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What was your price Stronach??????


Good Post.


Two things:
1.  Service before self.
2.  Ours is not to reason why...

You are one warped puppy. 
I choose to support my chain of command from the top to the bottom. 

This in no way leads us to serve the Party in Power.  Our Commander in Chief is the Governor General, not the Prime Minister.  You are starting to sound like a fool in service of Paul Martin.  You seem to fall into the category that Michael Dorosh stated:
"I swear by God, this Holy Oath, that I will give unlimited obedience to the Führer of the German Reich and People, Adolf Hitler, and as a brave soldier will stake my life for this oath at any time.

Obedience to Hitler by name.  Not the ideals of Germany, God or Man, but to Hitler."

You definitely need some reflection on what your Oath really means. 
but it's your duty as a SERVICE member to do what they say.

Now thats the silliest thing I've read today [the day is still young though], you really should study the meaning of a "lawful order"
I'm sure you can find some QR@O's somewhere.

I look at a spoiled ballot, a refusal to exercise your right to vote, or a vote for a Fringe Party as only a Protest, but mostly as a Vote for the Lieberals.  If you truly don't want a Lieberal Government, then you must vote them out.  There is only one way to do that and it is to vote for the Party that is most likely to be able to gain a Majority in Parliament and defeat them.  A vote for the Green Party or the Rhino Party will not accomplish that.  An unwillingness to exercise your franchise to vote, states to me that you are happy with the corrupt Government as it is.  A spoiled Ballot is just that, apathetic acceptance of the ruling party and a useless form of protest, as who knows what you truly are protesting - you have no press to state your grievance.

I am sure that there are many things in the Lieberal Platform that many Lieberal Supporters don't agree with, yet still will support the Lieberal Party, in much the same way as a Hockey Fan will continue to support his team, even though he dislikes a certain player or two.  What amazes me, is that the Canadian Electorate, will then look at the Conservatives, pick one item of their Platform that they dislike and then condemn the whole Conservative Party.  What a contradiction of logic.  The Canadian Electorate are truly SHEEP.

We have to bite the bullet sometime, and vote the corrupt out, or be content to get the shaft.
Interesting thread.  I always thought that the old PCs and the Libs were two halves of the same party, and elections merely indicated a possible shift change with everyone getting new curtains and carpets.  I thought the Reform/Alliance merger with the PCs was prob engineered by the Liberals to water down the ethical and moral assets of 'Reform'.  I thought the PCs would have been a much better fit with the Liberals - both parties being leftist/corrupt/old-Canada moneyed organizations.  Now, I suppose, some of the Limosine Liberals may see the doctrinal writing on the walls of a true-blue CPC, and realize their future is elsewhere.  This is a short term gain for the Libs, but long term will ensure better doctrinal purity in the CPC.
Essentially, I cannot condemn Ms Stronach for her decision.  In fact, I aplaud it - she has come out of the political closet, and followed her heart.  Timing?  These things happen when they happen.  Her constituents will let her know what they think when the time comes.

As for her future in cabinet, we all know the poor dear is daddy's girl, and verbally one on one at the table with Landslide Annie, or any other notable ruling female...  well, let's just say she makes good cannon fodder when expendable material may come in handy.  Which it will. Rest assured she has been given responsibilities with a lot of skeletons in the closet, shoes waiting to drop, etc.

A win-win situation all around.

But now the REAL issue: We all know that politics makes strange bed-fellows, but do bed-fellows not also make strange politics?   Did Mr. Mackay cross the line some how?  Turn the uptown girl into a downtown girl?
What amazes me, is that the Canadian Electorate, will then look at the Conservatives, pick one item of their Platform that they dislike and then condemn the whole Conservative Party.

Or maybe, just maybe, that one issue is the one that Canadians actually give two licks about? If the Conservatives want to expand their support base, they will have to embrace a more liberal social agenda. Asking Canadians in the east to become more conservative has so far proven insufficient.
'Or maybe, just maybe, that one issue is the one that Canadians actually give two licks about?'

If they accept an open agenda of   massive corruption and a parallel government over central Canadian agitprop media rumours of a 'hidden agenda' then we will truly become a sub-arctic banana republic.   Another ten years - twenty, tops -   of this and a few people will stop voting and start shooting.

I do not relish the thought of funding my retirement by sitting in my wheelchair and selling wood carvings of polar bears to Nigerian and Malaysian peacekeepers on the streets of Edmonton. ;D
Britney Spears said:
Or maybe, just maybe, that one issue is the one that Canadians actually give two licks about? If the Conservatives want to expand their support base, they will have to embrace a more liberal social agenda. Asking Canadians in the east to become more conservative has so far proven insufficient.

And they are willing to put up with a similar policy of the Lieberals and keep that foul taste in their mouths..........
I do not relish the thought of funding my retirement by sitting in my wheelchair and selling wood carvings of polar bears to Nigerian and Malaysian peacekeepers on the streets of Edmonton. Grin

Why, what happened to initiative? If you can't beat them, start your own I say. Start burying caches of Kalashnikovs right now, and when the time comes, gather the veterans from the Regimental Association, call them "Tom's Polar Bears",  sieze the base,  promote yourself to Colonel and declare the independence of the Republic of Alberta (You know the drill). What are the boy out east going to do? They have no tanks.......

And then you can outlaw SSM too. 

And they are willing to put up with a similar policy of the Lieberals and keep that foul taste in their mouths..........

Well, that is not decided yet, we shall have to see.......
"Why, what happened to initiative? If you can't beat them, start your own I say. Start burying caches of Kalashnikovs right now, and when the time comes, gather the veterans from the Regimental Association, call them "Tom's Polar Bears",  sieze the base,  promote yourself to Colonel and declare the independence of the Republic of Alberta (You know the drill). What are the boy out east going to do? They have no tanks......."

- Dear me , Britney, that's all a bit reactionary for my taste.

"And then you can outlaw SSM too. "

-What have you got against SSM?  What's the big deal?  Democracy has been hijacked, the  LPC has staged a palace coup without anyone figuring it out, and you get excited about a few sodomists getting married?  Don't we all have bigger fish to fry here?  Like the future of our country?
SeanNewman said:
Yes, we swear our oath/affirmation to the Queen, but are you honestly going to tell me that if the queen dies you will lay down your arms?  If the governor general goes down, are you quitting?

Actually, we do not swear a personal oath to HRH Elizabeth II, but to "Her Majesty the Queen, her Lawful Heirs and Successors", or words to that effect. The Queen represents us all as Head of State, and the Government (in theory anyway) proposes legislation for Royal Assent (although it is centuries old practice that HM no longer intervenes directly in the day to day affairs of the State, and accepts the advice of the Government of the day).

The big problem, which has been alluded to in many threads is the Government no longer represents the people in any real sense, and the structure has been perverted to such an extent that there is no longer any practical way to sweep an openly corrupt and ineffective government from office. (The only half way promising sign is the open laughter at Paul Martin's press conference welcoming Ms Stronich to the party and handing her the 29 pieces of silver). A "Maple Leaf" revolution along the lines of Lebanon's "Cedar Revolution" or the Ukrainian "Orange Revolution" seems very unlikely (Canadian seem willing to tolerate almost any outrage against their dignity and pocketbooks), and I am sure none of us want to go down the other road. Welfare Fascism is now the order of the day, and it is the most insidious form of Socialism yet invented. We need to demonstrate a more effective form of government in the streets of our municipalities to teach the voters there are other models and structures, or get our Green Cards.
-What have you got against SSM?  What's the big deal?  Democracy has been hijacked, the  LPC has staged a palace coup without anyone figuring it out, and you get excited about a few sodomists getting married?  Don't we all have bigger fish to fry here?  Like the future of our country?

Tell that to the Conservatives. I suppose we should be glad that we're not tearing the country apart because someone on the other side of the world flushed a book down the toilet?

Strange, every thread I touch seems to eventually turn into a debate on gay marriage.....
Britney Spears said:
Strange, every thread I touch seems to eventually turn into a debate on gay marriage.....

Well....some of us have been keeping our hands off that.....and looking at other areas of concern......however, "Allegiance to the Ruling Party" is wearing a bit thin.  ::)
"Tell that to the Conservatives."

-I think people have. They seem to be focused on bringing down the guvmint over Gomery, not SSM.

But to avoid Gomery, some folks keep inserting the LPC agitprop about 'hidden agendas'...

"Strange, every thread I touch seems to eventually turn into a debate on gay marriage....."

- My case in point.
SeanNewman said:
This if for those who challenged my post on page 3:

Yes, we swear our oath/affirmation to the Queen, but are you honestly going to tell me that if the queen dies you will lay down your arms?  If the governor general goes down, are you quitting?

Give me a break.

"The Queen" does not mean Ezlizabeth II, "The Queen" means all that Canada stands for, in which people cast votes, and as such, the party in power = what the people wanted = that's your boss = it's your duty to support them.

Saying that you have civie-power to cast your vote and complain about the gov't is not true (or perhaps a half-truth).  You have a right to vote, and you have basic human rights, but never forget service before self
George Wallace said:

I do not serve the Party in Power.  I server the Government of Canada, lead (Influenced) by the Party in Power.  There is a big difference. 

I don't think I could have said it any better than that.

Thanks George.
TCBF said:
"Tell that to the Conservatives."

-I think people have. They seem to be focused on bringing down the guvmint over Gomery, not SSM.

But to avoid Gomery, some folks keep inserting the LPC agitprop about 'hidden agendas'...

"Strange, every thread I touch seems to eventually turn into a debate on gay marriage....."

- My case in point.

I can't believe how stupid you'd have to be to buy into a myth about a 'hidden agenda'. It's amounts to accusing someone of secretly plotting to do something, but does not allow the person any room to address the claim because the agenda is 'hidden'. It's a baseless accusation intended to scare the stupid.
a_majoor said:
Actually, we do not swear a personal oath to HRH Elizabeth II, but to "Her Majesty the Queen, her Lawful Heirs and Successors", or words to that effect. The Queen represents us all as Head of State, and the Government (in theory anyway) proposes legislation for Royal Assent (although it is centuries old practice that HM no longer intervenes directly in the day to day affairs of the State, and accepts the advice of the Government of the day).

I was pretty sure that on the Oath it actually has the Queen by name.  It's been a couple of years since I worked in recruiting so I could be wrong.
I thought that it was an oath to protect the people of Canada, not the Federal Liberals. Theirs a big difference. As well the majority of people didn't elect the Liberals, only about 36%. What about the other 64%.

Here's what I think, the Reform party should start up again, and we elect a Reform government ;).

Actaully, nevermind I'm daydreaming again.
Couldn't resist sticking some old threads here.