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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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medicineman said:
Your vision can change with age or illness/injury - if that were to happen you could be medically remustered into a different MOS.


Oh alright I guess I never thought of that
Hi I just came from a medical test. I've submitted my optometrists form and I have received a notification that I am registered under the V4 section. I am illegible for V3 occupations.

The jobs I have chosen were a Combat Engineer and Artillery Officer (V3 categories). Now I have to redo my interviews because I have to chose new occupations. This really frustrates me because those are the only occupations that really interests me and what I am good at doing.

I am 18 years old. I was wondering would it be okay if I go for a laser eye correction in a year or two until I have stopped growing.

Would I be legible to reapply and redo my med test?

I am really worried right now and I do not know what to do at the moment... :(

Can anyone help me or give me some ideas of what I can do so that I can be legible for V3 jobs please?
Austinclee said:
This really frustrates me because those are the only occupations that really interests me and what I am good at doing.

So you are an engineer or artillery officer now ?
Hi I just came from
CDN Aviator said:
So you are an engineer or artillery officer now ?
CDN Aviator said:
So you are an engineer or artillery officer now ?
No I am do not a job yet. Well basically I wanted to get into the RMC for my education and I had to join the ROTP (Regular Officer Training Plan) thing. I'm just going through the process or the interviews and the med test. I have succesfully completed my interviews and med test (except the eye test requirement for the jobs I have chosen). Now I have to redo my interviews for new jobs in the V4 section...
Austinclee said:
No I am do not a job yet.

Was just wondering how you could be good at it and never have done it. Good luck with your search for new trades. I know it sucks now but it could be a blessing in the end. This may lead you to a career path you didnt think of and that you will love.
does anyone know the visual minimum requirement for a Siganls Operator? I have 20/40 and 20/35 vision does this meet the requirements?
Can someone transalate the link provided by old medic for me? whats a 3 or a 4 sould you define it in precentage such as 20/40?
You can find all those answers here:
I am a -3.50 and -3.75 would I be able to qualify for service and what is that a V3 or V4
my eyes are -3.50 and -3.75 uncorrected and 20/20 corrected where would I fall under and if I am below a V4 which I think I am what advice is there to better your vision and is thier a chance of being accepted if you are over a V4. I am applying as a Sigs OP if that helps.
I had slightly better vision uncorrected, and 20/15 corrected and was classed as V4 until I had laser eye surgery. I believe you need V4 to be a SigOp unless the standard was changed, I was still allowed to remain in my trade when I was bumped from V3 to V4 a few years back. The only way to know for sure is to apply, the recruiting centre will let you know.
As disscussed with OldMedic many many moons ago.  Here is the link to the "Table of Visual Acuity Standards".  It can be accessed both on the DWAN and through the Internet.  It is a PDF Document so you will require Adobe PDF Viewer to see it.  Generally for Recuriting we only look at the Distance Vision and are not conserned with Near Vision.


*OldMedic/Moderators please feel free to move this post as needed, I wasn't sure if it should be here or over in the Medical Forum.
Since my left eye will probably put me in the V4 category (-2.00 prescription, maybe a tad worse now, so... borderline), should I postpone my upcoming medical exam until after a probable eye surgery?

I've just started taking steps to have one done, with my first evaluation scheduled for Tuesday morning (doing some clinic shopping around Montreal).
So I am wondering if I should just go ahead with the surgery and wait until the doctor I choose says my eyes are stable and recovered instead of taking the Forces medical exam next week only to be told I (probably) don't qualify for the trades I chose because of this left eye of mine.
Fiver said:
Since my left eye will probably put me in the V4 category (-2.00 prescription, maybe a tad worse now, so... borderline), should I postpone my upcoming medical exam until after a probable eye surgery?

-2 isn't that bad, I qualified for V3 and I was about -3.10 in my best eye, corrected vision was 20/15. Worse they can do is say no, then you can reapply after you've had the surgery.
mlabonte said:
Why didn‘t you ask the person who was doing your medical test those questions?  Personaly, and from experience, if you would be disqualified, they would not waste their time interviewing you.  Call them, and ask to talk to the medicals over there. 

That's what I did.  I thought this assumption should always be right.

Today I was shocked after hearing from the medical staff that I am in the V4 category.  I had addressed my concern to the medical staff well in advance and had even explained how I might be wasting time proceeding with my application for AEC.  My application has taken 18 months since the day I applied.
When I finished my aircrew medical I thought I would be notified very soon whether my vision fell in the V3 category, but several more months passed in which I did not obtain any updates.  Only recently was I able to find out they had put me in the V3 category.  How can I admit what I heard today?
PuckChaser said:
-2 isn't that bad, I qualified for V3 and I was about -3.10 in my best eye, corrected vision was 20/15. Worse they can do is say no, then you can reapply after you've had the surgery.

Well then, thanks. I was looking up prescription to fraction to category conversions on this thread here and I guess I'm just too much of a pessimist!
There is such a gap between -2.00 and -2.50, and both are (estimated to be) equivalent to 6/60 which in turns qualifies for V3, I don't know where I got the idea that my uncorrected vision would put me in V4 :x
For those looking for the rating per trade, the link in the initial thread is 404... here's the new link:
Fiver said:
I don't know where I got the idea that my uncorrected vision would put me in V4 :x

Thats why these " my vision is...........what category am i ?" are utterly f*****g useless. The only way to know for sure si to apply and see where the process takes. you.