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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

I'm self employed (or self UN-employed, as my neighbour likes to say) - I work in a shop located on my personal property.  My corporation rents the shop from me (and it's bloody behind on its rent!!)  That makes my shop a "work place", and I smoke in it - hell, I even drink beer in it!

I'll be damned if some government agency can decide that smoking on my personal property is against the law.  If I were running a retail store, open to the public, that may be a different thing.

In the case of the truck driver, I can't believe that the police don't have better things to do.  If it was a company truck, then the company needs to enforce its policy, if it was a privately owned rig then EVERYBODY needs to "butt out" of his business.
I can agree with the intent of the law for taxis mentioned in the National Post coverage of this story, even for fleet vehicles (ex: DND or moving companies) as there are so many other people moving through those vehicles.

In my mind, it the way the law is written is dumb when private truck driver or farmers are charged under the same law. Next thing you know a smoking tent will have to be set up on the jetty when a ship is alongside. Not to mention when the ship is sailing in Ontario waters.
Oh, under the new legislation, that wouldn't even be allowed. In Alberta anyway, they don't even allow smoking on the patios, because it's an 'enclosed area' since it's fenced in.
ToRN said:
Oh, under the new legislation, that wouldn't even be allowed. In Alberta anyway, they don't even allow smoking on the patios, because it's an 'enclosed area' since it's fenced in.

Because a fence is oh so enclosing. They should allow smoking bars, and non smoking bars. If you want to smoke, or be around smoke, or work in smoke the choice is yours. If you don't want to, then you don't have to. I don't smoke myself, but I do miss the atmosphere that a pub that you could smoke in had.
Midnight Rambler said:
Aren't there other things our Police forces should be doing?

Yes. They should be arresting real criminals, like, oh, elderly Toronto gun owners who are driving up drug crime by not renewing their firearms licences.
Chapeski said:
Because a fence is oh so enclosing. They should allow smoking bars, and non smoking bars. If you want to smoke, or be around smoke, or work in smoke the choice is yours. If you don't want to, then you don't have to. I don't smoke myself, but I do miss the atmosphere that a pub that you could smoke in had.

Yeah, blue air, reeking clothes and hair, getting a burn from some liquored up idjit flailing a cigarette around... those were the days.
Kat Stevens said:
Yeah, blue air, reeking clothes and hair, getting a burn from some liquored up idjit flailing a cigarette around... those were the days.

Yes, they were, but the smoke always made the lights look sooooo much better during concerts Kat!
That wasn't Tobacco, and  have a feeling it had very little to do with the reaction with the smoke.
(With the lights anyway)
I'm just guessing, but this wasn't the reason for the fine. 99 to 100 will get you that the driver was being a fucking asshole to the cop that stopped him because he was doing something else like speeding or unsafe lane changes and she decided to fuck him over just like he was doing with her.

Let's face it, there was a reason that he became the example, and it's not because he was smoking a cigarette in his truck.
the dumbest thing? i live and work as a teacher in Poland. Tuesday I had to have a meeting with the director. teachers and students accused me of being too helpful. That is I edited guided and proofread  their bachelor works - mostly because their supervisors do not bother - it also occurs with master's works - which i also 'mentor'. Presumably it is unfair that people take advantage of an equally offered opportunity. Students and teachers also complained i was attempting to get the students to think. Students and teachers complained that i was giving too high marks and that not enough people were barely passing or were failing. I assume here with the students concerned, it is students other than themselves that should be failed. Teachers also complained that I was interfering in their classes. So i assume that this is a teacher's training school for English, I should be using  French  to converse with my students as of course in using English I am providing models of syntax, grammar, pronunciation and making cultural references. I guess I've run smack into the idiocy of the Central European  mind. If I were ever to make a frankenstein monster, I'd use a European brain: that way I'd know it was fresh and never used.
What were you thinking?? Trying to do your job and go the extra mile to help students!! Shame on you. You should sit back do as little as possible and complain about not being paid enough and being over worked like a lot of the teachers here!

By the way when are you coming over here? I could have used a teacher that is willing to actually do their job and be more worried about the students. I may have done better in school.

Kudos to you for being one of the few!
JackD said:
If I were ever to make a frankenstein monster, I'd use a European brain: that way I'd know it was fresh and never used.

What can you expect from a guy who's nutz are on his neck?!  :)
A song and a dance? <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH2nQHPs4aA>  Young Frankenstein... one of the classics...  My take-home pay by the way, at the college teaching level  is 800 zlots/month (after ten years) - that is about 230 dollars.. Some of my former students  who are starting out on their careers are paid 400... Some of my colleagues - well connected - take home 5000. Education is not prioritized in the new Poland.  I should also add the emphasis is placed on memorizing items - not on understanding or finding solutions - for example, chemistry and physics classes  at the high school level do not have labs - or even lab demonstrations.  I'd say people in Canada should consider themselves lucky to have the education system they have (but whether many teachers deserve their pay, may be a poser.. Mine were not always inspired - especially at university). Education (formal or informal) is the great leveler and empowers a society.
Mattel's black Barbie gets makeover

Mattel has launched a new line of black Barbie dolls with fuller lips, a wider nose and more pronounced cheek bones.

That's a far cry from Christie, Barbie's black friend who debuted in the 1960s and was essentially a white doll painted brown.


I like this comment though:

"she wanted to create a line of dolls for young black girls that .... were inspirational and career-minded."

Looking at their outfits, what career exactly would they be in? Exotic dancing? Models for Girls Gone Wild? Extras on Paris Hiltons BFF show?

Mattel, if you are going to market this crap to little girls, at least don't try to pretend that you want to inspire and empower them.

Re: "Mattel's black Barbie gets makeover"

Hair controversy:

PMedMoe said:
Reeves may be father of my children
Article Link

A Barrie, Ont., woman has filed court documents to secure a DNA sample from Keanu Reeves in an attempt to get support for herself and four children.

Karen Sala, 47, filed notice in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice family branch on Monday, asking for a declaration of parentage from the actor.

Turns out, DNA tests have proved he's not the father but Sala intends to contest the results.

DNA test clears Keanu Reeves

Why do I see another Maury Povich episode coming up?

"Mr Reeves, you are NOT the father, bring in the next 10 possibilites!!"
FDO said:
Why do I see another Maury Povich episode coming up?

"Mr Reeves, you are NOT the father, bring in the next 10 possibilites!!"

Since today is apparently International Conflict Resolution Day


perhaps the Jerry Springer Show would be a more appropriate venue to facilitate the inevitable sniveling, whining, accusing, denying, slapping, hair pulling, and shirt ripping.

Jerry Springer would be good. He's very good at conflict resolution. Hey, maybe HE should get a Nobel prize!

Sorry different thread!
Not heard, but read, found this on a cooking website:
"And is on my to make list when I get over this stupid walking ammonia."

Man, that damn walking ammonia!!  :P