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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?


Thank you for posting that Snaketnk. A great way to start the day.
Too early to start drinking!!? It's got to be 1700 somewhere!!
"Daddy - Come see the smell I made" - My daughter was mixing soap and shampoo while having a Bath.  My initial reaction was DREAD
              Me: Did you vacuum your bedroom like I asked?

14 yr old daughter: I remember vacuuming.

                Me: WTF?? You remember or you actually did?

14 yr old daughter:  sound of crickets....stares off into space.

ModlrMike said:
Everything Michel Drapeau had to say on CBC this morning.
Except I would like to add; whenever/where ever Michel Drapeau opens his mouth.
Whenever either of my kids said anything close to "come see the smell" or "look what I made in the bathroom" I sent my wife. I'd rather deploy that face some of those messes!!
FDO said:
Whenever either of my kids said anything close to "come see the smell" or "look what I made in the bathroom" I sent my wife. I'd rather deploy that face some of those messes!!

Yeah, that's a guy thingy....we're dumb sometimes, but not stupid!!  ;D
How about the little voice from the bathroom "I'm done"!?

( I know off topic, but still ...)
Carefull FDO, some agency or rights group out there may start wondering on your parent skills if your leaving your kid alone in the bathroom.  Heavens forbid that your toilet does not have a warning

" Caution do not leave children unattended when bowl has water in it"
followed with the outline picture of a kid with it's head in there

PETA did complain that Obama killed a fly and made light of it....................... God I sometimes am bothered by the righteous side of "we mean well side.
I know I messed up my kids. My son joined the Air Force and my daughter wants to join the Army! Where did I go wrong? Maybe too much time with their heads in a toilet bowl. Oh wait that happened when they were older!

Actually funniest thing I heard so far today was the kid on another thread who wants to join the reserve because hes afraid of being conscripted into the Army when WW3 hits.
I read that and loved the follow up line to the effect of - Don't use that at the Recruiting Centre.
Not hear but read:

Canada introduces bill supporting US deserters
(AP) – 15 hours ago

TORONTO — Canadian Parliament will consider a bill introduced Thursday that would allow American and other war resisters to stay in Canada.

The bill, introduced by the Liberal Party's Gerard Kennedy, would allow other countries' military deserters to stay in Canada if their refusal to serve is based on sincere moral, political or religious objections.

Parliament has already voted twice to support war resisters, but those were non-binding motions.

Kennedy's bill would be binding because it would amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Most war resisters in Canada are U.S. military personnel who have refused to participate in the Iraq War on the grounds that it's illegal and immoral.
There are thought to be about 200 American military deserters who have come to Canada to avoid service in Iraq.

Canadian immigration officials and the courts have rejected efforts to grant them refugee status, and several face deportation. At least two have already been deported to the U.S.

During the war in Vietnam, thousands of Americans fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Many were given permanent residence status that eventually resulted in citizenship.

From Hansard
Mr. Gerard Kennedy (Parkdale—High Park, Lib.) 
moved for leave to introduce Bill C-440, An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resitors).
He said: Mr. Speaker, this bill is in response to the refusal of the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism to show Canadian sensibility. This is a simple bill with a clear purpose. Which would apply Canadian sensibility to the issue of war resistors in Canada.
The bill would make sure that people of good conscience who leave a war that is not approved by the United Nations and who would be subject to compulsion and stop loss in their own country would be eligible to become Canadian citizens.
The bill reflects the work and the wishes of a great deal of Parliament. It basically takes the spirit of two motions that have already been passed by a majority of Parliament and puts them in the form of law that would have to be followed by the minister and the ministry of immigration and citizenship.

    (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)
Do they not know that in the US miltary service in voluntary. Thetre is no more draft. So if people don't want to fight then just like in Canada DON'T ENLIST!!!!! We don't need anyone elses waste here.

Is it me or does that seem too simple? And yes I've heard about "Stop Loss" Never did see the movie. This something a US Senator should be submitting. Not a Canadian MP! I have no sympathy for US deserters.
Yes but there are Troops that have already joined the US Military that run away when they are called up for a tour.
ajp, they, like us, are fully aware of the possibility of, and the fact that the entire purpose of the military is training to defend your country and it's interests, which includes deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.
So what is Mr Kennedy's response going to be if a Canadian soldier decides that our war is immoral and he\ she decides that AWOL is the way to get out of it? I suppose they will receive the same coddling and succor from our loony lefties and idealogs. A pat on the head and an honourable release? Nullify the NDA? Can they grant a foreigner special status while hanging out one of our own? ::)

Lie, Libel, Liberal
The Evolution of Corrupt Government
I don't think this guy really gives a rats but about cowards from the south or anywhere else. I think he's looking to get reelected. Can you imagine the opposition getting a hold of this and saying that he sent poor young men and women to their deaths against their will. Makes a good headline even if it is total BS. Got to love the sheep we call the Canadian voter!
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My wife and I went out for breakfast with some friends on the weekend. It was a nice little cafe. They even had large coffee mugs that were prewarmed. There was a sign over a door that said "TO PATIO" My friends wife looked at it and said (are you ready) "what's out there". To which my very clever and quick wife responded, "Gee I don't know, maybe a patio" I won't put down the next line in the convesation. Just sufice to say that it wasn't very nice OR lady like!