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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

Are we supposed to notice these major upgrades? And if not, what upgrades did you performed?
Good question... In this case you're not supposed to notice anything (if all goes well that is). For tech types, today's upgrade was from Fedora Core 3 to Core 4. Which means we're now using PHP 5 and a few other "under the covers" upgrades, but nothing outwardly visible.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Good question... In this case you're not supposed to notice anything (if all goes well that is). For tech types, today's upgrade was from Fedora Core 3 to Core 4. Which means we're now using PHP 5 and a few other "under the covers" upgrades, but nothing outwardly visible.

Well, when it came back online, I noticed the loading was rather speedy and thought, my gosh, is it the new PHP 5?? (kidding!! :D)

Still, a good product made better. Thx.

Unfortunately, disaster struck us today at around noon ET and we had a fatal database corruption. I have been able to get things back and running by performing a database recover, and so far everything looks OK but I have to admit, my confidence level is low.

That is, there may be some data loss, and I apologize for this. If anyone notices any problems, please let me know, either by posting here or dropping me a line at Mike@Army.ca if these forums are unavailable again.

Thanks for your patience,

I was shaking in my corner.
I actualy had to step out of the house......

Never realized the sun was so bright  :o
*hisssssss* Now I actually had to go outside for a bike ride...wait a sec thats good...maybe the site should shut down on exercise day? If there is such a thing, then we could all get  a good few hours of exercise for the year! Genius I say...

We were off the air from roughly 2200 to 2330 tonight. At this point, I'm not sure what the cause of the outage was, but it appears to have been a problem with the server. I'll do some digging to see if I can locate the cause.

Sorry for the interruption.


(Subject edited by Moderator to avoid panic.)
We still love you Mike  :-*

Why is it that whenever army.ca is down I refresh the page every 2 minutes hoping. :P
That is because you are an Army.ca addict, Kyle; and you have admitted to the fact.  ;D
George Wallace said:
That is because you are an Army.ca addict, Kyle; and you have admitted to the fact.  ;D
  Says the person with more posts than me ;D
Hey Kyle, do you think Mike knows hes spent over 107 days on this site ??? I think somebody's addicted  ;D
I'm sure he knows. I'm also pretty sure he has something keeping him logged in. :P
Army.ca - Its an addiction.

At some point over the next few weeks, the system running Army.ca will undergo a hard drive upgrade.

The new drive will have the following characteristics, relative to the current drive:

  • The new drive is SATA, the old one is IDE. That is, the new drive is mildly faster.
  • The old drive is 80Gb, the new drive is 200Gb, so we'll have notably more space. We're not really running low anyway, but this will help keep more backups of specific data.
  • The old drive has over 12,000 hours logged on it, the new drive will not. There are no signs of failure at this point, so this is a proactive replacement.

I'm not sure when the replacement will happen yet, as I don't have the new drive, but I expect it will be arriving some time over the next couple of weeks. The replacement process will take a couple of hours, as the data must be transferred over. During that time, Army.ca will be unavailable.

If anyone has any questions, just let me know.

The new hard drive has arrived, so the replacement may happen tonight or tomorrow morning. I expect we'll be off the air for a few hours while it takes place.