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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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This discussion is amazing sexist... that guy who said we(women) should clean up and do the f**king dishes is terrible! *sorry for the language* That is the worst thing I have ever heard! and what makes men have a better mental capacity for death and gore than women? We can do exactly the same junk you can. This is another reason I want into the army so I can prove that I can what guys can. I hate males who think they‘re superior in strength and also in mental capacities. I know I wouldn‘t like start crying if I blew someone‘s head off. Blah.
It was a joke, don‘t get your panties in a bunch.
I can assure you I am under the constant direction and control of a female 110% of the time.
Just look at Isreal.
Michelle, uh huh. "Vas you dere Charlie" Listen sweetie most men can‘t make it in the Infantry why should you be allowed to join the Infantry just to prove how macho you think you are. I have no problem with a level playing field but when the standards are lowered just to accomodate someone who would not ordinarily make it is not the way to go.
Hey Art in the kid‘s defence and based on her posts so far I think she respects and even wants that level playing field and for the same reason you, I and every other grunt wants it maintained.

Army Chick you gotta work on your warped Infanteer sense of humour though. It‘s an essential piece of kit as you hopefully will discover.

Old School you‘re married too eh.
Married? I was talking about mom. I live with her and she does my laundry and makes me cookie snacks. :eek: :eek: ;)
oy -_- so used to highschool male humour. sorry guys! I‘m used to everyone spazing when male/female equalism is concerned. lol Wee being 17 and like everyone else married -_- oh well!
I‘m moving back in with my Mom. My wife never bakes cookies and makes me do HER laundry.

Hang on.. wait a sec... Mom used to make me do the laundry too. :eek: :eek: :eek:
lol, u ppl r so sexist!!!! i ca not even believe my level of shock!
I‘m glad none of the guys in my unit r this bad, and im like the only female under 30 in my unit!
Army Chic dont worry, i aint married! but im only 16..lol
Wow...This is the most motivated discussion I‘ve seen yet on the forum.
If you all put in this much effort on a course then you‘ll all be top candidate...no sweat...!

I‘m siding with the pro girlies in the CF...I have met really good ones ( TOW gunner Tracie M-LdSH) and really BAD ones!
If a PERSON can cut it as a soldier...so much the better, we need all the good soldiers we can get!
You can‘t single out all women saying they cannot make it in the special forces. Everyone is diff and has diff capabilities. BUT there are not many women (not sure on numbers)in the special forces, and there‘s a reason for it.
I don‘t know the reason. I‘m actually saying women must not be able to make it if the number is so low. Look at RMS clerk...it‘s an office type job with computing and filing. Look at infantry...strenuous(at times) PT with alot of mental games and hard on the body type work. Compare the numbers of RMS to INFANTRY for women. I say infantry is a man‘s job but if a woman makes it good on her.
I believe that women should always have the same opportunity as men in the CF……..in any work environment. However, the problem isn‘t fat lazy men being threatened my women. It’s the fact that some men and women have trouble separating work from pleasure. The real problem here is fraternization. Men try to impress women and show them how mocho they are and women sometimes use that to their advantage to gain acceptance and vice versa. If they are good troops, then leave it at that and go hard on the exercises and in the mess, but not in the bedroom. People get jealous and when they do, they resort to delittling the other party, which resorts to infighting amoung the troops and in this case, general resentment against women. Perhaps there should be stricter rules on fraternization. Stricker rules won‘t solve the problem but it is a good start in the right direction.

That’s my 2 pieces of copper plated zinc (cents)
I dunno, I figure it should be the opposite; take sex out of the equation. Aim for true equality. All standards should be the same for both sexes (i.e. not all women can pass the physical for the infantry, but neither can many men). On a level playing field, people may actually become soldiers. As for the sex, who cares. Grow up, get over it. I dunno, if I had a few girls in the showers while we were running to make a timing; I honestly don‘t think I‘d care any more than showering with 36 guys. And it‘s not like I had done that before the army (sports notwithstanding) 4 mins to shower, change and be out on the line, is still 4 mins. The stress of shouting NCO‘s and Warrants who are losing it is still stress. Who has the energy for such things after week 1 anyway? Not to mention the hypocrisy. There was a guy in the PL behind us, turns out he was bi-sexual and open about it. I had a chat with one of the guys about that, and he was quite honest. Some of the guys had a problem with this at first, but as the guy himself said, "don‘t worry, none of you are my type." It quickly became a joke amongst them; this individuals sexuality wasn‘t an issue as long as no one (including himself) made it an issue. Just another infantryman learning his trade and working the same as the rest.

This is where discipline and self-control come into the equation. It isn‘t as if we are all walking hormones, females included. Young people are going to find a way to get together and have sex; regardless of the rules and the risks. I know of many liason‘s, but I chose to ignore that which didn‘t effect our jobs. Simply put; not my business. We send our troops overseas on various missions and entrust them with such responsibilites as to make our nation and our military proud of their achievements. Yet we can‘t entrust them to behave appropriately towards one another; regardless of sex?

Our society may not be ready to endorse such measures at this time, but I‘m certain at some point we‘ll get there. Once the sex is removed from the equation, a soldier is a soldier first; all else is secondary.
"It isn‘t as if we are all walking hormones, females included. Young people are going to find a way to get together and have sex; regardless of the rules and the risks."

Well which is it?
By that I meant, we are able to be control ourselves in a professional manner, especially when properly trained and monitored, much as we are in many other areas (including sex) within ‘the shacks‘. That applies to all of us; this society has mores, rules and expectations that we all follow daily, self-control and respectful behaviour are already among them.

When people "choose" to get together, then they will find a way; that is their prerogative. It‘s all about consent, choice and desire; not to mention privacy when it‘s on personal time.

My primary point was that sex as in ‘the sexes‘, should be made irrelevant within the ranks. Much the same as men and woman have moved past ‘social class,‘ ‘race,‘ religion,‘ ‘politics‘ and ‘sexuality;‘ for the most part. There will always be a lack of true consent, but I like that within our society. I don‘t need to agree with you, or even like you. But when we‘re in the field, I need to know that I can rely on you to do your job and not allow personal issues to affect your judgement. Regardless if that is brought on by resentment, prejudice, or ignorance due to any of the above. And I hold that any of you should have the same expectations of me.
Suddenly this have become a sex/frat issue. Let‘s try sticking with women in the special forces!! Don‘t say it‘s due to frat,etc cause frat is everywhere in the military. EVEN on the ship as a steward hehehe (I‘m a siggy so nevermind any crude jokes)
"I need to know that I can rely on you to do your job and not allow personal issues to affect your judgement."

Is that possible when fraterization occurs, you‘ve already told me it WILL occur.