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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Here is a source of answers for you.

There is are other sources of answers in that thread.

At the end of the day, if you feel this strongly, it's a question for your recruiting centre - what do you expect an anonymous group of internet posters to tell you?  Will you say "but doc, the guys at Army.ca think you should give me a chance" and expect him to abdicate his responsibility to objectively verify the state of your health?  There are no quick happy answers and we can't give you an Internet hug and make everything all right.

The CF has medical standards for a reason.  You either meet them or you don't.  Ref your age - if you want to join at 16, but your vision is too poor to meet the minimum medical standard for your chosen trade, how do you expect to complete any training?  Are you willing to let your fellow troops down, or expect special treatment because you don't meet the medical standard that they all had to?

Honest answer - I don't give much for your chances right now.  If you want to go the laser eye surgery route, you'll have to wait.  Probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but probably the answer you need.  You are only 16.  You have your whole life ahead of you.  Don't lose hope, but don't worry about the military for now - go out and try and find some comradely good fellowship to raise your morale!

Best of luck.

The Army.ca staff
Hello again.As you've predicted,I haven't been chosed.My eyes were worse than I would have thought;-8.25 and -8.75.Anyway,I'm only 16 and I have my whole life ahead.I'll probably work at tim or something else,insteadf of doing push-ups :) But I am wondering something.I wanted to go study at the royal military college after my grade 12.I know that I can be accepted even if my eyes are bad but at the beginning,they ask you what job do you wanna go for.The one wich interest me would probably an armoured officer or an combat engineering officer,where,in both cases,would not be a job I could be able to qualify to because of my eyes.So I wanted to know if I will have to choose another job to get there and then if i could change for the one I want after beeing operated or if I will be able too choose it at the beginning OR if I would not be able to do one or the other.Thanks for your help.
MeunierConsole01 said:
Hello again.As you've predicted,I haven't been chosed.My eyes were worse than I would have thought;-8.25 and -8.75.Anyway,I'm only 16 and I have my whole life ahead.I'll probably work at tim or something else,insteadf of doing push-ups :) But I am wondering something.I wanted to go study at the royal military college after my grade 12.I know that I can be accepted even if my eyes are bad but at the beginning,they ask you what job do you wanna go for.The one wich interest me would probably an armoured officer or an combat engineering officer,where,in both cases,would not be a job I could be able to qualify to because of my eyes.So I wanted to know if I will have to choose another job to get there and then if i could change for the one I want after beeing operated or if I will be able too choose it at the beginning OR if I would not be able to do one or the other.Thanks for your help.

Are you sure your language is English?
MeunierConsole01 said:
....I'm only 16 and I have my whole life ahead.

Finish up some schooling. If your still interested then, you can always inquire about corrective eye surgery
once you are old enough.

I'm gonna graduate next year,wich means that if I want to have a future,I'm going to make my application for RMC next year too.I know that I can have eye surgery but my question was a little more precise than this.
Sorry if my English is not that good,I'm francophone and I'm doing my best to be understood.At least, I make the EFFORT of speaking in the other official language.Give me a chance.Can you speak french better than I speak english?
That's completely acceptable.
We will try to answer questions in either language on this board.

MeunierConsole01 said:
Sorry if my English is not that good,I'm francophone and I'm doing my best to be understood.At least, I make the EFFORT of speaking in the other official language.Give me a chance.Can you speak french better than I speak english?

If you had put in your profile that your language was French then I wouldn't have mentioned it. So make the EFFORT of filling out your profile properly.

HH and DA
kincanucks said:
If you had put in your profile that your language was French then I wouldn't have mentioned it. So make the EFFORT of filling out your profile properly.

I've put, in my profil, in the Website line the following :

I'm a francophone :) that can't seem to find french in language option...

French in not include in the language option, and Mike Bobbit confirmed it. Maybe as a newbie he didn't think to put it somewhere...

Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks to George, you can now change the "native" board language to French, simply by editing your profile. (See the "Preferred Language" dropdown list). Up 'til now I'd assumed it was already available... Thanks George!

Note that selecing an alternate language will change all the built-in board messages, but (of course) won't change posts, news items, Wiki pages etc.

À tout à l'heure


Langue:  French  W :o :oT  (but I thout it was "français"! Just kidding!  :D)

Yes, it is possible to change your occupation once you join.
I hope that is the question you meant.

I'm sorry for having to post this but I'm really unsure as to whether or not my visual acuity allows me to go for infantry officer or not.

uncorrected vision = 6/120 for both eyes
best corrected vision = 6/6 for both eyes

Present glasses, right, sphere= -2.75, CYL = -0.50, axis = 180
left, sphere = -2.25, CYL = -0.25, axis=180

Manifest Refraction, right, sphere = -2.75, CYL = -1.25, axis = 180
left, sphere = -3.00, CYL = -0.75, axis = 010

now does this, as I've assumed count me as V4 or not? because uncorrected my eyes really suck, but I have 20/20 with glasses or contacts
Unless it has changed recently:
Yep, your'e V4. If your uncorrected vision is over 6/60 and your sperical equivalent does not exceed + or - 7.00 dioptres.

V4: uncorrected vision - worse than 6/60
      corrected vision - better eye 6/9      other eye 6/60
As long as the refractive error does not exceed plus or minus 7.00 dioptres (+ / - 7.00 D) spherical equivalent in the better eye.

You won't be flying any aircraft soon.
xo31@711ret said:
Unless it has changed recently:
Yep, your'e V4. If your uncorrected vision is over 6/60 and your sperical equivalent does not exceed + or - 7.00 dioptres.

V4: uncorrected vision - worse than 6/60
      corrected vision - better eye 6/9      other eye 6/60
As long as the refractive error does not exceed plus or minus 7.00 dioptres (+ / - 7.00 D) spherical equivalent in the better eye.

You won't be flying any aircraft soon.

Apparently I won't be joining the infantry soon either.

Will talk to CFRC tomorrow to get a for-sure sitrep, also sent in my info to see how much laser eye surgery would cost.

  I tried searching for a answer for this for a while and couldnt find one so I was wondering if anyone here can help me out.  I have astigmatism in my left eye and i was wondering if that will cause a problem for me trying to get into infantry.  I feel i have good eye sight but i would say my left eye is a bit more blurry then my right.  If anyone has any prior experience with this or knows that answer the help would be greatly appreciated.....
You will need to deal with the CFRC to determine what tests are required.  Those results will be submitted to the CFRC's medical review process which will determine your vision category and suitability for various (if any) trades. 
Is there any literature that the Canadian Forces has written on Strabismus?  I am fairly sure last time I was at the eye doctor he diagnosed me with this but said that I had such good control of the problem that I did not need any treatment for the problem.

I have been looking around but all I could find was these requirements for the US military.

(3) Strabismus (378), uncorrectable by lenses to less than 40 diopters or accompanied by diplopia.

(4) Strabismus, surgery (P15) for the correction of, within the preceding 6 months.


I still have another medical issue to get resolved before I even think of applying to the forces, but I am going to the eye doctor soon and I was wondering if there is anything specific he should be looking for.
i would be joining infantry soon
i would really appreciate if someone would translate this into what vision category I belong to like for example if  I'm v1 or v2 or v3 or v4 or v5
thanks in advance : :)

I'm a little confused... is it possible for someone to have worse than 20/200 vision and still have correction to 20/20? I believe my optometrist said that I have worse uncorrected. If this was true, would I still categorize as a V4 or would the 20/20 possibly throw me into V3? I hope I'm at least a V4 - I was hoping to join the infantry or combat engineers but at this point I'd be happy to be in a support trade.