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2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

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When does he not have his ducks in a row? He usually comes out firing facts and numbers that are well researched. Lets hear specifics?
Yes, lets.
I am watching Canadians lives get fucking ruined by the shear incompetency of Trudeau's policies, yes his policies. Another carbon tax is not the freaking answer.
Could you describe a specific Trudeau policy that has had a direct influence on the ruining of someone's life? Can we hear those specifics as well?
No utter frustration about a PM that will throw anyone under the bus to further his agenda and people focusing on minor political theatre.
I just think it's ironic that this is a thread about Pierre Poilievre, not Trudeau, and I commented on why I think PP is a shitty leader, and someone responded to me, and instead of directly countering my argument, just blasts the liberals (i.e. whataboutism), and then when I call that person out for their whataboutism, you double down and insert more whataboutism.
I just think it's ironic that this is a thread about Pierre Poilievre, not Trudeau, and I commented on why I think PP is a shitty leader, and someone responded to me, and instead of directly countering my argument, just blasts the liberals (i.e. whataboutism), and then when I call that person out for their whataboutism, you double down and insert more whataboutism.

There really isn't much substance for an argument against PP at this point other than someone's personal dislike of him for whatever reason.

JT on the other hand has a wake that is littered with all kinds of reasons that provide substance for not voting LPC.
There really isn't much substance for an argument against PP at this point other than someone's personal dislike of him for whatever reason.

JT on the other hand has a wake that is littered with all kinds of reasons that provide substance for not voting LPC.
There is a lot of substantive argument against PP. I want a leader who chooses to address problems by pointing out the actual root causes of those problems and providing tangible and effective solutions to those problems by attacking their root causes. PP does not do this, and instead makes up problems, blames the Liberals and/or Trudeau for literally everything, and provide very few clear and substantive plans to address issues (there are, as always, exceptions).
There is a lot of substantive argument against PP. I want a leader who chooses to address problems by pointing out the actual root causes of those problems and providing tangible and effective solutions to those problems by attacking their root causes. PP does not do this, and instead makes up problems, blames the Liberals and/or Trudeau for literally everything, and provide very few clear and substantive plans to address issues (there are, as always, exceptions).

How is the opposition supposed to come up with root cause solutions and get that legislation passed ? Has there ever been an opposition that has done this ?
I just think it's ironic that this is a thread about Pierre Poilievre, not Trudeau, and I commented on why I think PP is a shitty leader, and someone responded to me, and instead of directly countering my argument, just blasts the liberals (i.e. whataboutism), and then when I call that person out for their whataboutism, you double down and insert more whataboutism.
Like JT's obfuscation and "nothing to see here" politics?

ALL parties read from the same playbook.
When does he not have his ducks in a row? He usually comes out firing facts and numbers that are well researched. Lets hear specifics?

I want the PP that gets Canada FIRED up about political incompetence. Canada needs to be. Enough is enough. They either get fire up at polls and the election booth, or they get fired up and take it out on the streets. And make the trucker convoy protest look like a kindergarten playtime.

I am watching Canadians lives get fucking ruined by the shear incompetency of Trudeau's policies, yes his policies. Another carbon tax is not the freaking answer.
Except Canadians aren’t fired up, they’re turned off. The Tories should be well ahead in polls. Instead, we are looking at status quo were an election held today. PP’s rage farming and hyperbole is ineffective and will lead to another Trudeau government who will continue to sell us out to Beijing.
Now YOUR getting on the whataboutism train?

Jesus Christ this has to be a joke at my expense.
Not at all - in fact there are zero political parties that are concerned about root causes.

Their concern is the ballot box and how they can win the next election. Politics isn't about what's good for the country.
Except Canadians aren’t fired up, they’re turned off. The Tories should be well ahead in polls. Instead, we are looking at status quo were an election held today. PP’s rage farming and hyperbole is ineffective and will lead to another Trudeau government who will continue to sell us out to Beijing.

When it comes to politics in this country, I believe the 338 polls like I believe the CBC. But if they prove to be accurate and the Trudeau circle retains power this country gets everything it deserves. Including more division from an increasingly united West. The RoC should consider that.

So instead of bitching about the idiosyncrasies of the best chance to defeat JT, focus on what is important. Before anyone cries that PP isn't the best chance and Ambrose or O'Toole or whomever is... the expression crying over spilt milk comes to mind. PP is presently the best opportunity to defeat the corrupt LPC. Get behind that or lament something that isn't so and be happy with JT.
When it comes to politics in this country, I believe the 338 polls like I believe the CBC. But if they prove to be accurate and the Trudeau circle retains power this country gets everything it deserves. Including more division from an increasingly united West. The RoC should consider that.

So instead of bitching about the idiosyncrasies of the best chance to defeat JT, focus on what is important. Before anyone cries that PP isn't the best chance and Ambrose or O'Toole or whomever is... the expression crying over spilt milk comes to mind. PP is presently the best opportunity to defeat the corrupt LPC. Get behind that or lament something that isn't so and be happy with JT.
Can I choose option C- be an adult capable of critical thought that supports the CPC while voicing my concerns over its short-comings and trying to influence discourse and policy in a direction I view as beneficial to both the CPC and the country via the channels available to me?
Can I choose option C- be an adult capable of critical thought that supports the CPC while voicing my concerns over its short-comings and trying to influence discourse and policy in a direction I view as beneficial to both the CPC and the country via the channels available to me?

Granted. But if you use words like "punchable face" or "freedumb" then option C is revoked.
There is a lot of substantive argument against PP. I want a leader who chooses to address problems by pointing out the actual root causes of those problems and providing tangible and effective solutions to those problems by attacking their root causes. PP does not do this, and instead makes up problems, blames the Liberals and/or Trudeau for literally everything, and provide very few clear and substantive plans to address issues (there are, as always, exceptions).

Well since you do admit we have all these problems, and that only one leader for 8 years has had the house to solve these problems, one must wonder exactly how little you expect from our PM?
Going from a +27 lead to a tie in Tory Oxford can’t be blamed on “the sheeple”. The leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition has to do some retrospection here.
If voting actual results yields similar results I wonder how much of that could be attributed to a localized rebuke of the Van Dorland axe/ parachute candidate combo- which would be pretty indicative of the tightrope Pierre has to walk to keep the party electable while not alienating portions of the tent.
Can I choose option C- be an adult capable of critical thought that supports the CPC while voicing my concerns over its short-comings and trying to influence discourse and policy in a direction I view as beneficial to both the CPC and the country via the channels available to me?
So who do you vote for if an election were held right now, like today?
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So who do you vote for if an election were held right now, like today?
At this point I'm still a Ruffian.

But asking that question (as well as the the last page or so of backlash to reasonable criticism(s) are textbook examples of toxic level of partisanship in North American politics.
@Lumber Trudeau policies that cause Canadians to suffer? Your joking right?
-Unnecessary, unwanted and ineffective carbon tax
-Ditto on the second carbon tax
-Balance the budget in 2019, no 2023, n0 2025, no 2032, no budgets balance themselves
-CAF showing up ALOT in the news (soldiers buying their own PPE and FOOD?)
-Wasting money on electric car battery plants (like HOW much do they spend so that can employ a few people?)
-Allowing China to do whatever the F they want
-Free narcotics for addicts surely helps (safe supply), my dead cousin who died of an OD several years ago in Vancouver surely benefitted from safe supply
-Bail for everyone (Jail not bailis PP policy). How many are getting hurt, killed, beaten or harmed by a person on bail?

Need I go on? WAKE UP!
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