps suggest that to people who see you - it's working well for me.
I have, and most PMeds say the same, but still does not reduce the incidence. In fact I recently had a Pte arrive who had lost his book, I asked him when his last DAG was and it was 3 weeks prior at the end of a course... 3 weeks and lost your book!! I said. His reply was it isn't important, I never get sick!!!