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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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i wear glasses
all my life
i always pass for testing drivers etc.
so i assume i wear glasses for the test to ensure perscription is up to par?
tutorisland said:
i wear glasses
all my life
i always pass for testing drivers etc.
so i assume i wear glasses for the test to ensure perscription is up to par?

Bring your current prescription with you too.

both my eyes are -5.00.

I have a medical test coming up the 23rd and I need at least V3 to be Infantryman.

I ask many recruiter but they couldn't really answer my question. But one of the captain told me that ain't too bad.

so will -5.00 be at least v3 ??

thanks in advance.
Everything you need to know is in this thread.


Two friendly pieces of advice while you read through it:

1. Do not believe everything you are told at the recruiting center, esp when its medical stuff told to you by someone who is not medical.

2. Start looking into trades where the min standard for vision is V4.
with contacts I have better vison the 20/20 my doctor says. Does that give me an advantage to join the infantry ?

uncorrected; -5.00 - can't see too much.
Contacts are a detriment when working in the cbt arms. You ned to wear protectived eyewear anyway.

Besides, regardless of your corrected vision, without researching, my opinion is that your correction is too high to be V3.
Thanks for the reply,

I can only hope I'll be at least a V3.

My eye glasses are -4.25 and I see perfect. I'll guess I'll find out on my medical day if I'll be able to move on with the CF
Not too discourage you,
My prescription is -2.00 and I was bare minimum to get in infantry, I don't remember if it was V3 or V4 but you say it is 3 to get into Infantry, hopefully for you the requirements have changed, if not, I would look into something other than infantry, there are many jobs that have you working in close proximity and somewhat along the same lines.
Good luck
thanks for the reply...

what other trades or jobs i should be looking forward if I'm at risk not getting accepted into the infantry
Wow, apparently I need glasses too.  When I saw the thread title I thought it said "I have 500 eyes, I was going to ask if your Mum was a spider.
Here are the standards, if you have better then 6/60 uncorrected then you are ok.


Also laser surgery, if I am not mistaken, is now accepted as a cure but only certain kinds (LASIK jumps to mind), if you really really want to be infantry this is always on option but you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket, runs about 2000 dollars.
My prescription (before lasik) was -2.75ish. When I enrolled, I squinted and told them the first letter was an E, but the rest was blurry, got me a V3. When I did my medical update, I didn't squint and told them it was a blurry E, and they put me as V4.

LASIK and PRK are acceptable to correct vision, take a look at this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/26417.0.html for more info.
The correction only is part of the equation - it's your distance vision unassisted that makes or beaks V3 vs V4.  The dioptre correction is what determines if you're a V5 or worse, and I've had a few people lately that have had >+/- 7.00 dioptres lately - they will need laser surgery to meet the minimum standard for enrollment. 


Just want a Double check.  after all of what I have read etc, Currently I have a -5.75 Prescription which is pretty damn blind and I am confident I am below 6/60 ( just kinda figured this out on a quick online screening thing... ) so not 100% accurate will check more thoroughly at an Optometrist later.  But Me being 17 and I don't think my Vision has quite stabilized, not sure at least since I got my new prescription only couple months ago but I went unchecked for Year and half give or take since my last eye exam.  So not sure if my Eyes have started to become stable.  With Lasik a decent Option for me but unpractical or just unavailable because of unstable eyes.  But that's not Really my question I have to sort that out for my self =)...

Basically in Short my Question is if I get Classified as a V5 (Uncorrected) say right now and then have Laser surgery would that count or Nullify my Uncorrected Vision?  Or would just having V5 Vision at some time just put a big X through my Name?

I talked briefly to a medical person at the Recruiting center over the phone but couldn't get in detail since she had to leave 30 seconds after I called. 
Once your opthalmologist clears you, you'll be able to apply - you just have to have a note from them with your new refraction.

I'm almost in the same situation then you Evockzi, although not as worse I guess .. I'm 16 and V4 here, wanted to apply as combat engineer. But I got told I couldn't, so ya... applying for supply tech now. Also going to get surgery at 18 or whenever my vision stabilize. And hopefully go back as Combat engineer.

Good luck to all of those with V4+!

I had PRK surgery in late August of this year. I then applied for Pilot as a DEO in September. The CFAT and interview went well, however the fact that I had eye surgery has stalled the process. I will need to have my surgeon sign off on a form that basically says my eyes are stable and that there are no follow up appointments remaining. The Medical Officer told me the norm wait time for this is 6 months (not sure if that's the norm for PRK specifically, or for Lasik as well). When I asked if the 3 month mark was a possibility, I was told not to rush it like that, since afterall these are my eyes we're talking about. He also gave me the impression that the ophthalmologist exam is fairly rigorous on the eyes, and that it may not be best to subject eyes that are still fresh from surgery to it. Disappointing, but it sounded reasonable to me. However when discussing this at the clinic where I had the procedure done, the lady doing the check up on my eyes (not sure what her official title is - she's not the surgeon but does all the pre/post testing) at the most recent follow up appointment, she said she saw no reason why I wouldn't be good to go after 3 months, and that the surgeon would sign it off at that point. She used to work at an ophthalmology clinic and was familiar with the test I would be getting done.

So my question is, has anyone here had PRK surgery and later gone on to do the ophthalmologist exam? If so what was your experience with wait times, and any other suggestions or information would be very appreciated. I don't mean to undermine the advice of the Medical Officer, I'm just excited to keep the process moving and if there's a chance to get it moving in late November vs late February, I would definitely take it.

As an aside, my eyes have improved significantly in these last 2 months, and my left eye is 20/10 and right eye 20/20. They feel great 95% of the time, but every now and then get a little itchy which is solved with some refresh eye drops. I would recommend it to anyone considering it.
I read somewhere that laser eye surgery makes a person ineligible for a pilot position in the CF.