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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

At a meeting at work on Friday, listening to them discuss possible candidates for a six month tour to Alert. 

Reasons people couldn't be tasked?

Light duties
Single parent  ::)
OMG...WTF!! :P

I know a guy here who hasn't gone on a tour, tasking (unless it suited him), because he was leaning on the single parent excuse.
He was able to find someone to help him out so he could go on task to Jamaica last year for two months.
Jammer said:
I know a guy here who hasn't gone on a tour, tasking (unless it suited him), because he was leaning on the single parent excuse.
He was able to find someone to help him out so he could go on task to Jamaica last year for two months.

Yep.  Nothing like being able to choose the jammy go when it suits.    ::)
PMedMoe said:
Yep.  Nothing like being able to choose the jammy go when it suits.    ::)

Hmmm maybe I could talk the spouse out of that whole "let's not breed" thing. And then we could "break up".

Naw, that seems like more work than actually doing my job would be. Oh well!
I went to McDonald's for supper, I had a "Make it a Meal for Free" coupon where you buy the burger and get the fries and drink for free.  I gave the girl my coupon and ordered the Angus burger.  She said "You want the meal, right?"

I was thinking, "Unless there's some other deal I can get with this, ummmm, yeah......"  ::)
In the pre vasectomy flier a friend of mine has:

" and if things go well (and Usually they do)..."

What a relief - they USUALLY go well.
ajp said:
In the pre vasectomy flier a friend of mine has:

" and if things go well (and Usually they do)..."

What a relief - they USUALLY go well.

Is the flier from some kind of Discount clinic or something?

I'm here for the Saturday drive through snip, snip deal please!
It was at a well established BASE.  I suspect the creator of the doc was trying to put a but of humour into an otherwise tense issue.
Some thing dumb in general.
See a that Officer recruit camp in Kingston they issued me the steel toe'd Mk4 non wet weather.
Now i was told to get them exchanged when I get back to my support base, and well due to policy's about wearing boots and exchanging they couldn't exchange them, but did issue me General Purpose Wet weather Mk4's and told me I can keep the safety boots as a back up. Well any who they didnt give me the boot paste for them, and when we where in Kingston they told us that the paste for the wet weather boots we could find in outdoor shops and shoe shops, so not to worried about this i drove the 150 km home thinking that supplies in Kingston was right.
Well turns out that not one shoe store in my city has boot paste and half didnt know such a thing exists!

GAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!    :threat: 
CEEBEE501 said:
Some thing dumb in general.
See a that Officer recruit camp in Kingston they issued me the steel toe'd Mk4 non wet weather.
Now i was told to get them exchanged when I get back to my support base, and well due to policy's about wearing boots and exchanging they couldn't exchange them, but did issue me General Purpose Wet weather Mk4's and told me I can keep the safety boots as a back up. Well any who they didnt give me the boot paste for them, and when we where in Kingston they told us that the paste for the wet weather boots we could find in outdoor shops and shoe shops, so not to worried about this i drove the 150 km home thinking that supplies in Kingston was right.
Well turns out that not one shoe store in my city has boot paste and half didnt know such a thing exists!

GAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!    :threat:

You should  not have to buy boot paste. That item is readily available from your CQ, free.
Wow, I pictured a young person that had about ten cups of coffee when I read that paragraph.. whew!!

As for paste, the QM and/or clothing stores should have some.  If not (and you didn't hear it from me) you can use black boot polish or even a wet rag and stiff dollar store brush.

This happened quite awhile ago but it has always struck me as one of the stupidest statements ever made.

We were having a unit merit board to place our Cpl's and we were all throwing out our decision for number one, most of us had one of of two people when one of the Sgt's throws out the name of a female Cpl who everybody else had rated quite a bit lower.

When asked his reasoning for having her number one his reply was " because she is a mother and it is so much harder for her than everybody else".

I'm sure you can imagine the reaction that got from everybody else in the room
I had a similar situation during a merit board. It was brought forward that a certain Leading Seaman should be number one because he's been an LS the longest.
Same effect. When the laughing stopped we carried on!
Often when people want to join my unit I wind up talking to them about it.  Again some look like decent candidates the rest just strike me wrong...

One time the other week, I talk to this guy who wants RMS because it's "easy work, an easy job"... great reason to join any trade huh.  And of course, we all need someone who wants to get away with doing as little as possible..
Unfortunatly the CF already has lots of those kinds of attitudes!
CorporalMajor said:
One time the other week, I talk to this guy who wants RMS because it's "easy work, an easy job"...

Clean, inside work with no heavy lifting. Sounds good to me!
( I should add that I am 55 years old and had a lifetime of the opposite )  :)