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What was your price Stronach??????

I know there's a few Stronach fan's on this board, if only cause she's pretty hot for a politician (eh, Infanteer?). So what do you think? Personally I think it's a sad day for the Conservatives because aside from it's bad timing, she was definitely a rising star with the Conservatives.

  Ok, Belinda's hot, no argument there.

  Yeah, I would have liked to have seen her become, in a few years time, Conservative leader.  She is basically a political neophyte that has crossed over from business to politics.  She needs experience and a better vision of her political platform to have become Conservative leader, but I think that would have developed in time.  However, she obviously lacks ethics, so the party is probably better of without her.

  And as for the Liberals, they should watch out.  Apparently they have a barracuda in their midst that has her eye on the brass ring currently held in the hands of Mr. Dithers zombie.
I wonder what is the lesser of two evils:

1. Her vote carries the day and allows the Liberals to continue in power with the corruption scandle still hovering around and tainting all their actions.
2. The Liberal party disintigrates with a three sided civil war as Cretienistas and Martinites fight it out, with disgruntled backbenchers seeing their chances for advancement dashed by yet another opportunistic and unscrupulous weasel coming out with their knives.

OP Parliament ROTO 0 anyone?

(edited for spelling)
"If you think a banana republic is better, then move there. Ask the guys who have been to Haiti, parts of Africa or Afghanistan, to see which they prefer. This country continues to have one of the best standards of living in the world, regardless of all the chicken littles out there proclaiming the sky's falling. It isn't. I don't see a change to that, as we continue on inspite of what stripe we of gov't we have."

Well put.  I was watching the news the other night and they had an interview with a guy who was so angry with the system that he was seriously looking to emigrate.  He said that he was contemplating buying property in the US or Mexico.......wtf??!!!  Mexico!!!!???


edit:  quoting
Ahh, well: politicians.

I am reminded of Groucho Marx:

"These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others...."

RCA said:
If people are so sick to there stomachs, get out there and do something. Bitching and moaning gets no where. I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate and saying there are going to run to make things different or getting more involved with the process. Any one can armchair quarterback, but I don't see anyone even attempting to get in the game.

If you think a banana republic is better, then move there. Ask the guys who have been to Haiti, parts of Africa or Afghanistan, to see which they prefer. This country continues to have one of the best standards of living in the world, regardless of all the chicken littles out there proclaiming the sky's falling. It isn't. I don't see a change to that, as we continue on inspite of what stripe we of gov't we have.

Last time I checked we did get involved in the process. We vote. Not everyone is cut out to be a politician or lobbyist. Every Canadian Citizen, however, has a right to representation in government. Further, we are well within our rights to demand a certain standard of deportment from our representatives. One shouldn't confuse anger and disappointment aimed at our elected representatives with bitching about the system. The system itself works just fine. There will be an election and those elected will be held to account (or not) as the voters see fit. In the meantime the behaviour of many MPs is nothing short of disgraceful and Canadians have every right to be angry with them and demand better.
RCA said:
If people are so sick to there stomachs, get out there and do something. Bitching and moaning gets no where. I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate and saying there are going to run to make things different or getting more involved with the process. Any one can armchair quarterback, but I don't see anyone even attempting to get in the game.


My own thoughts as to how to make real changes to Canada would be to concentrate on the cities. Civic government has the potential to be the nexus of a political revolution. In my home city of London, city council spends like Liberals and has given us a combined 13% tax hike in the last two years alone. If the right sort of people could be elected with the drive to commit to deep spending cuts and tax roll backs, millions (I estimate up to $100 million, one Adscam) could be released back into the productive economy in London alone. Imagine if major urban centres started going this way in response to high tax bills; the Canadian economy would receive a real boost, with perhaps billions of dollars returned to the productive economy, and the taxpayers would be able to see without any shadow of a doubt this is entirely due to local politicians and has nothing to do with the provincial or federal levels of government.

After a while, the same taxpayers might decide this same program of deep spending cuts can be applied to the other levels of government as well.......

Which is why I will concentrate on civic politics. Next election: Nov 2006 for London ON.
RCA said:
This country continues to have one of the best standards of living in the world, regardless of all the chicken littles out there proclaiming the sky's falling. It isn't. I don't see a change to that, as we continue on inspite of what stripe we of gov't we have.

/sarcasm on
Canada: love it or leave it
/sarcasm off

Sixteen years of working in the bowels of the federal Govt, in uniform and out, have definitely soured me on how this country is run (and being run into the ground).  Once you see sausage being made, you kind of lose the appetite.  And that is the last I shall contribute to this thread, as I can already see it spiralling out of control.  Enjoy watching the antics in the media over the next 24 hours.  It's the next best thing to the Stanley Cup playoffs  ;D
As members of the military, it's not our job to gripe about the government.  It's our job to do what the government (our boss, as elected representatives of the people) tells us to do.

If you are wearing the uniform, it is your duty to support the party in power.  You get your one vote's say as a Canadian, and that's it.  If we wake up tomorrow and the Bloc gets 99% of the vote, (or the Communist Party, Marijuana Party, Marxist, whatever), you have the choice to either do your job and stay, or VR.

My $0.02
If you are wearing the uniform, your job is to support lawful authority, not the party in power.
SeanNewman said:
As members of the military, it's not our job to gripe about the government.  It's our job to do what the government (our boss, as elected representatives of the people) tells us to do.

If you are wearing the uniform, it is your duty to support the party in power.  You get your one vote's say as a Canadian, and that's it.  If we wake up tomorrow and the Bloc gets 99% of the vote, (or the Communist Party, Marijuana Party, Marxist, whatever), you have the choice to either do your job and stay, or VR.

My $0.02

It's not our job to support the politcal party in power and we are not mindless storm-troopers who are paid to carry out the whims and wishes of what ever politcal party happens to be in power. The last time I checked, we (members of the CF) have as much right as anyone else to gripe about a political party, this is democracy after all.
As A-Majoor so aptly stated (although not the first), all politics are local.
SeanNewman said:
As members of the military, it's not our job to gripe about the government.  It's our job to do what the government (our boss, as elected representatives of the people) tells us to do.

If you are wearing the uniform, it is your duty to support the party in power.  You get your one vote's say as a Canadian, and that's it.  If we wake up tomorrow and the Bloc gets 99% of the vote, (or the Communist Party, Marijuana Party, Marxist, whatever), you have the choice to either do your job and stay, or VR.

My $0.02

Read your Oath of allegiance/solemn affirmation and show me where it says the government of Canada. It doesn't you did not nor do you swear to serve the government you swear your oath to the Queen, her heirs and successors according to Law.

The ideal of the apolitical military is under challenge from our very own charter of rights and freedoms which contradicts  QR&O's because it guarantees
"Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in an election of members of the House of Commons or of a legislative assembly and to be qualified for membership therein.
As a matter of fact I have a letter here from the current Minister of National Defence stating that as long as I do not participate in political activities while in uniform I can belong to and assist in campaigns for whomever I choose.

The fact that we are soldiers does not mean that we have to divorce ourselves from the democratic rights that we are guaranteed. the job title is soldier not sheep.
Michael Dorosh said:

LOL - she hasn't updated her site in a day or two...

Its not even showing anything other than the splash page.

This is just so wrong, its different when an MP becomes an independant, but this is being a traitor. Is minister of human resources and skills development a good job? Maybe she was bribed; but I do agree with Harper as I think this is all about ambitions and doing anything to attain goals.
I'm not in the CF..but I do hope to be selected to be in the presence of you fine man and women....I believe the only say you have is in your voting as a Canadian Citizen.  I was born under a formal democracy that believes in voting...however God help you if you vote for the wrong party and they found out...you will quickly disappear without any trace....no one will know you even existed. I came to this country knowing it was a true democracy where one can vote and voice his opinion without fear of mysterious disappearance or unexplainable death. Part of my decision to join was to maintain that exact freedom we so often, specially youngsters take for granted. Therefore, I respect everyones opinion and for mine: Belinda Stronach crossed the floor because she had conflict of interests with Harper.i.e same sex marriage. Secondly, I believe that her choice is a moral one because she obviously knows that the Liberals still require a seat plus the house tie breaker..it was a conscious choice not one of power unlike oh a little Conservative by the name of Harper who's hidden agenda isn't so hidden to one that is educated and reads. I hope you can smell the Referendum in the air in the Conservatives and Bloc Alliance. I cant even fathom a Quebec separation...in an International stage we will look like tools better used for raking leafs. I'm sure however that each one of you has his-her opinion based of their own social status and I respect that. I never saw a proper leadership in Harper...plus he is not a peoples prime minister and what Canadians I feel need is another Trudeau, or Clark or Pearson.The funniest thing I think is that a lot of Newmarket just crossed the floor with her.  :cdn:
Harper who's hidden agenda isn't so hidden to one that is educated and reads. I hope you can smell the Referendum in the air in the Conservatives and Bloc Alliance. I cant even fathom a Quebec separation...in an International stage we will look like tools better used for raking leafs. I'm sure however that each one of you has his-her opinion based of their own social status and I respect that. I never saw a proper leadership in Harper...plus he is not a peoples prime minister and what Canadians I feel need is another Trudeau, or Clark or Pearson.

Sorry but I'm one of those uneducated types that don't read ::)

If Quebec seperates, they probably will because of a liberal majority. Think about it, the majority of quebecois support the Bloc, and as I see it the conservatives can help Quebec get what they want without seperation. Were as with the Liberals seperation would be more of an option for Quebecors as I see it.
c1984ml said:
So if you have found the agenda, it really isn't secret, is it?

EXACTLY why I vote red :-*

Futuretrooper said:
Sorry but I'm one of those uneducated types that don't read ::)

If Quebec seperates, they probably will because of a liberal majority. Think about it, the majority of quebecois support the Bloc, and as I see it the conservatives can help Quebec get what they want without seperation. Were as with the Liberals seperation would be more of an option for Quebecors as I see it.

My mistake for putting that sentence in bro...I didnt mean that you werent educated.The way I see your sentence I see your point and the Federal Liberals are to blame for the last poll they took which was of Quebecers at 54 percent in favor of a referendum. Now if the Conservatives and the Bloc win the election that will give major power to the Bloc . Ofcourse we know what the Bloc objective is on the matter of a referendum. Plus I believe that regardless on wether the new budget was written on a knapkin...I still believe it will better all provinces and Canadians as a whole. Cheers.  :cdn:
I wouldn't really want another Trudeau to become PM, if you think the military is in a bad state now, then just wait if somebody similar to him takes over. I would prefer PM's such as Pearson, Borden, Laurier, McDonald. It seemed that back in those day politicians had more integrity, and put the country first, that might just be me though. As well if the conservatives are more for giving the provinces more power then I think we'll see fewer people in Quebec supporting seperatism.

Can you tell us what the hidden agenda is though, people will throw that term around and not back it up.

