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What do you carry?

MikeL said:
Apparently I can't read   :o

Paracowboy, if I drive up to Edmonton Garrison tomarrow, an give spur you on, will you do a naked section attack from the Gym, through the gate an down to the end of that road.
yeah, probably. I don't learn too quick.  ::)
Please don't. I get in enough trouble without encouragement.
Pte.Pinky  thanks for letting me know what was in your fighting order.

For the rest of you, I wish you would learn how to read.

I HAVE the 82 pattern webbing and book, I am asking what the "fighting ground solider" packed in his. I know you carry weapons, I'm asking about things like clothes in the pack, rain and sleep gear, eatting gear, etc.

Also do not tell me to buy something else for camping gear! I have already told you that I have hiking gear. Ie. internal frame pack, North Face sleeping bag, Z-rest foam, MSR stove etc. If I want to hike with old surplus military gear that is up to me. However I have the 82 webbing on a nice stand, both fighting order and large pack, C7 bayonet, KFS and C5, sewing kit from '91. I do not have a C7 and merely shoved some energy bars in the mag pouches.

So forget useless naked jokes and demands that I buy camping gear I already own...

Curious about how to tell a C9 pouch from the C7 pouch.
I already told you, you answer mine, and I'll answer yours.

People who dress like soldiers, but aren't make me nervous. Sometimes it's harmless, sometimes it's nefarious. And I can't look into your eyes over the Internet. I won't be part of something that may bring discredit to the CF.

Aside from Nekkid Section Attacks.
I remember a nekkid butts party once.   >:D   Somebody got it on camera and stuck it on the wall.   The CSM thought it was so funny that he brought the Task Force Engineering guy (some Major) by to check it out.

I think that was the only time I saw him laugh.... :rofl:
So it is true, they do let stupid people into the army.

Cowboy, WAKE UP! If I wanted to play solider I'd get cadpats and a TV (trust me, I can get the cadpat TV if I want).

Anyway, forget the whole thing, you are just a jackass. We had military people in St. John Ambulance and I've worked along side army medics at the Tattoo, none of them were as stupid as you. Clearly you watch too much American tv.
paracowboy said:
I already told you, you answer mine, and I'll answer yours.

People who dress like soldiers, but aren't make me nervous. Sometimes it's harmless, sometimes it's nefarious. And I can't look into your eyes over the Internet. I won't be part of something that may bring discredit to the CF.

Aside from Nekkid Section Attacks.

I thank god for people like this who think of the good and bad sides.

"Cowboy, WAKE UP! If I wanted to play solider I'd get cadpats and a TV (trust me, I can get the cadpat TV if I want).

Anyway, forget the whole thing, you are just a -----------. We had military people in St. John Ambulance and I've worked along side army medics at the Tattoo, none of them were as stupid as you. Clearly you watch too much American tv."

thats not very nice Yoshin.

(Edited by moderator to remove personal insult.)
YoshinRyu said:
Curious about how to tell a C9 pouch from the C7 pouch.

The C7 pouch holds two C7 magazines, the C9 Pouch holds a C9 belt box.

And I suggest you tone down your attitude. If it's too difficult to justify your question, then perhaps you should be researching elsewhere. Further insults will get you started on the warning system as described in the Conduct Guidelines.

Conduct Guidelines - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

Did you hear that Paracowboy?  He called you NAMES!!!
Oh, BTW it wasn't an office clerk, martial artist, volunteer first aider, hiker like me that robbed a bank with a Steyr Aug and Chinese AK-47...no it was a reserve soldier who failed his attempt at getting into the Joint Task Force Two that did the shoot out.

So why do they let crazy people into the forces? Isn't all that, "where do you put your sewing kit" dangerous stuff?
You're rapidly wearing out your welcome.
Infanteer said:
Did you hear that Paracowboy?   He called you NAMES!!!
and you cannot begin to understand the emotional turmoil it's causing me. His rapier-like wit has skewered me. Cut me to the very quick. Indeed, I am undone!
Alas, poor paracowboy. I knew him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite wit, of most excellent fancy.
Lol. Nothin like a single off-topic remark to send a thread off on a wild (and hilarious) tangent.

As for the pouches, the C7 pouch is slender (the width of 1 mag) and 2 mags thick. It is designed to hold 2 mags. Two C7 mags. Sorry... Inside most C7 pouches you should see a small piece of 1-inch webbing. The C9 pouch is wider and has nothing inside (unless the course staff decides they want all your raingear in there  ::) Shoulda made chocolate bars course standard ;D ).

Now, I believe you also asked about the ruck (I could scroll down to check, but, yes, I'm that lazy). This really comes down to matter of personal taste. Generally (for a weekend ex) I have an extra pair of combats (maybe 2, depending on the season), 4-season jacket, a fleece, polypro underwear (1 each of top and bottom), goretex socks (though I usually keep these in my Tacvest), and extra socks everywhere there's a gap. In the valise is sleeping bag, liner, bivy bag, ranger blanket, groundsheet. And strapped on with the valise is my thermarest. For the ruck just think camping gear but all green. Not that this does not include section/platoon kit or ammo, or any of the other things a soldier would (usually ;) ) need in combat.


P.S. I don't care what you guys say, if there was a video, I'd wanna see it  :o
Wow, i missed a lot while typing. Yoshin, you won't get anywhere by insulting those from whom you seek guidance. Paracowboy is just being mindful of the fact that the CF is constantly under the microscope, and having people impersonate a soldier and then do somthing unbecoming of a member of the CF can be very detrimental to the forces as a whole. He is not telling you to take your question and shove it. He just wants to know why YOU want to know so as to be sure that he is not helping someone else impersonate a soldier, and potentially embarass the CF. I doubt he made any assumptions, and you really shouldn't make any of your own. As the saying goes...
Dude, chill out.  What makes paracowboy a jackass, is beyond me.  Your reference to the robbery has no bearing to this thread.  You speak as if someone personally attacked you, which no one did, but if one had, you still wouldn't be going about it very well.  As for that sewing kit, I don't know anyone that put that in their webbing.  
YoshinRyu - All you have to say is your a collector of Canadian Military kit - you put it on a stand and run around it nekkid...  ;D

Packing kit and what soldiers carry in it outside Battle School is a varied issue depending upon what the mission was.

Lipping off para and the rest of us is not a particulary good way to obtain the info - he asked a valid question and you ignored him - he offered a rationale as to why he/me/we/us etc where being guarded and somewhat clownish in our answers and you proceeded to flip the bird to us and he specifically...

KevinB does not like to be flipped off on the internet.  KevinB would like to answer your question.  However KevinB feel that an appoligy is in order.  KevinB would also like it pointed out your robbery 'facts', as entirely irrelevant to the question as they are, has several erroneous comments that you have listed as fact.

paracowboy concurs with KevinB. paracowboy would also like to congratulate KevinB on his excellent usage of the language in referring to himself in the Third Person.
What i'm still stumped on, even after reading all of his posts...

Why are you going camping wearing webbing and cam.
Infanteer is the Jumpmaster on this flight.  Infanteer sees that the green light is on.  Infanteer does not know if all his jumpers have their chutes packed, but he is sending them out the door pretty quick....
Uhmmm.....YoshinRyu, you do know this is an Army forum eh?

Maybe you should post your camping questions in a camping forum...then again I can bet that most campers would find wearing webbing out camping as strange as we do.
