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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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This is where you can shoot back by saying sarcasim is the recourse of a weak mind and wit is simply cultured insolence (if i got that right)
:sniper: :blotto:
I‘ve heard that no women are allowed in the special forces in the States. Specifically no women are allowed to be snipers. Is it the same here in Canada? If so, is there some sort of website I could visit to get specifications about those rules?
DP: there are no limitations for women in the CF. They can be in the special forces, snipers, submariners, be anything except for a Catholic chaplain. To my knowledge, Canada is the only country that is this progressive in its policies, but I also don‘t think that any woman has ever succesfully made it into JTF2, but there is one female SAR tech.
I believe combat arms are closed to women in the US military.
You also have to remember that there is a low percentage of snipers and probably a lower percentage of women in the infantry. So the chances they are going to be offered the crse are very slim. Although I hear women make better shots.
Women are not allowed to go into combat with the US Marines.

Can Canadian women drive tanks? In the States thats one of the things in the army they can‘t do, what about Canada?
See combat_medic‘s post above, scm77. There are no limitations on what women in the CF can do.
Originally posted by scm77:
[qb] Women are not allowed to go into combat with the US Marines.

Can Canadian women drive tanks? In the States thats one of the things in the army they can‘t do, what about Canada? [/qb]
Yup...One of the best tow gunners I‘ve ever seen or heard about was female...
...She married a male member of the regt, they both got out and started having kids!?
woman can fight if the base is being overun and are proficient in all us military small arms
The Canadian military allows women to do basically anything in the US women are NOT allowed in Combat arms (infantry,armoured,artillery,and engineers) witch also means no Special forces.
I‘m all for women in SF.
We need our dishes done and barracks cleaned too.

The only thing worse than a male chauvanist pig is a woman that won‘t do what she is told. ;)
Women statistically make better shots, so it is told, because they arrive in basic training without any preconceived notions or bad habits that daddy taught them on the back 40.

The Soviet Army had many female snipers in WW II; in fact it was one of the combat arms roles that females specialized in. Never mind the Enemy at the Gates movie, I mean in real life. There were also female tank crewmen - one of the Osprey titles shows a nice photo of a husband and wife team that served in the same AFV.
Originally posted by OLD SCHOOL:
[qb] I‘m all for women in SF.
We need our dishes done and barracks cleaned too.

The only thing worse than a male chauvanist pig is a woman that won‘t do what she is told. ;) [/qb]
i agree 100%. thats why they sent women in space... its lighter than a dishwasher! ;)
We had a female MCPL stump puller on my basic.
Told to clean the heads, buddy says why? Don‘t we have any women in Eastern Canada? He barely lived. :warstory: I must admit, I left a wounded man behind on that mission.

I will never forget that, ever. :eek:
woman can fight if the base is being overun and are proficient in all us military small arms
But what about when their convoy makes a wrong turn and they are ambushed? Do they fire off their whole magazine, or do they not fire a shot? Do they stay concious, or do they pass out?
Originally posted by GrahamD:
woman can fight if the base is being overun and are proficient in all us military small arms
But what about when their convoy makes a wrong turn and they are ambushed? Do they fire off their whole magazine, or do they not fire a shot? Do they stay concious, or do they pass out? [/qb]
How long would YOUR shorts have stayed clean in the same situation? Let‘s hope you never have to find out, eh?

Although you are certainly very brave questioning the bravery of someone not here to defend themselves. Bravo. The Great Canadian Warrior.
I think all of us might just pass out given the same injuries. :(
Life also becomes very different when you hear a 7.62 go past your ear and believe me, you can‘t pass judgement until you have been there. :eek:
There are some rough tough mother****ers that have just kept their heads down and didn‘t fire a shot in return, swinging **** or not. :crybaby: :confused:

Yes, I was just kidding and women can shoot but I never met one in any SF unit anywhere in the world. :warstory: Now, I have seen them in various shacks from time to time.
okay heres my opinion, i think women are great in the CF but some trades should be left alone,

the demands and mental strain on a sniper are great, many wemon are incapable of performing a sniper task,

it takes a certain bred of soldier to be a sniper, you need to be tough, you need to be able to crawl an inch an hour along the ground in the mud and rain, you need the mental toughness to survive 3 days moving in on one shot, you must be able to piss and $hit your own gillie suit and live off little snacks in your pocket, you have to zero in your scope and watch a mans head exsplode from his shoulders, you have to look into his eyes as his brains are blown into mash potatoe, you need to endure great pain both physical and emotional, you have only yourself and your observer, if one of you goes down, your combat immobolizied its that simple, its not the movies were you carry your buddy and shoot the bad guys, one of you takes a hit your missions finished, how many girls can pack a 200 pound soldier on thier shoulders or pull a 200 pound soldier along the ground to an LZ 2 days away, thiers G.I janes out thier but i know of none that can perform the job of sniper.
Originally posted by xtramag:
[qb] okay heres my opinion, i think women are great in the CF but some trades should be left alone,

the demands and mental strain on a sniper are great, many wemon are incapable of performing a sniper task,

it takes a certain bred of soldier to be a sniper, you need to be tough, you need to be able to crawl an inch an hour along the ground in the mud and rain, you need the mental toughness to survive 3 days moving in on one shot, you must be able to piss and $hit your own gillie suit and live off little snacks in your pocket, you have to zero in your scope and watch a mans head exsplode from his shoulders, you have to look into his eyes as his brains are blown into mash potatoe, you need to endure great pain both physical and emotional, you have only yourself and your observer, if one of you goes down, your combat immobolizied its that simple, its not the movies were you carry your buddy and shoot the bad guys, one of you takes a hit your missions finished, how many girls can pack a 200 pound soldier on thier shoulders or pull a 200 pound soldier along the ground to an LZ 2 days away, thiers G.I janes out thier but i know of none that can perform the job of sniper. [/qb]
Spoken like someone who hasn‘t even signed up yet. :rolleyes: Thanks for the lecture, but I think you want the "Never Been There But Read a Book About It Once" forum.

As posted already, some truly capable Soviet snipers in WW II were female.

As far as "many wemon" (sic) being incapable of performing as a sniper, add "most men" to that category as well.