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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Here is some info from 2007.

Well there is new info from July 08 - new enrollees that have had laser surgery may be considered for aircrew positions forward of the navigator's seat.  There are exceptions - only certain procedures are allowed.  When I get back to a DWAN comp I'll post the link or the info for those that care.

jonz67 said:
I read somewhere that laser eye surgery makes a person ineligible for a pilot position in the CF.

jonz67 - That was true in the past, but it's definitely accepted now. But medecineman is correct, only certain kinds are allowed. I can't stress enough how important it is to have your prospective surgeon call a Medical Officer at CFRC to discuss the details. For example - I was told Lasik is acceptable for pilot - that is only partly true. Only specific Lasik procedures are allowed. Best to let the professionals (your surgeon and Med Officer from CFRC) sort it out so you are 100% sure you're getting the right one. I was literally 15 mins away from getting the wrong kind of Lasik when the surgeon's assistant got off the phone with a Med Officer only to confirm that the Lasik I was going to get was not an allowable one. Dodged a big bullet there! There's more to that story obviously... but I was left with the choice of painful PRK surgery that day (approved for pilot) or finding another clinic that peforms the specific Lasik that is allowed. I went with the PRK that day, and although very painful, it has worked out really well so far.
OK folks, for the last time, the distance vision uncorrected is what denotes your vision category up to and including V4/5.  The refraction (the Rx) is really what the clincher is that decides a borderline V4 vs V5, unless of course you are literally blind in either eye - that would make you a V5 pretty quickly as well.  One day a recruiter presented me with an Rx and asked me what his category was - I could with great confidence say not good, but that it was within parameters of correction required by the CF and nothing else because I didn't know what his visual acuity was.  If you're correction is + or - 7.00 diopters or greater in your best eye, start thinking about PRK or LASIK if you want to get in.  That's why we ask for the for an up to date refraction when we do the medical, since it could in fact be a showstopper right there.

Mods, if you may...

Now, I read the "Visions Category and Acuity" thread however sometimes information does click in without confirmation from outside parties.

My current perscription is:

                                        OD(Right Eye): -1.00
                                        OS(Left Eye): -0.75

This would be classifed as V2 correct?
Read the above - it has to do with VISUAL ACUITY not your refraction.  V2 is up to 6/18 6/18 OR 6/12 6/30 with correction to 6/6 in one eye and no worse than 6/9 in the worst.  The refraction determines if you are a V5.  We look at the acuity to make the determination of V1-V4 and THEN look at the refraction to determine if the error is + or - 7.00 diopters to ensure that the person isn't a V5.


army24 said:
Will i be able to join infantry if my vision is (-4.50 and -4.75)???

Try checking here, in a very detailed post regarding vision requirments.
Where exactly can you find out what your corrected vision is? From my refraction papers I am -5.75 in both eyes and 6/120 in both eyes..... Is corrected vision listed someplace on the standard refraction papers?
It probably isn't shown if your looking at the eyeglass prescription.  It shows what you were uncorrected (6/120 in your case), and the best correction for you (-5.75 both sides in your case) but probably doesn't show how you test with the -5.75 correction.   

If you had a recent medical it will be on your medical file, as you are tested without and with the
corrective lenses.

Once your in the CF, do you have to change trades if your vision falls below the entrence requirement of your MOC?
lone bugler said:
Once your in the CF, do you have to change trades if your vision falls below the entrence requirement of your MOC?

Did they not check it while you were applying?? because if it was below the requirement you would have never gotten that trade......
Enrolment standards and requirements for the trade CAN be two different things.

For instance, if the enrolment standard is V2 for a trade, but the minimum standard is V4.
lone bugler said:
Once your in the CF, do you have to change trades if your vision falls below the entrence requirement of your MOC?

SoldierInTheMaking said:
Did they not check it while you were applying?? because if it was below the requirement you would have never gotten that trade......
Your vision can change with age or illness/injury - if that were to happen you could be medically remustered into a different MOS.
