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Army.ca Staff and user conduct

Thank you yrys - your comments are appreciated  :)
Like Mike/RBD said if you have a problem bring it up to the site owner.Most likely all deleted posts will go to a recycling bin for future review,beyond the scope of what we see.There's no B/S then.D/S makes a decision if it's that horrible I'm sure the site owner takes the time to have a look if brought to his attention.

What a lot of people don't understand is that there are regular force members who work all day, then come home and moderate.They do it to make this site run smooth due to their enjoyment they get from the site as well as everyone else.

It's too easy to complain.However I have found if you put it into a proper tone,MOST of the staff are willing to listen and sometimes help you out.As my last complaint was well received,except for my personal message from cnaviator,for getting off topic. ;)

If you don't like it report it.The staff are very accepting.

"Mod's are dumb and I shouldn't be on C&P" probably will not work to well in your favor.


I have found that the problems tend to arise, at least in my experience, not when we are discussing specific military subjects but when we get into the more philisophical areas.  Usually they involve peoples beliefs, ethics and morals, areas where it is easy for the subject to become heated.

Just a couple of my thoughts on this issue. One, I whole heartily support the fantastic work the mods have been doing. Several times I have asked a mod to unlock a thread so I could add something. In all cases I have pm'd the mod with a copy of which I intend to add to the thread. Not once has this been refused so apologies to the mods for creating more work. Secondly, with regard to the changes in posting or the lack of postings yes certain members can longer "clear the air" based on personal experience and or knowledge as stated in prior posts folks there is a war going on. Thirdly, yes I get upset with a few individuals on this site but I leave for awhile and then return in a calmer frame of mind. As I have pointed out a couple of times in my lanes if you are going to post something provocative then Please put your source in your post. For one it allows all of us to check your source and this detracts further comments of a personal attack nature. Me thinks this also follows under being professional. In closing I agree with rmacqueen in regard to the philosophical musing.
A few comments here if I may...

1 - Respect.  We have lots of people on here, with different and varying degree's of experience.  Some operational, some from Cold War times.  Some from our current op's.  Some from the FRY.  But its all experience, and, IMHO, something worthy bringing to the table.  Would anyone on here sit with a vet of WWII or Korea and tell them "that was then, this is now, so what you did doesn't matter".  Would that same vet say anything of the same to our current serving members home from a TFA rotation today?  I think perhaps, if we think about that, we can see that ANYONE who has their experience appear "brushed aside" as phooey will not take to that kindly. Respect the experience of all.  Operational, or otherwise.  Peacetime, wartime, who cares.  All of us, regardless, volunteered to serve and should be respected for that alone.

2 - The 10 second rule.  If you are pi$$ed, whether a Mod, Subscriber, user, or guest.  When you are furiously typing back at a post from someone who just doubled your blood pressure.  Count to 10. 

3 - Read #1 again please.

Thats my 2 cents folks.
