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University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

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I still haven' t recieved an offer or a non-selection message.  I've counted 14 acceptance messages so far for the Marlant area, and a bunch of non-acceptance messages as well.  I applied for CELE-Air, and LogO and have seen only one person accepted for LogO so far.  I looked on an intranet site, and the FAQ's said that secondary offers could take up to three months to put out.  The first messages I saw out were on the 22nd of March.  Hopefully we'll both get  messages soon and hopefully they'll both be acceptance messages. 
The last of the non-acceptance messages seem to have come out today, so if you havn't seen anything check the DWAN this morning.
Bringing this thread back to life. 

I only received "verbal" feedback that I was not picked up, which is cool it just means I have to beef up my application for next year.  Are there formal messages that come out stating member x was no selected for this and that reason?  Also, for those who applied, did you get an acknowledgment that D MIL C received your application?



Edit:  Spelling
ubergeek_123 said:
Bringing this threat back to life. 

I only received "verbal" feedback that I was not picked up, which is cool it just means I have to beef up my application for next year.  Are there formal messages that come out stating member x was no selected for this and that reason?  Also, for those who applied, did you get an acknowledgment that D MIL C received your application?

There is always a non-acceptance message sent.  The reasons given are somewhat vague, but do tell you if you were not a competitive candidate, or if there was another reason (insufficient positions, etc.).

If you have suspicions that the nomination package didn't make it on time, it would have went under cover of a DND 728 Document Transit and Receipt, so you would be able to find out when it was received at the appropriate authority.

By the way, it's "thread", not "threat".
ha!  I guess spell check doesn't pick up incorrectly used words!

At this point I am a bit suspicious as to whether my package made it on time and was therefore not in the running.  I have made unofficial inquiries through CFSU(O) contacts to check the CR for my name and nothing seems to come up.  I will track down the 278 at my UOR and go from there.

Thanks for the help,

I am currently looking into UTPNCM. I hope to be enrolled in UNB for the fall of 2011 for a degree in Sociology. I just had my first appointment with the PSO yesterday afternoon. The idea I had when I first submitted the memo to my chain of command was to OT to Military Police. But, after looking at my pers file and seeing my original score for the aptitude test, she suggested that I apply for UTPNCM. I think this is a great idea. There have been many reflective moments where, hindsight being 20/20, I wish that I had joined as an officer in the first place. I sometimes wondered how difficult it was to change from NCM to Officer and even ventured to ask advice from quite a few people.

I am currently an ACS Tech and have come to the realization that after being in this trade for 10+ years, it is no longer what I want to do. After many years of working as a civilian before joining the military, going from job to job, I've always had the regret that I didn't apply myself in high school and then go on to university. Now, I really hope that this opportunity presents itself, because I will most definitely take it. Having become an Aircraft Structures Technician as a civilian, I have a transcript of marks from SAIT in Calgary in the Aircraft Structural Repair And Overhaul Technician course from 99/00 in which I had an overall GPA of 2.88. I sent a copy of my transcript to the  Sociology Department at UNB with hopes that they will afford me at least 2 university credits so that I may enter the competition for Officer Selection this coming fall.

Do any of you have any advice that you can pass on to make this whole transition and process thereof any easier?

Thanks in advance.
I can't help with any of the military stuff transition wise but - I can help a bit with the transition to school-life as an adult. I had several years where I was "working for the man" so to speak and then decided to go from college to university. I felt the same sort of 'regret' you did about not applying myself more in highschool. The plain, simple truth is ... most people don't apply themselves in highschool. They're too busy with their teenage-angst or hanging with their buds...

In fact, I considered myself lucky that I graduated college (which is further than anyone in my family has ever done) and was 'satisfied' with that. However, when I had a few years in of 'real-world', I realised I was capable of even more so I began to go to school part-time while working. Eventually, I went full-time as an 'older learner'. Sad when being 28 classifies you as an older learner, eh? Anyways, it felt weird at the beginning but if you work hard and take your schooling one class at a time, you'll get through it. Some classes are harder than others. You may even find yourself in a class that you had 'no-choice' to take just to find out it's a subject you adore and it could change the course of your whole degree! If anything, you may actually appreciate your university experiences now that you are older and will have a perspective that younger students don't have... you have the life experiences and the ability to see where your classroom experiences can help you in the real-world now.

If for some reason you can't get into the officer selection for this fall, don't stop there. Maybe take a course part-time and gradually work towards your degree. It took me eight years to do four years but in the end, it's a great feeling knowing you accomplished something you may never have thought you could.

Good luck with everything!

The reason that I am really hoping to be selected for UTPNCM is because I am currently the only one working in my family since we just got posted here from Cold Lake in January and my wife hasn't been able to secure any work as of yet. We also have a 14 month old daughter. I must continue paying the bills and cannot afford to pay for these course out of pocket. I know that upon successful completion of these courses, I would be reimbursed, but just can't afford it on my own.
I recently completed my application (DEO) for 3 officer trades, which have recently been closed. It is possible for me to enroll in a NCM trade, and later transfer to an officier trade, considering I already have my university degree ?

And if that is possible, what would be the procedure to do so ?

I'm not sure which of the many topics covering this subject I should "merge" this to. 

I'll figure tht out later.
I would caution that anyone thinking of joining as and NCM with the intent to become an officer later needs to do some research and think long and hard on that.  It is not as easy as many seem to think.  It is certainly NOT a case of "Well, you already have a degree and now wish to become an officer?  Here is your commission."  It doesn't seem to work that way at all.  My experience (and that of many I have talked to) is that it is far easier to become an officer off the street, than it is to get into one of the NCM commissioning programs.  The NCM commissioning programs are very competitive and seem to have a much more limited number of spaces available than the ones available through the recruiting centre.  I don't want to get into the debate of whether this is right or wrong.  It just happens to seem to be the reality of it.
To add to what Pusser said, I know of 4 officers in my unit that were comissioned from the ranks.  Two left to join the Navy (one going from Captain to Leading Seaman), and 2 just stopped showing up all together and as far as I know have quit.  I'm sure there's some that have stuck around, but it just strikes me as odd.
I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. A decade + in a tech trade, knew I had to do something different before I stated hating my job.

With the 2 credits needed for applying, OPME's are your friends. Free (check that, I think they are still free), can be done night school or correspondence, not overly difficult for a start back to school as an adult.

Your CFAT scores are just the begining however. You will need the support of your Chain of Command, in that you need good (if not great) PER's and as part of the application process, your CO writes a letter as to your suitability to be an officer.

If you have any specific questions about things, send me a PM or email.

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