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What was your price Stronach??????

Back to the title of this thread. I think it's clear what the price was. It also appears inflation has gone up again. Wasn't it the last time only 30 pieces of silver?

Actually if I was Smiling Jack Layton Patron Saint of the Soundbite I'd be a little ticked off. Five billion in assorted budget goodies give or take a million  (and what's a misplaced million or two to this Government) to buy off his whole caucus, versus a five billion (again give or take a million) Government portfolio to play with for one vote.

I guess Baby Doc Martin has been reading his Orwell â Å“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal...â ? ::)

Hey even Kilgour was satisfied with a couple of million in aid and old military equipment and a rifle company.

hey though these are Liberal promises, not like thay actually intend to come through with them now is it. ::)
>The Queen" does not mean Ezlizabeth II,

I don't remember any explanatory clauses to that effect.  One possibility the oath as it currently is written leaves open is that the CF would be the final guarantor of Canada in the event the government in Parliament overstepped its lawful and conventional bounds.  I'm not sure legal opinion backs that up; it's probably a useful issue to explore and resolve.

The old PC and the current Liberals are two sides of the same establishment coin.  As one might expect, those who seek power gravitate to where it can be found.  For Liberals and old-style PC enthusiasts to babble on about each others' corrupt behaviour in the past and present is merely to point the finger at themselves, but in differently-hued political attire.  To vote for the Liberals as they are currently constituted, or to propose to vote for Tories closer to the political centre is to support that establishment.  That establishment, or at least the system by which it perpetuates itself, is what needs to be gutted.  Canadians might actually have to take a chance on regionally-aligned parties - the Bloc, the Reform/Alliance wing of the new CPC - to permanently dismantle some of the modern apparatus of the current Canadian federal state in order to close some of the windows of abuse.

I suppose I value my political freedoms more highly than social ones, because the former are necessary to the latter.
Danjanou said:
Back to the title of this thread. I think it's clear what the price was. It also appears inflation has gone up again. Wasn't it the last time only 30 pieces of silver?

Actually if I was Smiling Jack Layton Patron Saint of the Soundbite I'd be a little ticked off. Five billion in assorted budget goodies give or take a million  (and what's a misplaced million or two to this Government) to buy off his whole caucus, versus a five billion (again give or take a million) Government portfolio to play with for one vote.

I guess Baby Doc Martin has been reading his Orwell â Å“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal...â ? ::)

Hey even Kilgour was satisfied with a couple of million in aid and old military equipment and a rifle company.

hey though these are Liberal promises, not like thay actually intend to come through with them now is it. ::)

Now if Mr Dithers was to offer the CF $5 billion for our votes, I would like to see it in cash or a certified cheque...
Perhaps Belinda Stronach isn't the only Conservative MP the Liberals tried to buy.  >:(


OTTAWA (CP) -- Conservative MP Gurmant Grewal says the Liberals offered him a diplomatic post or a Senate seat for his wife in return for scratching his crucial budget vote.

The MP from Surrey, B.C., whose wife Nina is also a Tory MP, alleges he made an audio recording of the offer from Liberal cabinet minister Ujjal Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, Prime Minister Paul Martin's chief of staff.

"I was approached early this week by Ujjal Dosanjh and asked to abstain or vote with the government on the budget vote," said Grewal, a three-term MP.

"In exchange, I was given an understanding that I would be rewarded in some fashion."

Grewal said the options included a diplomatic appointment for him or a Senate seat in the future for Nina Grewal, who was first elected to Parliament just last June.

The Liberals immediately denied the allegation.

"This not what happened," said Scott Reid, Martin's director of communications.

"(Grewal) asked for a post and was told no."

The allegation comes a day after Belinda Stronach shocked her Tory caucus colleagues by jumping to the Liberal cabinet.

Martin insisted the move was Stronach's initiative and that the Liberals were not actively attempting to poach from Conservative ranks.

But Grewal said Murphy told him the Liberals were approaching "three or four" other Conservative MPs, as well.

Stronach's defection left the House of Commons deadlocked between the Liberal-NDP camp and the Conservative-Bloc Quebecois alignment less than 24 hours before a crucial budget vote Thursday that could kill the minority government.

Two Independent MPs hold the balance of power.

© Canadian Press
Arg this really is a ball breaker..looks like the 2 independents are going to be a split and that means the speaker has the deciding vote and he is a liberal....


What is Canada doing, voting liberal is like cutting off your own legs :crybaby:
beach_bum said:
I was pretty sure that on the Oath it actually has the Queen by name.  It's been a couple of years since I worked in recruiting so I could be wrong.

You are in fact correct. I just checked my solemn affirmation and my wifes oath of allegiance.
Miss Stronach, patriotic, hahahaha , its joke, the power its the real factor !!! >:( :rage: :rage:
Liberal gouvernement = professional thieft group oups sorry:)  :-X

My vote its for u mister Harper :cdn: . Harper and McKay have real conviction and value! not u miss Stronach. :salute: :salute: :salute:
Perhaps Belinda Stronach isn't the only Conservative MP the Liberals tried to buy.  


Let's not forget Inky Mark in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Grewal.   Now, what I find curious is that this (older) article indicates four MPs, and assuming Peter MacKay's surprise at Stronach's defection is genuine (which I believe), would imply that there is at least one other Tory whom the Liberals have tried to grease. 
According to the Liberal's Inky Mark is to far down the gene pool for their liking whatever the hell that means.
According to the Liberal's Inky Mark is to far down the gene pool for their liking whatever the hell that means.

They were supposedly offering him a senate position, which would have removed him from the House, not added him to the Liberal roster. 
When Inky Mark came forward with the allegations, that was the response from the Liberals. I haven't seen these kindof deals being made with the conservatives towards liberal MP's though correct me if I'm wrong. It seems as though if the conservatives want to gain power, they want to do it democratically, you know, not bribing other people to coming over to the otherside.
I saw an interview with Steve mckay today...Either its the best acting job ever or he is really hurting over loosing this woman!
Who's Steve McKay?


Wed, May 18, 2005

Lovers in dangerous time

'He's not in a good place right now'

By MARIA McCLINTOCK, Parliamentary Bureau

Canada's hottest political pair may be heading for Splitsville.

News that former Tory MP Belinda Stronach was jumping ship to get into bed with the Grits came as a shock to everyone -- including her lover, Tory Deputy Leader Peter MacKay.

Sources told the Sun MacKay had no clue Stronach was considering a bolt and he didn't know until Stronach told him yesterday morning.

"He's not in a good place right now," said one of MacKay's close friends.

While all indications are the relationship is heading for the rocks, there was no definitive word on the status of it last night. Stronach refused to discuss the matter.

After getting the news just before Stronach went on national TV to announce the decision, MacKay called Tory Leader Stephen Harper and then hopped on a flight to Nova Scotia, where he was met at the airport by his father Elmer.


A normally media-friendly MP, MacKay was mum yesterday. It's not known when he'll return to the Commons.

While Parliament Hill was buzzing with Stronach's defection, many were openly wondering how Mac-Kay was taking the news.

"If she has such a high opinion of Peter MacKay, I would venture today after my discussion with him, she has an awfully tough way of conveying that to him," said Harper.

"I think Peter's taking this pretty hard, as you can imagine."

Conservative Senator Marjory LeBreton said she feels "very badly" for MacKay, who was feeling the sting of betrayal on both personal and political levels.

"He spent a lot of political capital to get the two parties together and worked very hard to bring a lot of people along, and for her to do that to him, to me, is an unforgivable act on a human scale," she said.

MacKay spokesman Michael Bailey would offer little comment other than to say MacKay will not follow Stronach to the Liberals.

"He is not going to cross the floor," Bailey said.



Curious, all this attack on her character.

When that other Conservative MP crossed the floor about 2 years ago, was there this much condemnation?
I believe that MP didn't get bribed into doing it, and didn't do it a few days before an important vote. As well she changed her attitude completely in less then a few days. It's seen as the fact that she only switched due to the fact she was offered a comfy government position.
And it had nothing to do with her values on gay marriages, abortions, etc?

How do we know that other man didn't cross the floor because he was offered a deal?  There was nothing like this kind of media and political scrutiny on the other guy.  I remember that something like the harshest language used on him was "turncoat".

Has she said she changed her mind on those?

...the whole stench isn't that she crossed the floor, its the cabinet post reward.
So now we have news that she is saying her defection had the blessings of Brian Mulroney.  I see a pattern emerging - she will fit in well in the LIE Camp.
The Liberal's present predicament helps the BQ, the Quebec nationalist separatist party.  It also foments discord in the west.  The Lieberals tried to buy Quebec (who typically vote Liberal, or for liberal-type parties such as the BQ and PQ). (Brief Canada lesson:  BQ - Bloq Quebecois - nationalist Federal Quebec party, only runs and is elected in Quebec, could never be a federal government.  PQ - Parti Quebecois - nationalist provincial party which has been elected in Quebec on a number of occasions).

Thing is, if you want a strong federal gov't who keeps the provinces in their place (so you can spend scads of cash on social programs), you need the Lieberals.  The Conservatives (for whom Quebeckers don't vote) actually would have a better platform to stop separatism:  more provincial autonomy, which is what Alberta and Quebec have always wanted.

The Lieberal position is that the Conservatives, by allying with the BQ, would eliminate real federal representation of Quebec, which would lead to separation.  However, what the Conservatives have done is ally with the BQ in parliament, in order to defeat the corrupt government.  It's not like they've divvyed up the country or anything.  Even if the BQ were to win every seat in Quebec, they couldn't be more than "holder of the balance of power" federally....and there are still more federalists in all parties combined....

Stronach said a lot of things...then she crossed the floor.  "National Unity" has been the Lieberals rallying cry for years, and its wearing a little thin.  In a way, I'm glad she left.  The Lieberal party is a good place to collect all the politicians who can be bought, lack integrity, vision, and intelligence.  Keep them out of my party, thank you.
Curious, all this attack on her character.

When that other Conservative MP crossed the floor about 2 years ago, was there this much condemnation?

No, but that was largely because it was a matter of housecleaning.   A few people up and decided that the Conservative party was not to their liking, having been Progressive Conservatives for so long...

Did those Conservative MP's campaign to be the LEADER of the party?
Did those Conservative MP's wait until the eve of an important vote to blade their former party in the back?
Did those Conservative MP's give the leader of their former party 20 minutes of warning?
Did those Conservative MP's get a cushy cabinet position as a result?

It's about integrity.   Other MP's crossed the floor because their old party was no longer supporting the principles they supported....Belinda walked into this one with both eyes open, said she supported Conservative principles so much she was prepared to lead the party, then decided that if she couldn't lead the party, she was gonna leave and take a big fat cabinet position into the bargain--in a party whose stated political postion is supposed to be diametrically opposed to the one she held previously.
