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What Bases should stay open and which Bases should be closed

Sea Cadet said:
The one base that i no will stay open is cfb gagetown in new brunswick :cdn:

its the damn noise to signal ratio going up again.  ::)
CFL said:
FSTO speak to what you know.
For starters its a 2 lane highway (albeit its 2 lanes either way) not a 4 lane highway like they have in TO.
Second its a 2 hour drive and thats to the outskirts.  If you live in other more distant area's within Wpg it could be a 2 1/2 hour drive not to mention the winter time.
And people in TO and Vancouver drive more than that every day to go to work!

CFL said:
MJP hit it on the head really.  People that are teachers, bank tellers, even pharmacy techs can't find work.  There is also few jobs that pay above minimum.  So you'll excuse those that are affected from being a little bitter and in shock about the whole thing.
P.S.  go ahead and ask me where our first field ex was.  Shilo.  No, it was in Wainwright.

Did you really think that the Kensington site was going to stay open forever? As a family did you not take into account that you might be moved and that it would be to Shilo? Did you take the time to check out the job market in the Brandon, Cornwallis, SW Manitoba? If your spouse is in the Pharmacy field, there are a dozen towns within a 1/2 hr drive that are in dire need of health care workers.
I said before that in the military you should have in the back of your mind that you could be moved every 3 years. What if you were moved to Gagetown, Valcartier, North Bay? You would probably have the same problems as you face going to Shilo.

Finally, being from rural Canada, I get a littleannoyed  when people automatically asume that if they are out of sight of a large metro area they are in the hillbillly hick world with no amenities, no transport and no future. Nothing can be further from the truth.
I guess your right Inch.   In my mind a case of beer is 24 and a 4 lane highway is 4 lanes in one direction.   Semantics I guess.
I'll let her speak on the health care job market.
The members of the Infantry (not including officers) can spend a minimum of 10 years in on place.   There are very few postings in my trade especially now.   The higher up you are ie Sgt, WO the greater chance you have to be posted to a school.
I had no doubt that the old barracks would close however there is plenty of room on 17 Wing to build as well as a little further out just past city limits.   Think of the savings in money (posting allowances, IR postings,) keeping in more personal, still being in the public eye etc.
Just because I'm a soldier doesn't mean I have to like it.   Suck it sure.   Like it, no.
I agree CFL...Shilo is a not a good spot and driving for an hour round trip is tiresome. I was lucky enough to stay for a brief visit only. I am tired of people stating that spouses should suck it up because they knew when they married a military person that they would have to give up their lives.  Sure they are aware that postings to Wainwright and those places may come along, but the military/government has done little to promote other worthwhile industry in the local area. Besides a few hardware stores, a strip mall, there's nothing. Call centers don't count when a wife has a Masters Degree and is forced to work their because jobs are not avail. Yeah....We could all pop smoke or go on IR as a solution, but we shouldn't be forced to.Also if you every get posted to NB please ensure that your wife is bilingual as the government rarely hires if you don't have at least BBB.  If you do get hired, there's little chance of advancement until you get a profile, kind of like the military.
Yup.  Small cities of at least 10,000 shoud be the minimum size for locating garrisons.
As suggested previously, we're slitting our own throats if we retreat from major urban centres - the taxpayers are only human, and if they aren't reminded of something on a regular basis ... they can't be blamed for forgetting or even neglecting unseen priorities (and of course, the federal Liberal party takes every opportunity to further their own political agenda ... which doesn't necessarily include a resonable defence budget ... but, I digress ... as always ...)

Heck - I've lost count of how many guysI've met who  leave their families behind in Kingston, Ottawa, etc. because they're dug in and have a job - it's a simple case of job markets being better where there is a more diversified socio-industrial complex, as opposed to smaller communities.  There's no stigma attached to smaller towns - they've got their unique qualities, benefits and disadvantages.

Thus, once again it's a matter of "rationalisation" - it's not necessarily the best idea to consolidate in fewer and fewer locations, especially if supposed "cost savings" are outweighed by a loss of public support (due to a loss of public visibility), combined with unnecessary hardships to families.