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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

A Redneck and his now ex-wife walked our of a deep south family court and she is just balling her eyes out. He looks over and says  "Damn woman would you stop all that racket your still my sister!"
Understatement of the week??  Month??  Year??

From a 17 year old male accused of planning a shooting rampage*:

"I really screwed up and I will try to better myself"  ::)

*Article link
That ranks up there with anyone over the age of 15 saying
" But I didnt mean it"  ( as if that makes anything better)
" It is not my fault"  ( like that changes anything)
"I didnt know it would happen like that" ( hopefully leasoned learned)
"It is just online stuff I didnt mean it" (oh like we can mind read your intent)
"I was just trying to scare him/her" ( we have laws now due to idiots like you)
"I thought it would be cool to do" ( right up untill you got caught)
"we didnt mean no harm we were just having fun" ( everyone enjoys being vandalized)
"Am I going to be in trouble" ( If you have to ask this question you have issue's)
" I didnt think" ( That summs it up nicely)
"We were just having fun" ( at someone elses expence)
"I just got so mad I had to do something" ( well that makes it alright then doesnt it)

The list goes on and almost could be another topic.
On one of my credit cards, my signature was erased
by time.

Usually, cashiers don't mind or are asking me for a
piece of I.D., which is fine by me.

This week, in a drugstore, the cashier ask me to
redo the sig on the card, then she verified that
it was the SAME signature that I  put on the bill!

I've heard of worse. I've heard of someone who noticed that the credit card was never signed, and insisted it be signed on the spot. Said cashier then examined the signature on the printout, and declared that the two signatures did not match, despite having watched the same person sign both of them. Of course, I also heard of this via the internet, therefore it's more than likely 100% fabricated.
Walking into Wal-Mart yesterday, which I know, was my first mistake, a Taxi minivan (Dodge Caravan) was parked right out front and a man and a women, one with an oxygen tank and both using the tall push walkers thingys.  And they are waiting at the back of the van to put their walkers in and the Taxi driver actually said to them "You're going to have to help me, as I don't even know how to open this up" 
She laughed and looked surprised when the handle worked.

Umm.........if you drive a taxi for a living and don't know how to get it open, maybe you should be in a different line of work. 

All I could think was "Here's your sign"  :P
Another one from the news.  Statement made by a woman accused of beating her child to death:

(This was on the phone with her ex-husband via wiretap)

The prosecutor said Mendieta admitted to Parra that she inflicted the injuries in the guise of disciplining.

Mendieta hinted to Parra that she shouldn't be punished and reminded him that he also shouldn't have been imprisoned for his domestic violence and property crimes.

"When you make mistakes you pay for them, yes. Okay, and there are times when you still make mistakes, it's not fair that you pay for it, because you do those mistakes for a reason," Mendieta is quoted saying to Parra.

"In your case for example, OK, you went to jail so many times for what?" she added.

"For nothing," he agreed.

"No ... for trying to put food on your kids' table, clothes on their back," Mendieta said.

Parra was jailed for assaulting Mendieta with a tire iron and forcible confinement and for credit card fraud.

More on link above

I think they should make people take IQ tests (and score above 100) to have children.  Seriously, how many chances to make "mistakes" does she think she should get?  Enough to kill all of her children? 
From one of the local suppliers of LPO boots...after Supply placing the order for mine (Matterhorn 10" full leather safety boots) early Sept, and not having gotten them yet, Supply called The Toolbox to see why they weren't in yet.  The answer back was "they don't make them anymore"

Oddly, when I picked up the phone and called Matterhorn myself, both item #s for my temperate and cold weather LPO boots are still being made.  Maybe thats why they are still on their website.  ::)

Nothing like making shit up to cover your crappy customer service.  Of course, I fwd'd the # of the Matterhorn customer service/sales rep back to the folks at Special Sizes. 

Do people who run businesses really think we can't pick up a phone and call the supplier/manufacturer ourselves?  Dumbass. 
Conversation between me and job placement/resume expert:
  Her; "I don't know how marketable I can make you at your age."
  Me; "Ummm, okay, thanks for that.  Why not?"
  Her; "You're 48 years old, and have only had two jobs since you were 17 years old, your resume is kind of thin.  It doesn't give me much to work with."
  Me; "Thanks for your time, goodbye."
Kat Stevens said:
Conversation between me and job placement/resume expert:
  Her; "I don't know how marketable I can make you at your age."
  Me; "Ummm, okay, thanks for that.  Why not?"
  Her; "You're 48 years old, and have only had two jobs since you were 17 years old, your resume is kind of thin.  It doesn't give me much to work with."
  Me; "Thanks for your time, goodbye."

Obviously she didn't look at the length of time spent at the 2 jobs, and the good service record you had. Her loss.
Short, but Dilbert-esque:

We need your unit's 2009-2011 business plan Monday - here's your material today, and we'll have a 1/2 hour conference call tomorrow to sort out any questions.

Q1 from me:  Why not more than 3 days notice when you got the e-mail from your bosses Friday?
milnews.ca said:
  Why not more than 3 days notice when you got the e-mail from your bosses Friday?

What check emails and pass info on a FRIDAY and miss first call at the mess!! Shake your head!!
Overheard in a Windows 7 training class when an employee could not find the "start" button on her desktop:

"Don't blame me, I was raised north of 7!"

...I can't wait till BMOQ  ::)

Whats the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Everything to do with Maple Guardian 1001 and Maple Defender 1001
Teller said:
Overheard in a Windows 7 training class when an employee could not find the "start" button on her desktop:

"Don't blame me, I was raised north of 7!"

...I can't wait till BMOQ  ::)


For those of you not getting that joke..Its the Trenton version of saying your form Goeller mountain. A little bit inbred and braindead.
Long time listener, first time caller. ;)

I was at home depot today buying a few odds and sods to finish up some small jobs. One of these was a blank faceplate for an electrical box. The previous owners had put in a box with coax and I didn't need to use it there, so decided to cover it up. (Crack-filling is not my forte...)

Anyway, I get to the cash and they guy's ringing my stuff through... he gets to the blank face plate and stops dead. Turns to me with an astounded look on his face and shakes his head. I can almost see it coming, when he says "I could never understand these... why would you put in a box just to cover it up?"

I paused, just for a moment, and told him I put it in upside down and couldn't use it. He seemed satisfied with that and moved on... I chuckled on my way out the door.
Now that brought a smile...!!

Last weekend my 11 year old grandson and his friend were raking the leaves.....when he came in for a drink I quietly asked him if he was going to do it again next weekend......NO Way!! he replied....well, I would suggest that you shake those trees to get the leaves down now (50 year old oaks), or you'll have to do it again next weekend also.....

About an hour later and much yelling between his friend and him....he comes into the house and says he hates me, as I sat there with a big smile on my face....it took awhile, but he did catch on...........
"You were taken off the pallbearer party because you're already booked to speak at a school for Remembrance day"

2 days later: "You have to cover off as Duty Cpl for ****** because he's going to the funeral" ....wtf?
Today a woman berated me for not wearing a poppy and thus not supporting the troops (my poppy was on my jacket which I had just taken off). I was wearing a bright red support our troops shirt.