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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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I can‘t speak for the entire CF, but it has been my experience that adding the opposite gender(whatever that means nowadays) to a homogeneous group creates problems. In other words take a group of guys and add a girl or a group of girls and add a guy and you‘ll get what I described above.
On most ships now (and probably all of them) we have females on board. Some have done well and are a major asset to that ship‘s company. Others makes it a nightmare (these are definitely in the minority). Unfortunately its us guys that make it harder for women to fit in. We have this preconcieved notion that women cannot do the job as well as a man. Well let me put it to you this way, some women do it better. Some guys are total slugs and are a major embarrassment. The whole process is give and take, if accomodation is made by both sides you have a smoothly operating unit. If there are difficult parties from either sex thats when you have the problems. I remember back when I was RCD and with 2 NSH we had guys that could not pull their weight and in some cases slack was cut for them but when a woman cannot she is labelled for as long as she is with that unit.
The reality is that there is absolutely no intelligent, logical, sensible reason for women not to be in combat roles with the technological style of warfare that abounds today.
The day ‘ technology ‘ can tab 60km with a full combat load, I will eat my bulletproof shorts. :D
Which brings us back to if a female can do it, great, but females should not have different physical standards if they are doing the same job.

It might have been brought up in the past, Isreal (who i think we can all agree have a bit more current combat experience than us) tried women in the combat arms and it failed.

The question i‘ve brought up a few times. Is it more important to have a single soldier in a unit even if it drops down the over all effectiveness of it simply to cater to their rights OR is it more important to have an effective unit as a whole where an individual soldier may not make the cut because they can‘t carry their own weight or they dont get along with others.

Good of the many vice the good of the one.
Agreed Ghost......I think the different standards and political correctness have done more harm then good for the women of the CF. If women have a problem thats what the divisional system is for and if thats the problem take it higher.
I actually agree with Ghost and Ex-Dragoon!!
I have nothing else to say LOL
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] Which brings us back to if a female can do it, great, but females should not have different physical standards if they are doing the same job.

The only time the physical standards for females are different is when you actually apply. But the standards for the males are pretty easy too so what difference does it make? While training, everyone does the same amount of pushups no matter what gender.

Not so.

The PT tests run nowadays have different standards for both age and sex.

When I joined the minimum PT standards were a lot higher than they are now...they‘ve been slowly falling for years.

The biggest joke to me is the mixed male/female platoons in basic. How in the heck are you going to stress a 19 yr old male, when he must run only as far and as fast as the least fit women in the platoon?

I very strongly believe in equal pay for equal work, but maybe we should have gone the way of the (iirc) Norwegians- when women were legislated in to all Military jobs, they went from 9% female to 2%- as the women now had to meet the same standards as the men.

Females have every right to be in the Forces, and we need them...but not at the cost of unit efficiency.

Sorry guys, but all the great "Social Experiment" has done is to make us all much more polite.

Originally posted by Garry:
[qb] How in the heck are you going to stress a 19 yr old male, when he must run only as far and as fast as the least fit women in the platoon? [/qb]
*cough* There is plenty of slow poke in the men‘s division! LOL
Originally posted by Garry:
The PT tests run nowadays have different standards for both age and sex.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well,you learn something new every day. What I meant was we do the same PT....not testing...

About the least-fit-woman in the platoon thing, I can think of several guys on my last course who would fall out of PT before any of us chicks did. (as has been brought up several times already on this board.) So, as has been mentioned several times before, gender is not necessarily an indication of fitness.
such is true about people falling out of PT....women are not the only slow runners, but yes it usually tends to fall that way for the most part. I think this topic is getting old tho....but that‘s just me
(a female)
It has been my experience that pretty much every woman in the forces who gets past basic sets out to prove they aren‘t the weaker sex. And I think they do a rather good job at it. I‘d rather have a male instructor then a female instructor any day because of it.

A little addition to my original reply:

As far as women in combat, women in the special forces, whatever, goes, as far as I‘m concerned, anyone who can do the job PROPERLY should be allowed to do the job. Male, female, gay, straight, etc, doesn‘t matter.

That actually brings up another (Though off-topic) point. Homosexuals in the military. I‘m against homosexuals in the military. Why? Because I know many gay men. With the exception of one of them, they‘re all in better shape then me, and this would make me look bad.

In all seriousness though, again, it comes down to this. Anyone who can do the job, should be allowed to do the job (I‘m sure to this somone will point out that if that were true, then we‘d let in every low-life imagineable, of course, I counter that by saying that by saying that being of good character is all in the job description).

I‘ve heard a few ridiculous arguments against having homosexuals in the military, the most notable is that people don‘t feel "comfortable" around homosexuals... to them I ask, would you support kicking out every single hetrosexual male because there are women in the army? Of course not. We‘re here to do a job. If there‘s anything else happening, then you need to suck it up and act like a professional.

Thus ends my rant.
Theres a general undertone that superior fitness directly equates to superior motivation, competence and capability. Is that so?
Just because one can run 20 km, do 1000 push-ups,
1500 situps does not necessarily mean they make a good member or better than another in all respects. If you look around and find those who are switched on and switched off by your own descriptions, what are their key qualities?
ive got another question for you... What jobs in the canadian army are women not aloud to do..??
Well, in the states, england and most other countries in the world, women can‘t be infantry. But in PC Canada you can.
Most fit women could join the army if they wanted to, actually almost every women that has wanted to join, has joined, passing everything...but since the new fashion has come, more women have tried to go into fashion more then anything else. They probably want to be millionaires, and so some of them drop out of school, or go into modeling, and it is just stupid, cause they aren‘t doing anything useful to the world.
Dont you think thats a little biased. you gotta give women more credit than that.
why is this posted in the Infantry forum?

Also, whats wrong with trying to be rich? Both woman and men want money.

If the military isnt for them, then fine

theres a lot of females in the military, an more joining