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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Glasses are allowed in the infantry.  The specifics of your vision category and the trades it may limit you to can only be determined accurately by going through the recruiting process and the medical review.
These two threads;


are kept up to date, not only by myself, but by a number of medics
who frequent the site.  You will find revision dates at the bottom
of each.

I have slight fuzziness involving long distance sight. I can still see people and trees from miles away clearly. Its just a tad unfocused. I dont need my glasses for anything during the day, its just better and more convenient (but i dont use em) to see details or fine print from afar.

my Vision hasnt disallowed me from doing anything.

What would i be? V2?
Trees and people from miles away does not matter...only little letters from 20 ft.

Go get you eyes checked and they will tell you some numbers. Then ask if you are a V1 or V2.
I'm currently trying to get into the Calgary Highlanders as an infantryman.
According to the charts V3 says up to 6/60. Can I assume that means up to and including 6/60? I went today to do my medical and interview. When I did the eye portion of my medical I came up as 20/200 (6/60) in both eyes, corrected I am seeing 6/5 in both eyes. Otherwise both my eyes are healthy, not astigmatism or any other disorders.  According to the Master Warrant Officer that did my medical, I "just made it" as a V3. Due to my eyesight being so borderline, I had to go and get a form filled out by my eye doctor. And have still not heard anything back from the CFRC regarding what category they are willing to put me into and what that entails. I can only assume and hope V3 is the final outcome, if not I'll just have to get my eyes lasered.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Trees and people from miles away does not matter...only little letters from 20 ft.

Go get you eyes checked and they will tell you some numbers. Then ask if you are a V1 or V2.

would a regular eyedoctor be able to classify you in one of these? Is it the same catagories as forces?
no, they will give a number of x/20 or x/6. With those numbers, and the tables at the begining of thread will give you an idea if you are V1 or V2.
Ok, i got a paper from his today on my last visit (like 4 months ago)

My Right eye is: 20/20
My Left eye is: 20/25.

I geuss its not as bad as i thought.. hehe. Is that V2? or V1? Do you think my vision could degrade to V4 within a couple years before i can apply? He gave me glasses but i think they are only for driving/overheads in school. I heard glasses damage your vision slowly anyways?
why do I feel his way talking to you?


You are a V1, see the first post on this thread.
hehe sorry for being lazy. i checked it. just wanted to make sure i was doing it right :P

Thanks for your help. :)
About half a year ago i was told i got a stiggy in one eye.

My vision was 6/6 6/7.5 - The only time i wear my glasses is when i need to read fine wording on a overhead or driving. (just to make it better.) Do you think my vision could possibly go from V1 to V4 within 2 years? I dont like wearing my glasses anymore then usua due to people saying it makes your eyes dependant.
its been over an year process to get into the CAF as an officer. i am re-enrolling. i was released in 91 because my vision no longer met classification requirements in the MARS program. i had eye surgery - twice - last year and was set in getting back in.Then the counsellor guided me to Air-Crew so i had an more in-depth vision check with a civilian optometrist and they say that i am a V4 !
Well, if i hadnt gone for this - would i have been accepted into my original request ? (which didnt need that in-depth eye check).
onlySecond, can i challenge the finding with another opto ?
i just found out that my options are now only Logistics since the counsellor made a mistake and i dont quailify as a Signals officer (said it was shot down by Ottawa) because i dont have an engineering degree (i have a Masters in Educational Technology and i teach now). Could i join the Reserve Signals without that degree and try to transfer later in to Reg Force Signals as an officer ?

Any related info would be greatly appreciated.

i will be 40 years old this month and i just want to get in ASAP and finish what i hadnt finished and serve.
You can keep getting your eyes checked, the cost will be yours however.
PMed has posted the link to trades and vision categories right above your post.
Your medically eligible for anything on that list that is V4.

The rest of your question seems to be about re-musters, which we can't really
answer for you on this board. There is an administration board with a number
of re-muster questions on it.

so ive just had laser eyes surgery, and just had my follow up test with my eye doctor, he says im 20/20 and about 20/40 in my bad eye. ive just applied for signal operator and infantry although i figuire im a V4. my question is whether the eye exam is on only central vision, because ive been told i have a blind spot from suffering a detached retina as a kid, i dont see the blind spot and they say my mind has adapted and fills in the blanks. Also my central vision may be able to scrape out 20/40 but my peripheral vision isnt so clear, ive read the eye exam is reading the distance chart and close up at a few distances, obviously when i disclose my detatched retina and sclera buckle, theyll take a closer look at my eyes, would it include more tests on different aspects of my vision or will they take 20/40 central and leave it at that?
Kincanucks shoots himself in the eyes after reading another post in this thread from someone who thinks they are posting to an opthamologist's website.
well i definately feel better knowing those bullets didnt stop until they blew out the back of ur head. ive had alotta help on this site from a number of different people who im am indebted to. If u dont have an answer dont bother trying to provide one.