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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

During stables yesterday we were having the weapons cleaned, all of the weapons. Anyway, after about an hour or so people started making excuses as to why they didn't need to be cleaning another weapon. The usual excuses popped up. "I have an appointment", "I have a meeting", "I have to go so people get paid". But the line of the day went to a clerk: "I have better things to do, it must be nice to just hang around here all day". I'm sorry, what??? Do people think I want to be sitting there making them clean the weapons all day? Do they not realize that these things are being inspected by the weapons techs and have to be like they've never been fired? I mean I have other stuff to do too, like order all the supplies that you need to do your job, ass.
Chapeski said:
During stables yesterday we were having the weapons cleaned, all of the weapons. Anyway, after about an hour or so people started making excuses as to why they didn't need to be cleaning another weapon. The usual excuses popped up. "I have an appointment", "I have a meeting", "I have to go so people get paid". But the line of the day went to a clerk: "I have better things to do, it must be nice to just hang around here all day". I'm sorry, what??? Do people think I want to be sitting there making them clean the weapons all day? Do they not realize that these things are being inspected by the weapons techs and have to be like they've never been fired? I mean I have other stuff to do too, like order all the supplies that you need to do your job, ass.

LOL. No worries - I hear the same shitty "excuses" (which receive a "you were tasked by your Unit to me today, you need to go to an 'unannounced appt', then contact your trg cell to advise them you have an appt you failed to tell them about and have them send me over your replacement before your departure" - note: this usually ends the discussion).

I'm so glad that I have very small pinkies. As well, I find it funny that the troops who get tasked to these things who actually clean the weapons rather than sit there bitching about it seem to get theirs cleaned better ... and faster.  ;)
Dumbest thing said today.

My better half.
"Hey Flawed Design (because that's what she calls me) why don't you rinse our thermos so you can put hot chocolate in it this weekend while your at work making $400 less a month for doing the same job as the full time guys."
[Okay so I made that last part up, she probably thinks it just doesn't wanna bring it up considering my situation]

What a good idea, my thermos. So I go and get my thermos and attempt to rinse it out.
The top is stuck
So I twist and nothing. So I figure just use your teeth.
So I use my teeth and crack it open.


I'm sprayed in the back of my throat (yes exactly like your thinking) with 2 week old hot chocolate that I took on ex back in September but never bothered to drink, or clean.
I start gagging because the milk/hot chocolate mix is curdled and sitting at the back of my throat and having been surprised and taking in a large breath of air some of the nasty stuff gets swallowed. Probably went right to my lungs.

It would have been nice had I did this alone, I could have had a nice little cry about it.  However, tht was not to be the case.  My better half witnessed the whole thing.  She wisely remained quiet but I could see the tears in here eyes welling up in restrained laughter.

In my best THIS IS YOUR FAULT TONE I looked at her and said
'I've decided not to have hot chocolate this weekend' and went and took a shower.

Dumbest thing I heard today?
why don't you rinse our thermos so you can put hot chocolate in it this weekend while your at work

Oh dear god you poor poor man... but i have to give my 'atta boy' to your wife for not bursting up laughing right there...cause i know that's what i would of done! Sorry... tee hee  ;D
My Supreme Commander would have had no problems wetting herself while laughing her scribe butt off at me.

women can be mean and unreasonable sometimes!! ;D
ArmyVern said:
LOL. No worries - I hear the same shitty "excuses" (which receive a "you were tasked by your Unit to me today, you need to go to an 'unannounced appt', then contact your trg cell to advise them you have an appt you failed to tell them about and have them send me over your replacement before your departure" - note: this usually ends the discussion).

I'm so glad that I have very small pinkies. As well, I find it funny that the troops who get tasked to these things who actually clean the weapons rather than sit there bitching about it seem to get theirs cleaned better ... and faster.  ;)

So after the weapons tech inspections we were told some of the weapons were not up to snuff. Perhaps there will be more weapons cleaning days in the near future. I hope it was the clerk that had better things to do than clean the weapons that was the proprietor of one of these weapons!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-rDAL_nPOU  :rofl:

I like the way he thought he was dead due to his perceived sense of time. Not only was time passing slowly but it was passing 'really really really really slowly' :rofl:
mariomike said:
Clean, inside work with no heavy lifting. Sounds good to me!
( I should add that I am 55 years old and had a lifetime of the opposite )  :)
Now, I'm not saying it's especially hard work, but this kid wants to be hired and straight up says "I'm looking for an easy job".  The fact that he says it to someone who might be in charge of him one day (ME).... welllll no comment.

Then again, if I know he's a slacker from the get go, it's easier to correct him sooner.  And you gotta give it to him, for being honest.
Afghan Army Work Out Video

Dumbest thing I've seen today.....so far anyway, but it's just a new day.  ;D
I think the law of unitended consequences applies to this story. Did politicians really want this law to apply to truck drivers or farm machinery?

Trucker fined for workplace smoking after lighting up in rig
Ontario driver hit with $305 fine for smoking in his truck because it's considered his place of work

TORONTO — The Canadian Press
Last updated on Thursday, Oct. 08, 2009 01:51PM EDT

An Ontario truck driver has been fined $305 for smoking in the rig of a tractor-trailer because it is considered a workplace.

Provincial police pulled over a truck on Highway 401 near Windsor, Ont., on Wednesday when the driver was seen smoking.

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act adopted in 2006 prohibits smoking in enclosed workplaces and public areas, such as bars and restaurants.

more at link
I just can't wait until the next one of our ships is on a Lakes tour, and some uppity police officer decides that he wants to start handing out fines for people smoking in the port breeseway.


Hopefully he wouldn't get past the brow. :)
gcclarke said:
I just can't wait until the next one of our ships is on a Lakes tour, and some uppity police officer decides that he wants to start handing out fines for people smoking in the port breeseway.

Remember this one from 2009:
"Girl, 15, smokes as driver gets $155 ticket"
I have a real horror story of a Metro Paramedic who was fined for smoking in the station garage:
kratz said:
I think the law of unitended consequences applies to this story. Did politicians really want this law to apply to truck drivers or farm machinery?

more at link

Yes, they did.

From the Occupational Health & Safety Act R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1

workplace” means any land, premises, location or thing at, upon, in or near which a worker works. (“lieu de travail”) R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, s. 1 (1); 1993, c. 27, Sched.; 1994, c. 24, s. 35; 1994, c. 25, s. 83 (1); 1997, c. 16, s. 2 (1-3); 1998, c. 8, s. 49.
[rant on]
OK, I get it.  Smoking is bad for you.  I got it.  It is unhealthy for children and other living things.  Fine.  I totally understand that.

Now, having said that, how can the government be so draconian on it, yet still profit so much from it?  Tobacco companies are being sued for medical expenses, yet governments make a $hitload of ca$h on tobacco products.  Why not sue themselves?  Here's the thing: "what if" I were an independant trucker, carrying only myself, doing long hauls.  Passing through Ontario, would I still be fined for smoking in my truck?  Aren't there other things our Police forces should be doing?
[/rant off]

I'm going to go smoke on MY property, and the Nanny state can go to Hell.
Midnight Rambler said:
I'm going to go smoke on MY property, and the Nanny state can go to Hell.

While you still can: