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What do you carry?

mudgunner49 is thrilled to see that he is not the only one who is amused by referring to himself in the Third person.  mudgunner49 is overjoyed to be in such distinguished company.  mudgunner49 firmly believes that YoshinRyu is a pretentious a**hat...

GNR has witnessed mudgunner49 speaking in the 3rd person while on the range, GNR finds it very frightening.

Mudgunner49 does alot of that, and GNR thinks GNR has heard him call his pistol "Precious" once or twice.
Big Foot is worried about the growing trend of gunners refering to themselves in third person. Big Foot is wondering if he is in the right trade...
Infanteer said:
You're rapidly wearing out your welcome.

Once again, someone asks a simple question and gets shit on here.

Collectors very often try and acquire full examples of clothing and equpment - from actually reading his posts, I seem to get the impression the poster is doing the same circa 1982.  I don't see him claiming to want it for camping, paintball, airsoft or hiking, or Michigan Militia, or anything tawdry, sordid or illegal.

The guy wants to know what a typical load for a soldier was in 1982.  Give him a break.  If you can't answer, then don't.  It's not a dumb question; in fact, one of the goals of serious collectors is to get all the haversack/rucksack/large pack details right.


If you want to post on my forum at www.canadiansoldiers.com, you will get a much better answer than anyone here is capable of giving.  Good luck with your collecting.
paracowboy said:
I already told you, you answer mine, and I'll answer yours.

People who dress like soldiers, but aren't make me nervous. Sometimes it's harmless, sometimes it's nefarious. And I can't look into your eyes over the Internet. I won't be part of something that may bring discredit to the CF.

Aside from Nekkid Section Attacks.

What about military collectors?   Which is what this poster obviously is.
KevinB is somewhat ammused that Michael Dorosh has decided to make this another one of his points.

KevinB would like to illustrate that Yoshi has never once described as to WHY he wants or needs this info.

KevinB has made the point abundantly clear.

Furthermore KevinB cannot fathom why anyone would not see this if they had doen as KevinB did and read and re-read all these posts.
We had a guy on our three's buy one of the old bloody OD tacvests before our field ex, because he hadn't been issued his TV and only had the '82 pat. Needless to say the staff wouldn't let him wear it...and we made great fun of him...80 bucks for something that he's going to get anyway....

as far as nude military activity...which seems rampant in the military, I once did naked rifle drill...well, I did have a gas mask on...
YoshinRyu said:
So it is true, they do let stupid people into the army.

Cowboy, WAKE UP! If I wanted to play solider I'd get cadpats and a TV (trust me, I can get the cadpat TV if I want).

Anyway, forget the whole thing, you are just a jackass. We had military people in St. John Ambulance and I've worked along side army medics at the Tattoo, none of them were as stupid as you. Clearly you watch too much American tv.

I'll weigh in here.   ::)

Keep this up and you're going on warning...plain and simple. Personal attacks aren't tolerated.

Next time your on the ramp without a chute...prepare for a "Roman Candle"

Kevin and the rest were just ribbing you...welcome to Army.ca.

This is the way of things here. We encourage humour.

Michael....relax. If he's a millitary collector, he'll appreciate the humour here.

A soldier's humour is the most sincerest of course.

Franko, if he "got the humour" would he really be calling someone a jackass?

Let's think about it for a sec....

My perspective is from a collector.  I don't have a huge collection, but I host a forum where big-time collectors go to talk about the hobby.  I've published a couple of books and some articles aimed specifically at collectors of Canadian military uniforms.

I don't think that a uniform collector would be able to "justify" exactly "why" he collects the stuff.  He thinks it neat, or sees it as a valuable investment, or wants to show his pride in the country's military past, whatever.

I don't know that I saw a lot of ribbing, but I do know I saw very few serious answers, as well as some ill concealed hostility once the original poster got frustrated at the treatment he got.  If he "saw the humour" he wouldn't be frustrated.

So - anyone want to start fresh here and provide some answers?

My original offer still stands, Y. - you're more than welcome to post at my forum.  There are other collectors there who specialize in 1980s and 1990s CF uniforms - they are gaining in value and interest, especially now that 1982 pattern stuff and the old OG combats are becoming history.
paracowboy does not change his answer. paracowboy has demonstrated many times his willingness to go out of his way to assist those who require it. He does not do so for those who DEMAND it. He does find it mildly entertaining to read Michael Dorosh's indictments of the treatment of those who behave like morons. paracowboy is also hungry.
Michael, all joking aside - he stated he wanted a "for battle kit list"

I'm quite willing to publish a BattleSchool kit list for the 82 pattern ruck.

Very few combat arms pers use the 82 pattern ruck the 62 pattern frame and the issue (jump task) cordura nylon bag (or custom cordura bags) are much more common for Infanteers conducting operations or excersises.

Secondly as I mentioned before - it all depends on the mission - Doing a Layback Recce will have much a different and heavier kit loadout, than a light Infantry Section.

Okay, I just did a complete re-read of the thread from start to finish.   Kevin and Pinky (sorry to anyone else I missed) did give some good basic info which will give the original poster a good start.

YoshinRyu, the advice you got on watching your temper is apt. I'd also suggest that as your collection grows, so too should your understanding of nomenclature, it will assist you in further questions down the road.  

I still contend, for my part, that military collectors don't need to "justify" interest in CF clothing - especially outdated stuff.   Innocent until proven guilty and all that.   In all honesty, CF surplus goods are becoming a "hot" commodity in collecting circles, and speculation on the value of same as an investment is starting to grow.   It seems silly now, but in 1945 no one would have guessed that battledress blouses would routinely fetch several hundred dollars a piece on ebay (if suitably badged) either.

And I doubt very much there are any Gestapo agents buying up battledress these days either! ;D  Cause, I know you're all worried about that, and stuff. ;)

I'm just left wondering what the deal was since the beginning?  Yoshin, why was it you got so angry in the first place?  Is it because some of us cracked a couple jokes not pretaining to you in the thread you opened?
Ok Danjanou has just read this entire thread sitting at his computer nekkid except for his old and original issued 64 pattern webbing. Danjanou thinks that jump master Infanteer needs to hit the button and toss the whole lot out of you off the ramp, nekkid or otherwise, except for the fact that after the day Danjanou has had at work this was better than his regular therapy which involved excessive amount of alcohol, gardening instruments and red headed midgets er excuse me vertically disadvantaged persons.

Danjanou also wants to know if after extensive therapy whether Paracowboy will be able to overcome the emotional turmoil he has suffered and once again conduct Nekkid Section Attacks or for that matter any kind of clothing challenged tactical manoeuvres for his own amusement and that of Mike L?

Pictures would be nice, video though much better. To avoid breaking site guidelines, which unfortunately Danjanou would have to reluctantly enforce (as would Infanteer), and that involves Danjanou putting on pants, Danjanou therefore suggests that it be posted on another military site more appropriate. Perhaps the one that has KevinB as a poster boy for Afghani gun porn?

Hey this whole third person thing is fun, Danjanou now needs to go and add more foil to his new hat. 8)
Pinky thinks Yoshin isn't reading this anymore... dammit, I mean I don't think Yoshin's reading this anymore. See what you people do to me!?  ;D
3rd person with an education is all played out, next time something like this happens, try an Incredible Hulk mindest

Bomber no like thread that not die

Bomber head hurt after read thread that not die

Bomber smash 82 pattern ruck.

Bomber tired, Bomber watch Joey now, take mind off thread that not die.
Danjanou said:
that involves Danjanou putting on pants

"Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records."

"Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records."

Can someone explain this joke to me?  ???